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"The Horsey Set Enjoys Puking, Diet Pills, and Diuretics"...

Email me and I’ll get a copy of it to you? I don’t think I can post it, but I can probably email copious amounts of “quotes” to you if you want.

-Another poor college student looking for something to do tonight instead of studying

And, ETBW - Why, why, WHY can’t I show in Virginia?! Argh - down here we have Cheez-its and lukewarm Mt Dew on a good day!

Swift’s Injuries: 4 Major, 21 Minor, 9 XRays. Injuries to rider: 6.

I’d love to read the article too, if someone doesn’t mind sending it: jcsmith@ualberta.ca

I second what Megan said, and I also agree that exercise is the best way to lose weight. You’d be surprised how much of a difference walking can make. If possible, walk to school, work, the grocery store, instead of driving. Or bike. After I got my license I drove everywhere–it’s part of the novelty but now I’m, gasp, carless. I walk 50 mins to and fro class every day, I ride my bike to my horse (20 mins) or at least walk to the bus stop.

Another awesome dieting strategy is to not eat (much) after 6 pm. That’s when you’re probably least active and your metabolism slows down and the calories add up. Since I live in dorms we eat at 5:30 and even if I’m hungry later I’m too lazy to go down to the caf and get something to eat-I just keep crackers and fruit and soup in my room. It’s been 3 weeks and I’ve lost 5 lbs without really doing anything.

P.S. Robby please don’t generalize. I’m 5’9" and 125 lbs (and a size 28 in breeches!), but I’m very fine boned and that’s a good weight for me. It’s like those machines where you plug in your height and they tell you how much you’re supposed to weigh–it just doesn’t work like that.

And Jr*, don’t worry about your weight. I take it that you’re younger; your body is probably in a funny stage right now and your real body type most likely won’t materialize for a few years. As the “skinniest girl in the barn” I used to cry because my legs were sticks and guys went for the girls with boobs and they teased me for being “flat.” It sucked. Thank goodness things have changed–I’ll never be “well endowed” but I appreciate myself just the same. Remember there is no such thing as the perfect figure.

“The question is not can they speak or can they reason, but can they suffer?”

I emailed my thoughts via their rant link -
This is what I wrote

I am entirely offended by the headline on your cover about how the horsey set “enjoys” bingeing and purging. First of all, anyone who binges and purges is NOT ENJOYING THEMSELVES. Secondly what a horrible generalization of a group of people that are for the most part wonderful, caring, and supportive. I can’t tell you how many stories I’ve heard from people who thought horses were their saving grace.
Secondly, my experience. I was a FAT rider. I was (and still am truly overweight). Although I knew I could do better if I were thinner (being overweight effects both your balance and position), I never was told to lose weight. In highschool, my self esteem took a beating at school - I’d never be popular or a cheerleader because I was fat, but guess what? When I left school to go to the barn, my esteem soared, my friends there, both fat and skinny supported me and cheered me on and I them. A crappy day being picked on at school was quickly forgotten when I nailed a 3’ oxer or a tricky combination. The weekends when I knew I wasn’t invited to parties weren’t so bad when I knew I had a horseshow to go to. Who cares if I lost a ribbon here or there because I was fat… I always left the ring to applause, and I did win my share.
Yeah, nothing beats a tall skinny girl in the eq, but boy, nothing beats an awesome rider in the jumpers. Yes, there maybe some people with eating disorders in the show ring, but they are also on our track teams, gymnastic teams, drama clubs and basketball teams. The majority of young women involved in riding are improving there lives immensley. They are learning how to win and lose with grace, how to deal with adversity, and how to have a bond with something so intense that you will never understand it.
You owe every young girl who ever won a ribbon, or dreamed of showing a HUGE apology.

…I also posted a picture of my, well, rotund behind jumping a jump…

Ride it Like You Stole It…

Jane meant the shit to be “yay yay” super cool. I think Heidi was tryin to be funny and express her opinions on george being a jerk.

Agreed Midge! Forget copies of the article… I want copies of ETBW’s recipes!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>George, a former judge, says he would “absolutely” take points from the heavier rider if two people were equally skilled in competition. … Later, George tells me, “I hope you don’t water down my quotes like you people do, soften it up and whitewash it…” <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You know, I’d bet good money that if the above was indeed a direct quote from George, then he most likely said it in good humor…knowing the “reputation” he has out there.

I must admit, I’m now curious to read the article. I checked out the magainze when it first came out, thought it was…umm, “crappy”, and never picked up another copy again. BTW, isn’t the magazine named after Jane-something…she used to have a tv talk show?

Strapping George Morris down, and force-feeding him like a goose for foie gras, until he weighs 300 lbs…

please raise your hands, or alternatively, shake your ghetto booties.


Why is it that GM expects mature females to look like adolecent boys? There ‘is’ a gender difference. It’s like starving a bulldog QH and expecting to get a TB out of it. Sorry won’t happen. Does he really like seeing riders faint?

Do a search - the author posted both here and the USCTA board and rec.equestrian looking for input. I emailed with her a bit and will get the article at B&N today.

As someone who suffered from an anxiety disorder that prevented me from eating much (not horse related) I can tell everyone what I’ve learned …
being thin does not equal being healthy. I firmly believe GM encourages everyone to be athletic and trim. Not anorexic. An athlete who watches their diet and exercises will always look better aesthetically, but will also be more capable of riding correctly. If you are 5’9" and healthy, it’s highly unlikely you’re going to weigh 125lbs.

See your doctor and learn what a good weight for you is.

I am 6’0" and at the height of my issues I weighed 148 lbs. I was VERY thin. I went to the doctor yesterday and did a major Homer Simpson when I weighed and tipped the scales at 187! A good range for me is 170-175. Obviously I am taking steps to get to that weight, because it is where I need to be to maintain optimal blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.

Jr* … a bowl of rice and 8 glasses of water is NOT a healthy diet, sweetie. I admire your determination, but this sort of fad dieting is precisely what Esther was trying to expose in her article. You need to see a physician about beginning a sensible, correct weight loss program.


Being out of touch for some time I came on today and saw this sitting there and thought to myself after reading this, have some people forgotten that our sport has a verry thick carpet of lies and seacrets? When I opend up the article I saw there a long article that I half to say I did not get insulted one bit nor upset me. Ill half to read it again before I compleatly comprehend it cause I read it so fast but thats besides the fact. If I was to write the article I would have put the same stuff in. It made me cry to read the opening paragraph and read about Shelly. She reminds me of myself. I guess cause we are the same person. Instead of blirbing on about this whole issue I just want to say one thing… If this in front of any of you was a bunch of BS do you think a magazine like Jane would take the liability to publish it? NONE OF THIS IS A JOKE OR A BUNCH OF LIES!

With one note there is a correction Im not native to Texas, native to Conn. and that is where the whole story started. But it could have happend anywhere. I do now though consider myself a Texan cause here I began a new life.

I REALLY dislike Jane.

We used to have copies hanging around in the staff room at my old work. I remember trying to read a few of the articles and finding that they were for the most part, brainless and fickle.

I haven’t read the article in question, but I’m pretty sure it is one-sided and inflammitory.

But hey, if they mention the COTH BB, then they can’t be THAT bad

It’s a lot like nuts and bolts - if the rider’s nuts, the horse bolts!
~The Horse Whisperer

I bought the magazine, and can tell you that I won’t be again for a long time. What a trashy piece of… well… trash! Did anyone notice that, after the mag finished berating girls with eating disorders, about 20 pages later, there’s a model wearing a (horrendously ugly) wool dress, with legs like freakin’ toothpicks?!? No joke. They shouldn’t cross lines the way they did in the horsey article if they are going to run ads like that. That’s not to say that eating disorders aren’t a very serious and dangerous presence in the horse world, but they could have written a much better article that didn’t make it sound like ALL riders “enjoy” puking, etc.


I have not seen this article, but a riding friend of mine says that it refers to George as “the sh!t” of the riding world.

1824 ROCKS!!! Their customer service is #1, and I will never lose enough weight so that I couldn’t shop there.

Ride it Like You Stole It…

How old am I when the word ‘shit’ has evolved into a compliment? I suppose I’m now ‘old school’.

(I can see it now, this thread will now degrade to a raging debate about the origin and definition of the word, ‘shit’.)

On many issues, and specifically as it relates to body image, and factoring in the fact that girls have a hard enough time combating these social pressures without having to confront the same conceits and standards in their chosen sport/hobby, George Morris is the worst thing to have been unleashed onto the sport.

I tried to find the artical on Jane’s website, but I guess they don’t talk to Mac computers.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by heelsdown:
Oh, go ahead and raise that schooling fence a little higher, use a metal pole for the top rail, it’ll teach your horse to be more careful when he nicks it. Of course it MAY be the last think he ever does, poor bugger, gee, he was nice horse, just didn’t learn his lesson… DOA<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lets NOT go there again! That whole incident was blown way out of porportion back then, mostly by people who didn’t have all the facts. Those who know GM knew how devastated he was, and yes, it was a freak accident.

Please email me a copy of the article.


Thank you! I tried to get it here in Utah and they don’t have the October issue out yet.

I haven’t read the article. Perhaps I will while in line at the grocery store tonight.

Is it presumptious of me to think it might be tongue in cheek?