"The Horsey Set Enjoys Puking, Diet Pills, and Diuretics"...


As someone who’s been called anorexic a thousand times, I present this from that standpoint. You don’t need a specific body type to be a good person/rider, whatever. These magazines are supposed to be promoting self-esteem for girls, and I just find it tiring that they keep promoting the bad parts of every industry. I work in the media, and in terms of eating disorders, if it’s not fashion models, it’s gymnasts, if it’s not gymnasts it’s riders, and if it’s not that it’s crazy parents of beauty-pageant girls.
Upon reading the article I can see where it’s coming from. I’ve got a few friends with anorexia and it can get scary. I DO believe in promoting awareness of this - so I’ll admit that this article had a purpose, and the sources were all credible. These aren’t backyard trainers, they’re George Morris and Allen Balch and so forth. However, what I don’t like is the way they promoted it.

Send me a copy. Trixie@erols.com

[This message was edited by Trixie on Sep. 12, 2001 at 01:15 AM.]

Someone said they WISHED they could fit into 26 TS breeches. Now, do TS (I’m a DQ so I don’t know) fit differently? Most of my breeches are 26s and I’m 5’7-1/4" and around 135-140 - not overweight, but hardly emaciated (I would like to lose a few lbs, but I’d still wear a 26). If size 26 in breeches is the ideal, then I think there are even fewer purging and binging types out there - no need!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sandy M:
do TS (I’m a DQ so I don’t know) fit differently? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, they run slightly smaller than the other brands. My height and weight are similar to ICKYtation, and while I’m a 24 in all other brands, I’m more comfortable in the 26 in the TS.

I’m away from my computer for the weekend and can’t send anything out. If you would email me (email in profile) I can send out a big mass email when I get back… Or, I can just search the topic and hope I’ve got everyone - I think I might have sent Jo two copies already, but she might still want a third

Swift’s Injuries: 4 Major, 21 Minor, 9 XRays. Injuries to rider: 6.

I know I’m late on this, but could I have a copy? E-mail: Thoroughlybred@aol.com. Thanks.

Laura & Uno

They have a website… The girl on the cover looks emaciated, and I’m sure they accept advertisers from companies using emaciated models… Please, copy me an email with quotes from the article.

Ride it Like You Stole It…

You got it straight.

There is a place for the beauty pageant and it’s not in the horse show ring.

I’m just kind of stressed (why, why do I have to go to school???)! Also, I kind of want to move up another level and I’ll be allowed to if I slim down…that sounds SO bad, doesn’t it? I love my horses, I even love my trainer, but sometimes the stuff that comes out of my mouth, err, keyboard is really messed up. BTW, GM is the Sh!t (ok, I’m so scared of him, and he’d probably go tell me to take a couple of labs in a rubber suit around a sauna, but I just idolize him)

I’m peeing out all 24 oz. actually, your trainer might be too old for gandpappy…he’s so good with the kids…

For those who wish to express their dislike of the article and the exaggerations, I’d suggest emailing Jane Pratt.

Go to this link and send your feedback to her.


ANNOYED with that E-mag. Looks like someone trying so hard to be cool and “fit in” that it just looks pathetic…
Anybody else turned off by the “humor”?
As for the article, I havent read it.
Speaking from personal experience, I have never been too “small” in fact, I often joke that I left the womb at least 5’
I’ve put on some…ugh…extra luggage since college and it does bother me, but I still think i’m a great, effective rider…lard-@$$ or not.
I agree with whomever said “Whoever is binging and purging is NOT enjoying themselves”
I can speak from very strange personal experience…I’ve been called bulemic from more doctors than I could shake a stick at because I suffer from a VERY strange malady that involves SEVERE acid reflux (yep, I’ve tried all the meds…) and um…this is gross…
regurgitation of about 60% of my food.
Every new doctor tries to convince me to see a shrink instead of a gastro specialist.
I’m sure more than a few of the people reading this know that throwing up is UNGLAMOROUS, disgusting and can ruin your teeth, ruin your esophogus and lead to cancer.
Alright, looks like I’ve wandered off course with this…
Anyhow…I’d like to read the article, but I wont give them the satisfaction of banking my 3 bucks.

Could someone send me a copy too? I can’t seem to find the magazine anywhere. Thanks! seseidman@yahoo.com

I think this article is very wrong… about a lot of factual stuff. If they thing 350$ is a lot for breeches, boots, chaps (which i’m not sure why you need at a show), and a jacket, they are out of their mind. I hope someone mails them a copy of the thread, I am going to be writing them and tell them my mind.


Im 5’5 and 118lbs…why the heck can’t i fit into anything less than a 28?

I am the Zone 12 Clique!!!

“No more shows, no more shows!”

I went over to my local Border’s bookstore and read the article.

So proclaims the latest cover of JANE magazine. I just swiped the magazine from my roommate so I haven’t read the article yet, but judging from the captions and bolded sections, it gives the impression that the majority (it includes excpetions the the “rule”) of equestriennes are involved in swaping purging tips in the tack room.

I’ll admit - I’m totally naieve on this kind of thing. Is this an accurate judge of riders (not in general, but of a significant set of them) etc? Basically, I’m just shocked to see it mentioned in a regular publication like JANE… thanks -

Swift’s Injuries: 4 Major, 21 Minor, 9 XRays. Injuries to rider: 6.

May I please have a copy, too?


thank you!

“You’re only young once, but you can remain immature indefinitely.”

Could I get a copy as well? My email is erburlingham@voyager.net JANE irks me on a regular basis, I don’t like to waste my money.

~~Erin B~~
Have you hugged your horse today?

And do it because it will prolong your life! I’ve been exercising regularly for about 3 months now, and I cannot tell you how much better I feel. I walk 3 miles about 4x per week (up and down hills, with my Jack Russells … we pretend we’re getting ready for a three day), and use my Bowflex machine 3-4x per week as well. I’m making changes to my diet, but not radically so. I’ve probably not lost any weight, but my body shape looks different. Particularly my upper torso, which is becoming much more musculuar.

Muscle does weigh more than fat. Remember that when you begin to exercise. As a woman, too, it’s important that you exercise to increase bone density, as this will begin to diminish as you age.

By working your muscles, and making them lean, you WILL burn fat. And, yes, boobs can weigh a lot. I will tell you that I have had several friends who’ve had breast reduction surgery and swear by it. Of course, they were HUGE and were beginning to have real issues like back aches, etc. I’m certainly NOT encouraging you to go under the knife, but do remember that it could be an option if you begin to experience negative health problems due to being top heavy. Do talk to your doctor about it!

The most important lesson in all of this, to me, is to be the best you can be, and be who you are. No one can ever take your joy away from you unless you let them.


<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>It’s actually, “…and he’s pretty much thought of as the sh!t of the show-jumping world…” <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

But an impeccably well-turned out and skinny shit he is.

I’m no fan of George Morris but isn’t it sad that of all that he’s contributed to the horse world, he’ll be known forever in the minds of unsuspecting civilians as the ‘shit of the show jumping world’. And given his directives to the writer to keep the nasty commentary in the article, it seems a reputation he’s quite happy to nurture and encourage. The shit.