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The inconvenient heart horse

Cutter99 is spot on with this.

The suggestion of blasting the owner all over Facebook is horrifying. These animals did not belong to any of the judgmental posters here, including the OP.


You’ve no idea what is actually going on. Try showing some compassion to someone who is going through some stressful stuff you do know about, and who knows what you don’t know about. This public shaming of people, the whole putting it on Facebook to blow up thing, horrifies me. There is no welfare issue if a horse is put down.

Do you eat meat? Wear leather? Animals die before before the end of their natural lifespan all the time because it conveniences the people who want to use the end product. Do you intend to go rescue all the farm livestock too?


That was my first thought as well.


It was B that changed the deadline dates - not C. She was not asked to change it - she just did so based on her own schedule - nothing to do with C. They were communicating about all of this.

How on earth did you think I inserted myself into “this woman’s life”? I am confused. We know each other and I know/knew the horses. C and I prepared a nice new pen and deep, cozy shelter for the 3 who were coming… and even sent pics of all the preparations to B.

And to answer those who are quick to judge C for truck and trailer not being ready to go instantly - without knowing the circumstances - as I said in the original posts, when it rains, it pours. While C juggled farrier appointments/commitments around, she got the trailer checked out as per her usual safety percautions and the brakes needed some work. The check engine light came on in the truck as she was coming back from the trailer repair place. So that needed to be checked out. All of that was a bit delayed due to lack of staff at the repair shops. B was well aware of that.

And WE WERE AHEAD OF THE DEADLINE… which would have been tomorrow. C was going to pick them up on the 16th. The deadline was the 20th.

How difficult/awkward it must have been for that vet who got their health certs and Coggins done and was then asked to come back and euthanize them. As of last night, she apparently talked to the BO where her remaining mini is boarded and said they were PTS and she could not watch. Her husband told the BO that they had found them good, “perfect” homes and even gotten some $$$ for them - not knowing what B had already said. All photos of the horses have been pulled from her Facebook page.


I can tell you, with confidence, that my trailers (of which I have had several, both horse and flatbed) have never needed brake work so badly that they were not drive-able. For them to be in that bad of shape shows neglect.

At any rate - the horses are no longer you or C’s problem. They’re gone, one way or the other.

It sure would have been bad with the trailer issue and then the truck issue if one of C’s existing horses had an emergency… it’s good she has all her equipment working now.


This comment confuses me.

Am I reading the OP wrong? To me it read like C was telling B about the truck/trailer problems so B would then extend the deadline. So yes, technically B is who changed the deadline, but it was because C was having problems getting there.

This part makes me think even more that there is more to this story. That question on if B’s husband is abusive seems very relevant.

Edit to add: I do understand why this is very upsetting for you. It sounds like a very sad situation for everyone.


As someone else said, I bet they were sold or given to someone else and B does not want anyone to know. Just a feeling I have. Check out the local rescues, auctions. They may show up there.


Blasting the owner all over Facebook? WTH? No such thing happened - or will happen. Neither C or I would do anything that stupid or juvenile.

Again - you are jumping all over me without knowing all the details. You already blasted us for moving deadlines etc when that was not what happened - but whatever.

B knows me, knew that I was helping C prepare a place for the minis and that I could fit them in here in the meantime (but we got everything ready there), knows my BO and the farm, Heart Horse was/is of my BO’s breeding lines, his sire is still here happy in his retirement (27 years old), B stopped by to visit him this past summer… etc.

I called B calmly (I made sure of that - and it was hard) to say that we had everything set up and ready for the horses and C was looking forward to picking them up the next day… and she hung up on me. I did not tell her to DO anything. I was very VERY careful about that. But you know better, I guess. And because I cared and tried to help… I am now a villain.


B changed the deadlines based on her schedule for moving into their new house and when the movers were coming. The truck and trailer repairs were not part of that - C just wanted her to know what was going on - as a friend would share. All that was resolved. C was arriving on the 16th (Tuesday). The deadline set by B was the 20th (Saturday).


OK, so the deadline was not a deadline it was more of a scheduled day? In other words, C was supposed to come on Saturday and called to say they were coming on Tuesday instead?

It is hard for me to wrap my head around someone giving a deadline and then being upset about someone coming early. That is why I ask. Maybe B was busy on Tuesday.

Who said it was not driveable??!! A brake issue was discovered in the safety check - and C opted to have it attended to then as the trailer was there being checked out and the haul to and from B’s place involves lots of hills. You are assuming neglect and lack of use where there is none.

I am glad that others have apparently never had a check engine light come on in their truck or had any other minor issues to address when you least expected it. Again, all that was resolved. C would have been able to borrow our trailer - except that our BNT had borrowed it for a haul to Texas and it will not be back until next week.

It was a bit of a so-called “perfect storm”. :pensive:


Well, ok. But you can’t be mad at B about that.

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Smoofox, you seem very invested in casting B as the villain in your story. She may be. Or she may be a person that deserves some grace & understanding, as at the very least, her life looks to have changed a great deal recently and, as someone who isn’t a very close friend or relative, you have no idea what the details may be.

There are far worse things for any horse than a kind end. Needing a considerable amount of time to arrange hauling for little horses that could fit in the back of a minivan is, indeed, a bit concerning.

In the end, what’s done is done and putting B on blast reflects poorly on you. Kindness is always a virtue. Presumably B wouldn’t be in your circle of friends at all if she were as terrible as you paint her here. So perhaps recognize that there’s much about this that you don’t know that could explain this course of events in a way you wouldn’t find so distasteful.


Sorry to be so confusing… no, B’s changing deadlines were the Absolute Last Possible Day the horses could be picked up. Anything else prior to that was doable. C made B aware this past weekend that she would likely be there early this week (B was fine with that and reminded her of the deadline on the 20th) - no later than Wednesday - and then on Monday confirmed it would be Tuesday. As I said in the OP, B was fine with that… and saying how much she would miss Heart Horse etc. Then a few hours later… not.

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Thanks, Simkie - for your insight and thoughts.

Others are casting C and I as the villains here - with little to no idea of the details over the past couple of weeks or C’s friendship and mentoring of B over the years.

I am not seeing her as a villain per se or being terrible … so much as I am frustrated and saddened by the stated fact that the horses were no longer “convenient” or wanted and were a bother… and the inexplicable turn of events. And that when help was offered and accepted that it would be rejected at the last moment… in such an abrupt way.

B’s friends have been alarmed and worried for the horses.

I have not mentioned this to anyone in RL - beyond my BO when I asked when our trailer might be back and if C could use it to pick the horses up if needed. And I mentioned it here anonymously by way of asking if we were wrong to be upset about this situation. Apparently some feel we were not only wrong, but evil, negligent villains and bullies.

We tried to help. We cared. :slightly_frowning_face:

I know there are worse things than a kind end - and I hope Heart Horse and his girls slipped away peacefully. I do not believe they were sold or a new home was found for them in the space of a couple of hours on Monday night. And I also worry that there was some pressure put on B by her husband. We may never know… but yes, what’s done is done.

I might have been able to get this done back when B first hinted at this outcome…and our trailer was still onsite… except for a “minor” inconvenience called knee surgery. All the timing was just… sadly wrong.


You can sleep at night knowing you did what you could and the final answer here is not a problem you made.


About what? Truck and trailer repairs? Why would I be mad at her about that?
~ confused ~

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About the “perfect storm” of equipment failures/lack of availability that made it so C couldn’t get the minis immediately.


I was not “mad” at her about that - how so? We were still well within the deadlines that B set. C and B were communicating about the plans/updates almost daily.


I’m saying that it all could have been different without that delay.

But you can’t be mad at B about that, as it was entirely not in her bubble.