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The inconvenient heart horse

Now you are a villain? Smoofox, please try to contain the drama and be more sensible. Based upon your original post and follow up comments it was suggested by a reader on this thread that you blast the owner of the minis on social media. I’m glad you’re not going to go further with the criticism of the owner, because frankly, this thread is more than enough.


I’m really confused as to why euthanizing a sick/ lame/ problem horse is being equated euthanizing a horse that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with and could live a perfectly happy and healthy life. Those are not the same.

We should all just euthanize our perfectly healthy horses if we cannot take care of them anymore? Just to avoid a totally hypothetical neglect situation? What a load of BS. If that’s the case what’s the point of rescues? In fact why sell horses at all? Just because the horse doesn’t work for your life doesn’t mean it won’t work perfectly well for somebody else.

This may be just my opinion, but as a horse owner I think it’s my job to raise my horse well enough that if anything were to ever happen to me, she could have a job doing something else.


People do think like this.

Where I worked there were 5 school horses.

Tommy - Suffolk Punch x Arab who she won a gold medal on in Grand Prix at the Masters Games.

Bravo - Percheron x Arab who was trained to Medium.

Hughie- 16 hh Buckskin trained to Elementary.

Marky - Show Champion and

Remi kids pony who was also a Show Champion.

They were all owned by Mrs Gould who had lessons with Franz Mairinger.

They were leased to my employer Barabara who was now running the Riding School.

If anything happened to Barabara the horses were supposed to be put down, not sold or let someone else take over the riding school with them as the school horses.

It is the only way to make sure that they do not suffer in someone’s hands.


That’s HILARIOUS. I love that you think good rescues are common enough & all seem to have space to take in every single unwanted horse out there. And that every horse donated to a rescue goes on to have a pleasant life.

Your ignorance on both the prevalence of good rescues & their capacity is impressive!


There ARE tons of great rescues and they typically give priority to healthy horses and extra priority to healthy AND safe horses. There’s a lot of misconceptions about rescue horses (and other animals) because people just want to think that there’s something wrong with them all but that’s rarely the case.

There’s also a stigma around surrendering because people think that that makes them a failure but there are plenty of cases where that could be the best thing for the animal and there shouldn’t be any shame in that. If YOU knew what you were talking about you wouldn’t be perpetuating that stereotype.

Those healthy and sane horses are the ones that keep rescues afloat. It’s true most don’t want to adopt the older, higher maintenance, or lame horse which is why I will never judge anyone for euthanizing that horse. But most people who walk in are looking to adopt a “normal” horse so the rescues are pretty happy to take in those ones.

If you have a healthy safe horse, and you can no longer care for it, reach out to a legitimate reputable, non profit rescue. Their job is to rehabilitate, their job is to vet adopters, their job is matching the right horse with the right people. Is it a guarantee that nothing bad will ever happen to your animal? No, but your odds are pretty dang good.

If anything happens to me and nobody in my circle wants to take my mare, my family knows which rescue to call and I know they would take her immediately and they’d find her a great home.

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I feel like a villain from some replies - and I did ask for comments so that is okay… but if you really want drama, I can oblige. Only… that is a waste of time. The OP is about as much drama as I can muster. I have more than enough of that this past week, thanks. This sad affair and knee surgery that has apparently not worked is quite enough.

I have no intentions of blasting B anywhere - and never said I would. I vented some frustration here. Her circle of friends are alarmed enough. There is nothing on this thread that can pinpoint B or her location to anyone who does not know those involved - I carefully left out any such “clues”. I even went back and edited out a couple of other things. The narrative stayed the same - none of that changed.

B is not B and C is not C and I am not smoofox. Neither B or C - or any of that group follow COTH in any way.


Aw, thanks for doing that. What a pretty, well-cared for boy for those last 7 years. :kissing_heart:


I am going to stand right by everything I have posted here and tell you once again- you are wrong.

You called this woman. She did not call you.

C could not come up with a way to transport 3 minis for many, many days. That alone would make me think someone in this situation is over faced, and it is not B.

This woman is going through more than either you and C seem to be capable of understanding for some reason.

They were not your horses at any point during any of this.

If she euthanatized the horses, she was well within her right to do so, and in the end, it is none of your business.

And who cares if it were awkward for the vet who pulled the Coggins and health certificate??? I would assume you were not privy to that conversation, as well as the fact that is none of your business. Just like it is absolutely none of your business if B was there for the euthanasia process or not.

If B and her husband do not want people to know what THEY did with THEIR horses, it is no one’s business. Quit stalking her social media! If they are telling 2 different stories, who can blame them! It is none of your business what she did with them!

One of the reasons this makes me angry is because I am “that” friend. I am the friend who gets called when a horse, or any other animal, needs to be put down, but the owner cannot be there for it. I am the one who holds them for the vet because I can. I understand others cannot do that, and it is not my place to judge anyone who has to make that decision for whatever reason.

Just like it is not your job to judge B. Yet you saw it necessary to post about it here.


Sadly, no.

I have been all about rescue for years – horse and dog. Both make me uncomfortable anymore for many reasons. Horse rescue is particularly fraught. I have personally dealt with enough ugly stories that I just don’t want to be a part of that anymore. Better they have a peaceful end.

I have an “inconvenient heart horse.” Two, in fact. Neither are rideable anymore. I also board – which makes “inconvenient” a wee bit more than that.


I am going to stand right by everything I have posted here and tell you once again- you are wrong.

You called this woman. She did not call you.

We have talked abut the horses many times in the past and she knew I was helping to get them here. It is not as if I had zero to do with any of this - far from it.

C could not come up with a way to transport 3 minis for many, many days. That alone would make me think someone in this situation is over faced, and it is not B.

Overfaced? You are passing judgement on people you do not know. No, she was not overfaced. Communication between B and C was ongoing. B may have been overfaced and overwhelmed with the move and the constant delays by the movers - we were working with that and trying to help…

This woman is going through more than either you and C seem to be capable of understanding for some reason.

Just because I have not shared every detail… you know more about B than we do. C has helped her out over and over again - been there for her, supported her… they have been good friends. I think she is more than capable of understanding someone she knows well. She reached out to help B and the horses in a stressful situation because she cared.

They were not your horses at any point during any of this.

If she euthanatized the horses, she was well within her right to do so, and in the end, it is none of your business.

I never said they were my horses. Yes, she can do whatever the hell she wants - but it was C’s business as they had all but agreed that the horses were hers.

And who cares if it were awkward for the vet who pulled the Coggins and health certificate??? I would assume you were not privy to that conversation, as well as the fact that is none of your business. Just like it is absolutely none of your business if B was there for the euthanasia process or not.

I was just offering my thoughts on that - nothing more. I would be there - and have been - for any euthanasia.

If B and her husband do not want people to know what THEY did with THEIR horses, it is no one’s business. Quit stalking her social media! If they are telling 2 different stories, who can blame them! It is none of your business what she did with them!

STALKING!!! Is this much manufactured drama necessary? She is my FB friend. She posted a pic of their new house… so I saw it and commented that it was nice and followed the series of photos that she had posted for all to see and comment on. That is how I noticed the horse pics were gone. That is all. NO “stalking” involved - contrary to what you insist and “know”. The BO where her colt is boarded was the one who expressed concerns about the differing stories to us as she is worried about B - and so are we. I did not seek any of that info out.

One of the reasons this makes me angry is because I am “that” friend. I am the friend who gets called when a horse, or any other animal, needs to be put down, but the owner cannot be there for it. I am the one who holds them for the vet because I can. I understand others cannot do that, and it is not my place to judge anyone who has to make that decision for whatever reason.

Just like it is not your job to judge B. Yet you saw it necessary to post about it here.

I have been that friend endless times over the years… and I have understood and never judged. If my frustration about the way this was handled (badly) showed a bit, well, I am only human and my crime was that I care.

You do think C and I are the “villains” here (there is no actual villain) and you are entitled to your opinion - but as you were not involved in any of this and do not know all the details or people involved… maybe your rush to condemn is a bit hasty and misinformed.

I started this thread to share my frustration anonymously about a sad incident - names and locations withheld as well as some details - and have learned that others know far more about it than I do. I asked for input and feedback - and thank those who provided it from all angles and opinions… but I am not a callous stalker etc. as has been implied. That makes me… sad.

We reached out to help… that was all we wanted to do. Help B, help the horses…

We cared. We still do.


Yes, we get the fact that you care enough to title the post “The Inconvenient Heart Horse”! How caring of you!

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That was/is frustration… about a situation I deeply cared about. The topic title is sad -and factual. He was a heart horse who became inconvenient… in a situation that involves far more details than I shared here… but once again, you know more than I do about any of this, so feel free to condemn and judge. I asked for feedback, after all. Fair enough.


Smoo. Step away. I’ve read your posts for years. Your heart was in the right place. Perhaps this fustercluck was never yours to fix. I understand your frustration. Maybe time away will give you perspective. When you’re so close to the fire it’s easy to get blinded and subsequently burned. Live and learn. Digest the different thoughts. Trying to tilt the windmills of opposing views will get you nowhere.


Guys, this isn’t the case where B has an ancient Dobbin that she can’t trust with anyone else. This is three healthy, middle aged minis. Not end of life. Not requiring loads of maintenance. And they had guarenteed homes with someone who both knew them and that had a long relationship with the owner.

The ONLY situation I can see where B is justified putting down healthy animals with waiting homes is if C is a lousy owner who neglects her animals. Otherwise, B is deliberately choosing to end the life of multiple healthy animals with years in front of them AND with a home waiting.

Yes, we all want sympathy for owners who have to face euthanasia. This is an owner who CHOSE to kill her healthy horses rather than see them go to another home. For those of you who think this is okay (remember, healthy horses without major behavioral issues), where do you draw the line? Is it okay for an owner to kill a 15 year old? 10? How about 2 because they don’t want to see the horse with someone else?

There is a difference between being responsible and being selfish and from what’s written here, B fell hard on the wrong side of that line.


Sure, it’s LEGAL to euthanize healthy animals. It’s not moral. That’s why rescues exist in the first place.

Those of you who think it’s A-OK to kill healthy animals just because they’re inconvenient for your current life choices (like moving to a new home), well, you really should stick to stuffed animals. A life is worth more than a person’s ego or convenience.


In your opinion. Are you saying a vet who performs euthanasia in this situation is not moral???

Try placing even a healthy horse in a rescue. Not too many can take even healthy horses. They do not have the room or money to care for them.


That’s not accurate at all for any area I’ve ever lived in. The local rescues near us get horses shipped in from across the country because so few people are surrendering healthy/ sound horses. They’re even buying horses at the local kill buyer auctions.

They know those horses are easier to place in a new home. If you have a 25 year old unridable horse with maintenance then yes, you’ll have a hard time getting a rescue to take it. A ten year old healthy horse? That horse would have a spot at plenty of rescues here. A lot of rescues are also working on social media campaigns to drop the stigma around equine surrenders.


That is why there is a saying ,“Once you have a horse you have no problem getting any more”. That is because horses are given away all the time because … insert any sentence you like.

In a lot of those cases the healthy horse would have suffered a lot less if they had been put down instead. 2, 12 or 22 years old.

One of our horses is called Dodge. An Equestrian found him in the kill pen. He just looked so sad she could not resist purchasing him and taking him home.

He is called Dodge because he dodged a bullet.

After she had fed him up, etc and eventually got on him he was dressage trained up to flying changes.

It is absolutely criminal that a horse like that ended up starved and in the kill pen. He suffered.

If anything happens to my hubby and I, our horses will go to my instructor. I trust him to find good homes for them and all of them are maintenance free and trained with no behavioural habits. I can only hope they will not be starved and end up in the kill pen.

We train them so they are good citizens so they will be wanted by someone if we don’t survive them. That worked…eventually…for whoever first trained Dodge.


Well, I am very glad @Equkelly that both you and @AltersAreUs live in places where rescues have room and unlimited funds for people to just drop horses off. Out here in the real world, it is a very different situation!

And this @AltersAreUs is a spectacularly horrible piece of advice, on so many different levels. God forbid you ever have to walk a mile in this women’s shoes, without knowing her entire situation. What a junior high reaction to a grown up problem!

@smoofox, in your mind there seem to be three solutions to B’s situation- 1) the horses are euthanized, 2) the horses are sold, 3) the horses are given to C. Yet there is only one possible correct answer to this according to you- #3!

But that was for the horse’s owner to decide! At least she decided to tell C before C showed up on her doorstep, trailer in tow!

The reality is life does not always go the way we want it to. Something in this woman’s world changed, and she made the decision she felt was best for HER horses. Do you want someone judging you on the choices you make for YOUR horses? And then posting on a forum about it?


@cutter99 - you seem to want to make this very personal for some reason - despite not knowing any details about the situation. I have tried to address your concerns and explain things - yet you do not seem to want to hear it. I will try one last time.

First, you do not know what I am thinking - you just think you do. The situation was all figured out to everyone’s satisfaction … including B’s. Your #3 solution was B’s solution. The one she chose and expressed gratitude for. Your #2 was never in consideration by anyone involved. #1 was what we were trying to help with. Everything was good - and then suddenly it wasn’t - for whatever sad reason.

C would not have just “shown up on her doorstep”, as you so dismissively put it. If you have bothered to read my posts you would have noted that C and B communicated regularly and it was arranged that C would arrive that next day. B’s agreement and full approval - and thanks - was given through out the process.

Whatever happened in a few hours to change all that… we will never know. Not even you - even though you seem to think you know all the details and the people involved better than I do.

I posted the scenario here and carefully kept things vague as to location and names… to discuss it and sort things out with other horse people as to what was right and wrong - and own it. Yes, I was frustrated and angry. I have owned that. I am only human. I was not angry with B when I spoke to her on the phone - I made very sure of that. C has been treated unfairly by someone she considered a close friend with no explanation as to why - and yes, she is upset, confused and concerned…

Kindly tell me all the names involved - including mine - and everyone’s addresses and cell numbers… seeing as you seem to feel that I revealed something heinous here. No one else involved even knows that COTH exists as a magazine - or that there is a forum tab on a website they have never heard of and do not care about. There have been similar anonymous scenarios posted here over the years… that turned into good discussions (as has started to happen here at times) that maybe served as a learning experience for everyone.

And yes, thanks - I do know that life does not always go the way we want it to. And, as the saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished. B made her decision… but the way in which it was done at the last moment and was so contrary to all the finalized happy plans, conversations and gratitude worries us…

@ThreeWishes - thank you for your wise words… I will tack up Rosinante, ride out and try to avoid the windmills.