The Maestro has written another book

It’s funny, in almost every post she makes, he shills his book by inserting a comment to the effect of, “I wrote a book that talks about [topic of the post].” It is relentless and desperate. I’m surprised she hasn’t stopped him pushing his wares on her page. He’s like a bot that can insert that book into almost any discussion.

He also really loves the phrase “has them coming at me”, with or without daggers, depending upon the day. So odd.

He also claims his book explains the accurate, bad reviews (i.e., the FAKE reviews), so I guess the book, along with “talking” about many things, is also clairvoyant. I was thinking the book is very expensive for what it is, but maybe if it talks and predicts the future it’s a bargain?!


Yeah, I can’t keep it straight. Sometimes we’re wasps, sometimes we’re hornets. And we’ve been stirred up. Apparently we’re (often) carrying daggers. Do we carry them in the pockets in our bathrobes? What if our bathrobes don’t have pockets?


I prefer to carry a gladius rather than a plain old everyday dagger. If I am attending a formal event, then I swap the gladius for a scimitar. A good scimitar adds just the right touch of elegance.


Perhaps we’ve discovered the reason he has paid for the “ad” partnership? Maybe DH told him to either pay up or quit pushing his “book” by adding it to so many of her posts.


Does Nick have to pay personally if someone clicks on his link? How does that work?

I can always log in as my SO and click away if doing so separates Nick from dollars.


Or does DH only get paid if someone buys Nick’s book via the link?


Went on to NP’s personal page. He himself posted this screenshot, titled “poking fun at libtards”

Bit ironic, given Nick’s history of bouncing checks.

Edit: I redacted Red. He posted her name, probably so his mates would harass her.


Also ironic given that his own personal financial decisions were so bad that he had to move himself and his wife and children in with his/his wife’s parents (cannot remember which).

Hmmm, you made the business decisions, Nick. Why should you parents/in laws have to pay for your incompetence?


Do you suppose he has edited it further and added on since the version that we have going around?

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It’s entirely possible, we know he’s changed “Forward” and if he’s any sense he’ll have run a spelling and grammar checker on the rest and added page numbers. Possibly there are new chapters but without someone buying the latest version and being able to do a comparison we won’t know.

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Anything he adds won’t be a mystery because 1) his sob story hasn’t ever changed (if anything he is consistent) and 2) his life is an open book all over social media except for the time he spent in FB jail.

His current FB page is a hot mess. Based on that alone, anyone with an ounce of common sense wouldn’t go near him or let him near their horse.

But he doesn’t get that…he keeps shooting himself in the foot by directing people to the very resources that scream…stay away.

Running a grammar/spell checker won’t help if the writing style is poor. Lipstick on a pig.


No. He would pay an agreed amount to DH, either a flat rate for x number of days of advertising, or a set amount per click.


More likely, now that’s he’s paid her to give him a post about his book, he now thinks he’s bought the right to spam it all over her website, in all of her threads. This is a real example of his inability to respect boundaries of other peoples things, posts, barns, equipment, horses, privacy, online conversations, he thinks he has a right to.


He’s gotten a lot of not good comments on his paid post. I guess he can’t claim they are “keyboard cowards” b/c their names are right there. He finally decides his book explains the bad comments on DH as well as explaining any critique on COTH. That book covers a lot of ground!! :rofl:

He shows off this one page of the book saying it shows all the wonderful reviews he gets. But it’s like 4 or 5 reviews. One is from himself!! 2 or 3 have the name blacked out, the other one I can see has no name attached at all, just text in a box. Who in their right mind would put that out there as evidence of many great reviews? At least one he could have written b/c there is no name, and at least one other he definitely DID write b/c it has his name!

It’s so bizarre. Can’t make this stuff up.


He can’t delete the critical remarks from her page, either. Think he considered that when he bought ad space there?
How long before he’s pushed into key-pounding rage, I wonder…


Or video-making rage. That last one was creepy, his laugh was creepy.


I sincerely hope that the current quiet is because he has learned that sometimes it’s better to keep quiet than to dig himself deeper, rather than because he’s busy gathering information on those who have publicly disagreed with him while being easily identifiable.


I read the latest review with great interest. If Nick has bothered to do so, he would be aghast if he was capable of recognizing the value of the insights offered.


Wow. That was a hell of a review. The reviewer spent way more time and care crafting that review that Nick spent on the entire book.


I’ve got to remember to say “Oh piffle”.