Oh no. Oh no he didn’t.
Actually, I might row back on this as Nick deleted all his posts on the topic and I’m not sure whether he tried to back up Carl and got told by Carl to wind his neck in as he obviously didn’t know what he was talking about, or whether he was contradicting Carl from the get go.
In my defence it was back in 2013 and I’ve slept a few times since then.
I think my favorite comment on DH comes from Nick himself, responding to someone who says the Amazon reviews are horrible, thus why buy the book. Nick replies:
“The reviews are FAKE!!
I actually explain this in the book. It’s all part of the corruption trying to bury the truth. Read the good reviews. Notice a stark contrast.”
What a derp. Yeah, there’s a stark contrast alright. The honest, insightful reviews are purposeful and convincing. In contrast are the reviews written by Nick and his merry band of houseguests. As a group they are laughable in their unsubstantiated, subjective comments and are composed about as well as his book.
Well, some kind of exchange happened that bruised Nick’s fragile ego.
How dare Carl Hester try to go toe-to-toe with The Maestro.
What a smacked ass.
I am sure there is one, but I am not sure I would want to venture down those shopping avenues (or back alleys)
thank you?
I guess?
I am blind now.
My feet hurt just looking at that.
You need to change the drop-down menu that says “oldest” to “see all comments” in order to see it.
Disregard. Saw someone else already answered.
Can someone (NP) block someone (us) on a third party’s (DH) facebook page? If so, I’ll be blocked soon, also.
If someone blocks you, you won’t be able to see any of their posts OR the replies to their posts. That applies across FB, regardless of page.
I took the preemptive step of blocking him and his Supporters page in return. My profile is as locked down as is possible on FB, but I don’t need him stalking me.
Why am I not the least bit surprised that Mr. Nick “I am literally a pillar of my community” Peronace’s public Facebook page is a cesspool of whackjob antivaxxer propaganda … claiming there is “no real covid vaccine” and it’s “banned in Europe.”
Let me guess, all the doctors are just jealous of him because he’s smarter and knows more than them without 11+ years of training, but there’s a conspiracy so they won’t give him a medical license due to [insert reason women are bad here]?
Those malignant narcissists all play the same predictable game with the same predictable statements.
Deleted. Already answered.
I did that and I can’t see Nick’s comments. It says there are 22 comments but I can’t see 22. I must have upset the Maestro. Is he arguing with what is written?
I can’t see either. He blocked me a long time ago.
The majority of the comments are unfavorable, a couple to the extreme; several mention that after reading the reviews, there’s no point in reading the book. A couple of posters outright question his view of reality, and ponder why Nick Peronace is getting air time, as it were, on DH and the reply is that he paid for it. Alas, it doesn’t seem to have been money well spent.
Oh. And twice he links to an excerpt from his book which both times is nothing more than the “forward.” In fact, after numerous derisive comments, he prefaces the link to the forward by saying something like the forward puts the derogatory DH comments in perspective. So I’m guessing he thinks Swamp Town has infiltrated DH? Now they’re all mean, bathrobe-wearing bullies, too?
Side Note: Anyone who clicks the link on DH to view the excerpt of the “forward” gets sent to Nick’s facebook page. My oh my. It’s a vision of hell.
Also, DH probably gets paid per click, so please don’t click any ads or links on her page.