The Maestro has written another book

Neil Mccoag for the win :rofl:

But this has more depth!

Counting down until everything goes poof.


I ride with full engagement because I am a master! The wiggly lines are a conspiracy by the grass, probably influenced by Swamp Town, just to make me look bad.


True enough. I also keep forgetting her past antics - both as DH maven and SW.


I wonder if he asked to pay to put his book on DH
or if SW solicited it in order to out him (while still getting paid)?


Yes, but you are nowhere NEAR ready to add the rake attachment. You need to be able to sit the mower’s big movements across the bumps and valleys of your grass arena before you can ask it to carry a full grass bagger.


As much as I think NP is a scammer, that would be a very low thing to do, even for SW. But you are probably right.

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Reading the recent comment on DH, where he’s called a snowflake needing a safe space
that has got to push some major NP buttons, although it is highly accurate.


And in true boneheaded fashion he has referred to his FB for an “excerpt” (Tky Swamp Town for the spelling correction), so a broader audience can now see how he brags about stalking people.

Not the smartest thing, Nicky. You shot yourself in the foot big time.


Since I can’t see his posts on DH, can you link to the excerpt? My guess would be its from the family counselor who wrote the foreword

Yes it is. He links to his FB page with all the comments therein.

So as long as he continues to update his FB page, it becomes a living chronicle of his behaviors for all to see.

Like I said earlier, his calling card.

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It’s the only thing he can quote. Anything else that he has written will bring the walls crashing down. I still wonder if Ms. Marchman even wrote this or knows about it
or anything about who she seems to be endorsing.


It would suggest that Ms. Marchman is now even more in the “hot bird seat.”


“Hot bird seat” - is that a Maestro-ism?

Has he tried to shill his book on the Eurodressage page or in any of the other Dressage FB groups with a big following?

It’s a Dee-Vee-ism :rofl: two metaphors kinda meshed in my brain and out it came.


I still see them, not sure what’s going on. I was blocked from liking or commenting on DH because I had the gall to point out that a moment in time from a video does not make a rollkur rider :roll_eyes:


He tried on Denny Emerson’s page iirc.

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I doubt he’ll try Eurodressage, he tried to school Carl Hester on LDR versus FDO and promptly generated a pile on. He also criticised Dover’s 2013 Team, which I think is the origin of the “I have 10 big movers in my barn” quote with a similar result.


Just saw this on shiteventersunite FB:


HA!! I have mastered this! My dressage mower can do excellent extensions, and immediately collect! Or maybe, while it is collecting- hard to tell. It extends, and continues to collect at the same time- sheer brilliance! It’s pirouettes are pure poetry! I try to remember NOT to do more than two at a time, and get DQ’d!


Sadly, my attempts to support local businesses during the pandemic mean that while I read the entire book with an open mind, I have not used Amazon enough over the past 12 months to be eligible to write a review.

If any of you have an active Amazon account and would like to collaborate on posting a legitimate review, send me a PM and I can send you what I’ve written.