The Maestro has written another book

I am an outsider, like @McGurk. I can not see it either.

This is all the comments that I see:


I canā€™t see his comment either, just the others.

I believe that at the lower levels, you do not have to engage the blade- in other words, the lower levels do not require engagement, as the upper levels do. However, unlike equine dressage, the upper levels are also judged on speed and accuracy. This is why the most successful competitors ride a zero turn, rather than a tractor. I mean, you have to use both hands on a zero turn- so thatā€™s the equivalent of a full bridle- right?


I still see his comment there. Sometimes comments get hidden with the FB algorithm

Or when the snowflake blocks you.


I changed my setting to All Comments and his still does not show for me.


I could see it when I first looked, then it disappeared.

Do we think itā€™s possible Nick is watching that post and blocked me because I liked someoneā€™s critical comment?


That explains why I got blocked and lost access to the Dressage Jockstrap pageā€¦I LOLā€™d at some of the critical comments on that page, including someoneā€™s randomly inserted ā€œTrump lostā€ remarks.

ā€œI have a thick skinā€, yeah, my left butt cheek.


It says there are 13 comments, and I only see seven, even with it set to ā€œallā€

Can someone who still has access post screenshots?

Meh. I have been blocked by him on FB forā€¦ a couple of years? ā€¦ ever since I had the gall to ask questions about what he was calling a shoulder-in and then a leg yield. No questions, no dissent allowed! I can see his comments if I am logged in on this farmā€™s FB page instead of my personal one.


I posted screenshots above of all thatā€™s visible.

Based on the count showing on FB (13 comments) there are more.

Thereā€™s not much:

I can see DH, but canā€™t comment or like, etc. on any posts. Not sure why. I wonder if the comments that we canā€™t see are Nick responding to all those who have said they wonā€™t buy/regret buying?

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It means she has blacked you from commenting. You must have had the gall to disagree with her once


Yep, told him no thanks to his friend request, as his reputation preceded himā€¦ And he was off to the races.

He made up some ridiculous story about my work at ISF, which was clearly imaginary since he and his friends claims did not even fall under my scope of work there. šŸ¤¦


I must be blocked. I canā€™t see NPā€™s posts or like or reply to anything.

If you canā€™t see the comments it means they were deleted, the comment count will still show.


This is off-track but amusing to me. There is a myselfeez boutique near me that has an airline seat background. Seats with trays, windows, the works.