The Maestro has written another book

Well, let’s face it. Pretty much everything Nick professes in his book is completely illogical.



This copy is still available to anyone who would like to read such drama for themselves, btw.

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Nick Peronace - The Musical.

I said that just to watch everyone’s head explode LOL


Well, it didn’t wo–BaBOOM!


At Devon, in 1995?

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Yes. According to his book.

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That’s a serious allegation.
I knew the security at Devon, having groomed at the big shows they covered (The Royal Dressage Festival, etc).
They were former Police Officers.

That. Is. Some. Serious. Allegation.

Eta: good thing he’s sold so many copies, spreading this particular fantasy far and wide…


Looking closely for Maestro in the crowd in the video



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So to translate the fiction: Little Nicky writes a letter to someone he looks up to. She kindly responds and tells him to come watch the dressage at Devon (sans any sort of backstage pass…that was an imaginary addition to cover for little Nicky’s lack of boundaries). He assumes, due to his lack of boundaries, that they are now BFFs and goes where he’s not allowed due to his newly elevated status (LOL). He is annoying the horse and getting in the way where he isn’t supposed to be in the first place, and is asked to leave by the security guard or the groom or both, and most likely by the rider herself once she realizes one kindly letter has turned the kid into a major pest.
Over the years as his imaginary talent expressed itself, he becomes more and more ticked off that he didn’t get to stay BFFs with an Olympian who could have been his ticket to the top and decides to hate her and everyone around her. Hence the ridiculous story in the book about being threatened and told he and his father would be killed.
Just the ranting of a spoiled child with no boundaries.


So you’re a NO then?



Lol, that’s it exactly.

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Good find! As I was reading your screenshots of HIS ACTUAL WORDS I wondered when I’d get to the bit where the horrible security guard pulled back his jacket to reveal a gun and threatened to kill both him and his father, which, strangely, were HIS ACTUAL WORDS, just a few years later. His imagination and constant re-writing of history would be quite the case for his pet psychologist, but she seems to think everything with NP is perfect and it’s the world at fault instead. Bless their collective hearts.


I’d like to know why the barn security at Devon, circa 1995, got to wear snazzy red windbreakers and carry concealed guns with a License to Kill.

All Nick allows us are bathrobes and stupid little daggers.

It seems unfair and I feel slighted.


Completely unrelated (this thread has done some meandering, so perhaps it is worthy), but if you think these are funny, you should check out the “reviews” on this guy’s page. Tears.


He is so funny! I love how he not only makes the portrait, he comes up with a little comedy routine about the animal’s name and likes, AND comes up with an hilarious review. He’s quite talented and I love his posts.


Great! Thanks for sharing it!
“I don’t know what he’s called, but I’ve named him…” :rofl:


Is he at all capable of recounting any incident in his life without fantastical embellishments?


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