The Maestro has written another book

I would also like to point out, as an indicator of how popular this book is, that I have literally not been able to give a copy of it away for free.

At this rate, it’s going to go in a local barn owner’s stocking instead of coal.


Come on, someone help @Night_Flight out, she needs to pass a book along.

Do you have those free mini libraries where you are?

Or try eBay!

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I’m in NY if you want to mail it to me.
I borrowed a copy I forwarded to someone, but can use a laugh…


Maybe he means the community in his head?

I’m sorry - difficult issues???

With all that’s happening the world these days, he thinks bad judging at dressage shows (even IF true) and a conspiracy to keep him from being the greatest trainer in the world are DIFFICULT ISSUES?


If someone has a spare copy floating about, I’d take a stab at wading through the Magnum Opus.


Does that mean you’ve already read it, or not? It’s between you and Ghazzu, so you posted first if you do want to read it.

Send it to Ghazzu, yes, I’ve already read it.

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300 copies and only a few reviews that are not 1 or 2 stars. I do not believe he sold 300. Didn’t he say he sold 300 of the previous book, too?


First a lawnmower, now a car. Does he not have a chair in his house or is he banished to the outdoors if he’s going to make a weird video?


PM me your address and I’ll send you a “nice” “present” in the mail.


I love the way you describe this book @Night_Flight! “nice” and “present”.

@skydy, I wonder if doing his video in the house would allow his family to see just how far off the cracker his cheese is, and he is smart enough to know that would not be good.


A moving target is harder to hit :wink:


I just checked and his first book sold 246 or 250 copies based on his FB posts on the page for that book, so I guess 300 is an improvement for him.

I hope he made the video in his car, and if it’s not his car, that he had permission to be in it.

You never know with this guy. :wink:


One at least one occasion he recruited an offspring to appear in a video. This was a couple/three years ago, before he became A Famous Author.

“The more we talk about difficult issues… the greater the chances of us improving our community.” - Nick P.

Excuse me, Nick, but what’s all this “we” and “us”? Last I checked, you are not part of any community to which I belong. And the fact that you chose to wear a much worn top with a frayed USET logo on the front is just sort of sad. It doesn’t bolster your street cred, nor make you look important in our community. No sir, you’d need to be recording your proclamation in a bathrobe for that, kind sir.


So who is up for sending Nicky their personal story for publishing in the sequel?

If you do, make sure that you own the rights and get your share of the royalties.

You could be a millionaire. Could go to Hollywood. Be part of a blockbuster of “difficult situations.”

Gotta say this was the funniest thing today.


Does he even have a clue that MOST of those sales may have actually come from COTH members?

And wearing a USEF sweatshirt does not make me believe you are a member of it Nick. I have one of those too.

Right in the middle of watching his diatribe, I get “Sorry we are having trouble playing this video”
Did he do his usual and pull it?


If he’s a member someone report to SS stat lol

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