The Maestro has written another book

If anyone has a copy they don’t want, and are happy to post to Australia, I will cover all shipping costs.

Australia needs a copy. Do it for your little Irish Pacific cuzzie bros down here…

And I will post a photo of the book with an unappreciative Australian native animal!


Okay, so this reveal of his just fries me. I’m quite confident that he will not use any real names, and he’ll alter the identity of offending places and industry professionals. Therefore, he won’t do any research to verify that any of these contributed stories are anything more than bullsh*t. Yet just to be clear, I highly doubt that Nick Peronace has single-handedly amassed a trove of Grievances from the Horse World. The vast majority of whatever he shovels together for this alleged sequel will be his own collection of grim fairy tales interspersed with incoherent rants about repealing Section 230.

Oooh! Does this mean that perhaps the next manifesto will include page numbers? And have an actual editor?


How is this not completely humiliating behaviour for a grown man? His wife, parents, and children must cringe so hard every time he picks up his phone and focuses on himself.

After screen shots of his repulsive attacks on a gay man, his admissions in writing about harassing people at their homes and bringing his backup bros, his own video of his illegally recording himself making a harassing phone call to a woman, his nasty comments about upper-level dressage competitors, and his expletive-filled online rants at various people, how does he fix his face to discuss online (and, in his case, IRL) bullying?


This made me laugh out loud. :rofl:


I think it’s pretty clear that this man lives in a constant, delusional state of his own ideas and self perception. Case in point would be his “Supporters” page in which the current video was posted 8 HOURS ago, yet not one of his supporters has liked or commented on it?? Where are all his students with “great results”?? His rave reviewers?? It’s not only sad, but bizarre that he’s carried on this charade since 2013??


The video is suddenly gone. Maybe he realised that, along with his other achievements in the area of incompetence, he had uploaded a video that cut off mid-rant?


I have had other videos on Facebook stop half way thru and get that black screen saying it was unable to continue.

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I still see it? It does still stop halfway through though.

Ah, I see, it just freezes there. So, in summary, he has, in fact, not discovered his incompetency in this area yet.


He blocked me on his page. Can someone summarize this gem of a video?

Anybody else notice that he managed to post that video about the time this thread was dying off? He must miss the attention, because he usually makes it a point to pop up with something new right around the time we start to forget about him.


Oh Lord,

It’s crossing the border again soon? I’ll expect to feel a shudder at that moment.


He can be the St. Nick of Festivus, the holiday for the airing of grievances!!!


For Nick, that’s the entire year.


The video finishes now.
20 hours posted and still no likes from his supporters. Do you think Nick forgot the password of his aliases in FB?


There’s no end to the foolishness now he’s been allowed back on line (though recording videos from your car leads me to think you’re hiding it from the people you live with, but hey ho). He’s bobbed up again on DH too. I think he means “normalise” not “moralise”, but who actually knows anymore. :roll_eyes:

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I noted his absence as well. I figured he had not paid his internet service bill. Perhaps his unemployment benefits have been renewed. Again.


Here is something for him to chew on cuz the world isn’t going his way.

Not to be a political discussion. Just saying he has a big hill to climb to rescind S. 230


Disclaimer: Due to being anti-masochistic, I have only watched the video once. Feel free to correct anything I got wrong.

Nick, in tattered USEF sweatshirt, is sitting in a car. (The possible reasons for this are endless). He does a humble brag about selling 300 copies of his book, and since he only advertised it once, he thinks that must mean that people are asking, “Who is this guy?” (Can’t disagree with him there). Thus, he’s seriously considering writing a sequel.

What would the sequel be? It’ll be a compilation of the many stories his… Supporters? Fans? Fake online identities?… have shared about their bad/sad/ugly experiences in the horse world.

But wait! There’s more! Although it seems like it would demand an entirely separate book, because: theme, he declares that the sequel would also include his plea to repeal Section 230. He believes that any online thread, where posters are making “slanderous” comments that are “tarnishing” someone’s reputation should be reported and those threads should be “immediately” removed. Because it’s bullying. And it’s “a license to kill.”

He then has the audacity to compare his Woe is Me, Swamptown Tells the Truth whine to the recent school shooting. Linking his issue with murdered, maimed kids is not beneath him.

Oh. And somewhere in the video he makes a plea for all of us in the community to come together and make things better, yadda yadda yadda. How or why he imagines that he is part of any community in which I-- or dare I say, many of us-- dwell, escapes me.


Perfect summarisation, but you forgot “love is the weapon of the future” and “have a blessed day” - he seems to have forgotten bragging about turning up with a group of men to intimidate and harass a woman on her own doorstep, I bet that woman didn’t have a blessed day.