The Maestro has written another book

He’s also forgotten his own slanderous remarks against, for example, the owner of Golden Gait Farm, preserved here for eternity on COTH. I believe he even posted those under his own name.

And somewhere on FB is his exhortation for people to contact him for “dirt” on Robert Dover. This shortly after Dover basically told Nick to sod off.


His sympathizing with school shooters on more than one occasion is disturbing.


Say what?

There is no depth that he will not sink to.



I find it quite intriguing that in every single claim…from Grand Prix dressage to bounty hunting and everything in between, the only person who actually believes any of it or has any proof of it is…::::drum roll::::
Nick himself.
You would think there would be others who could back up his claims, but there is nobody. No actual evidence of any of his claims, and no people to testify to it. (his aliases and multiple personalities don’t count, nor do the handful of beginner riders he’s “taught”, because they lack the knowledge and experience).
If someone is good at something, people notice and remember.


Purposefully engaging in hate speech, lying about credentials & writing a book about revenge. Posting everything you think and do on Social Media, does not preclude you from public criticism.


This just shows him to be an awful businessman if it were true. No how, no way would it make sense for a Bounty hunter to have 2 high rent offices in such office buildings in the middle of downtown.

Nope youd have a shabby storefront where you can get in and out fast, not worry about weapons, walking through crowds with money etc. You’d want fast access to your car and maybe even additional parking.


Does he even read what he writes?

He claims to have a “fearless personality”? Yeah, except when it comes to women on a horse chat forum. Or licensed dressage officials.

And “I opened up another office in the Mellon Center…” Uh-huh. He probably had the keys because he was vacuuming.


Do bounty hunters typically even work out of office buildings? That seems more like something where you’d want to be based in a relatively low-profile location, not in the “cities [sic] most prime real estate”.


Hmmm, yeah, if you feel the need to brag about how fearless you are, you’re probably an insecure, scared little boy (or girl).

If you’re actually fearless and confident, you wouldn’t desperately seek attention by lying on the Internet.


I want to say “Oh. My. God.” but I’m somehow not surprised that he thinks he’s as much of a victim as kids who were exposed to a horrific school shooting.

Thank you @Paint_Party, for that excellent synopsis.


Does he compare himself with the victims or with the shooter? Because he’s said before that he can understand why school shooters do what they do.


This time he said it scares him as a parent that someone could be bullied into committing a mass shooting.

Bullied? Is there evidence that this kid was bullied?

Seems like the parents completely dropped the ball and encouraged him.


A few students at the school said he was bullied, allegedly. I heard that on some newscast the day of the shootings.

I heard from various news sources that the parent purchased the gun as a Christmas present, were at a shooting range with him and that gun, and that the school contacted the parents the day before and the day of the shooting for odd behavior and violent drawings. The parents refused to take him home and the mom messaged him to “not get caught” performing his disturbing behaviors. I’m glad they are charged, also.

All I can think of is “Jeremy” by Pearl Jam.


Again, he’s making it sound as though the shooter was justified in his behavior since he was allegedly bullied.

Bullying in schools is a big problem, far too common, and one that I experienced myself as a nerdy kid that rode horses. And when I was growing up, the advice from adults wasn’t especially helpful … “Ignore them” and “bullies are really just outcasts themselves” and “he’s only bullying you because he likes you” … whereas in reality at my school, the bullies were mostly popular kids and definitely did not have a crush on the awkward horse kid.

But somehow, the vast majority of kids that are bullied manage to not shoot up a school, or ever even consider doing so. Because it takes a certain kind of sociopath to even think that’s any sort of option or solution.


Where’s his computer, pens, paper, pile of documents, in tray, photos of his wife and kids, any evidence of it actually being his office? Yeah, no chance, Nick. Good try though! How absolutely bonkers that he thought anyone would believe such a fairytale.



And some of those LGBTQ kids grew up to get bullied BY Nick Peronace. And there are screen shots to prove it.

I’d say with all his verified and documented (most often self-documented) bullying, he needs to just give up his self-appointed role as anti-bullying advocate.

But, one thing I learned that helped me understand the whole Trump cult was, people like NP simply decide to hold two (or more!) conflicting beliefs/practices/values simultaneously and have freed themselves from the need for any internal logic or consistency.

E.g., the election was a fraud, Trump’s loss must be overturned due to fraud/ all down-ticket Republicans that won don’t need to have their outcomes overturned due to fraud.

Hence we see endless contradictions from NP: bullying is the worst, a license to kill, any time any one is the slightest bit uncomfortable with a thread it must be delete STAT!/I go after people by, among others, showing up at their homes with other men; thanks patriots for bullying my former employer so much that the receptionist broke down in tears; I make, illegally record, and post on the internet a surprise, harassing, late-night phone call to a woman I perceive as my enemy/I post hate-speech filled rants against LGBTQ individuals on their own blogs.

If love is the weapon of the future*, he’s unarmed and dangerous.

*I find his use of love and weapon together creepy and disturbing AF, yet 100% on brand.