And some of those LGBTQ kids grew up to get bullied BY Nick Peronace. And there are screen shots to prove it.
I’d say with all his verified and documented (most often self-documented) bullying, he needs to just give up his self-appointed role as anti-bullying advocate.
But, one thing I learned that helped me understand the whole Trump cult was, people like NP simply decide to hold two (or more!) conflicting beliefs/practices/values simultaneously and have freed themselves from the need for any internal logic or consistency.
E.g., the election was a fraud, Trump’s loss must be overturned due to fraud/ all down-ticket Republicans that won don’t need to have their outcomes overturned due to fraud.
Hence we see endless contradictions from NP: bullying is the worst, a license to kill, any time any one is the slightest bit uncomfortable with a thread it must be delete STAT!/I go after people by, among others, showing up at their homes with other men; thanks patriots for bullying my former employer so much that the receptionist broke down in tears; I make, illegally record, and post on the internet a surprise, harassing, late-night phone call to a woman I perceive as my enemy/I post hate-speech filled rants against LGBTQ individuals on their own blogs.
If love is the weapon of the future*, he’s unarmed and dangerous.
*I find his use of love and weapon together creepy and disturbing AF, yet 100% on brand.