The Maestro has written another book

Bullies LOVE to play the victim card.




Iā€™m no expert beyond what I know about their role in the insurance industry, but I sincerely doubt it. As someone noted upthread, most bail bondsmen would want their office to be in a location that they can enter and exit quickly and configured in such a way that they can reasonably ensure their security. Iā€™ve never had to get close enough to verify ( :rofl:), but from the road it appears the bail bonds office near me has bars on the windows and doors. Plus, they want their office to be close to their customer base. So, close to the local judicial complex or the like. An office in a fancy, ultra high-rent area of a major city makes no sense unless you specialized in bonding out high net worth white collar criminals like Bernie Madoff or something? And thatā€™s bail bondsmen. While some are both, most bail bondsmen donā€™t do their own bounty hunting. They hire specialists, who earn a flat rate percentage of the bail amount for a successful apprehension. Iā€™m guessing that most of those guys donā€™t maintain any kind of office space other than the front seat of their vehicle.

Iā€™m also guessing the odds of the property owner/management of a top-of-the-line office building are not going to rent space to a bail bondsman and/or bounty hunter. Too much headache. I ended up doing the grunt work on the business owners policy for a group of physicians my boss brought in as clients this past summer. They were opening a second location in NYC ā€“ prime midtown Manhattan real estate. As youā€™d expect, the rent was staggering. It was as much the complexity of the deal as the cost, though. The property management of an office building in an $$$$$, high-profile location in a major US city doesnā€™t just hand you keys upon signing the lease. They want to make sure 100% their a$$es are covered if someone slips and falls in your office space and sues them, or if your contractor punches through a water main and sends torrents of water pouring onto the 3rd rail of the subway tracks below. Jake from State Farm might be nice, but he doesnā€™t know how to write these kinds of policies. The client had to submit required certificates for general business liability (plus umbrella in order to meet the per occurrence/aggregate limits the property management required), E & O, workers comp, business property, and all the various construction bonds for the renovations. Guess who got to comb through the 50 page lease several times, making sure the client had all the coverages they needed, and that the wording on the certificates was exactly as the property management stipulated? :grimacing:


Today at the post office, I had to answer a very difficult question. That question: ā€œHow much is this book worth?ā€

I donā€™t think the poor post office clerk understood the look of panic in my eyes when he asked the question. With 10 minutes until the post office closed and another customer in line behind me, I decided to go with a very generous $10 to avoid a discussion about the true worth of such a work of fiction.

Canadians, weā€™ll soon be able to breathe a little bit easier once it crosses the border (sorry, Americans, itā€™s coming home to you).






Oh man. We all had a collective sigh of relief when it crossed the border to CA. When things go wrong tomorrow and I feel angst, Iā€™ll know it crossed the border back to the US.

Canadians are smart, Iā€™m so glad you guys tried to circulate it there but no one took the offer.

@Ghazzu, weā€™ll expect your comments. I really hope you approach it in an unbiased way and are comfortable stating your own opinion here. Please feel free to tell us that weā€™re all delusional with a good argument.



A plugged nickel!


Well now Iā€™ve learned a new term!

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Everything old is new again. :smile:


What a difference between Nickā€™s self publishing fiasco and Robert Doverā€™s book signing. Considering how much Nick has abused RD and dislikes him - Robert Dover writing such a positive book, with gratitude vs. Nick writing a manifesto of hate and bitterness. Must frost him to see such success in someone who had to work to get where he is, vs. Nick who expects just be able to announce his greatness and be believed.


Ima order this one!!

Do you suppose RD has sold 300 copies yet?


How long til the Maestro claims that Robert Dover ripped off his idea of writing a book?


Indeed. Because we know that 300 is the magical threshold at which an author may claim ā€œblockbusterā€ status.


Book by six time Olympian offering keys to successā€¦ or a supposed behind the scenes Expose by someone who was never behind or in the scene to begin with?

Such a difficult choice!


I bet Robert had an editor, and a less ā€œpilledā€ person writing the ā€œforwardā€.


I just want to know why he hasnā€™t posted any pictures with Dog the Bounty Hunter?


Just re-read the Amazon reviews. My favorite line -

ā€œThis book reads like an incel writing Saddle Club fan fiction.ā€



It does. :wink:

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