The Maestro has written another book

Thanks, I needed that belly laugh.

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So this is the THIRD web page heā€™s published about HIMSELF, the fourth if you count the one where he decided he was a cutting edge journalist that had access to facts no-one else knew.

"Can you pick up the kids, Nick?"
ā€œNo, Iā€™m busy writing about getting a certificate for doing something for a charity once years ago. Again.ā€
"Can you get some groceries, Nick?"
ā€œNo, Iā€™ll need the day to write about how I used to present a trophy at DAD until Swamp Town in their dressing gowns corrupted them. Again.ā€
"Do you think you could get a paying job, Nick?"
ā€œNo, Iā€™ll make our fortune re-writing American history books for children, just you wait. I know things no-one else does.ā€
"Could you please cut the grass, Nick?"
ā€œNo, Iā€™m making another web page about my childhood pony and using the same blurry photos of me teaching him to rear.ā€

How absolutely exhausting it must be to live with such a self obsessed fantasist. His poor wife.


2 blogs, 3 FaceBooks, the Iowa Clinic page, and his dead www site. If I did not know otherwise, I would think he lived in his motherā€™s basement.


Who eats dinner with any hat on? I was taught it is bad manners.


Horse wasnā€™t even schooling First. Cute little Training level horse.


Iā€™ve decided to be a ski instructor. Almost made the Olympics except for the rich people that paid to get there and can afford all the most expensive gear and travel. They were just jealous of my homemade skis and my style, which is much different from theirs and vastly superior. I will travel anywhere and teach anybody because I know Iā€™m fantastic. My only requirement is that we stay on the bunny slopeā€¦for your safety, of course. It doesnā€™t matter that I havenā€™t been on a ski slope in twenty years. I watch it on TV all the time (and most of those skiers could really use my help, because they just arenā€™t doing it right). My credentials? I belonged to the ski club in high school and a friend of mine was state champion, plus I beat my sister in a downhill race once. Call me!


I still donā€™t get the constant promotion of the Rearing Appaloosa teetering on its hind legs. I would not be motivated to seek out a trainer who posted that as their lead image.

The western counterpart would be a cowboy standing on the hindquarters of his horse, swinging a plastic tarp.

Neither teaching my horse to rear nor acquiring the ability to stand atop my horse are among my equestrian goals. Just speaking for myself, of course.


I get a kick out of his continuing challenge for someone to let him do a FREE clinic at their place.

For myself, I donā€™t ride with anyone who I do not have complete respect for, from their riding and teaching skills, to their dedication to their horses and integrity. I like to think that Iā€™ve done clinics with people who I would hope to emulate.

I wouldnā€™t let him set foot on the property. I canā€™t indemnify myself enough if he gets launched by a horse who may be kind as can be, but will not tolerate his ā€œridingā€. And I wouldnā€™t embarrass myself by inviting people to come for a lesson with someone that I cannot begin to respect at any level. I am perfectly capable of making a fool of myself; I do not need help.


Not only that, but I believe he said at one point that the free clinic organizer would need to pay for his transportation, hotel, food, etc., so it would still cost you to have him come over.


Shouldnā€™t be too badā€¦a bicycle, a tent and some Minute Rice. :wink:


@Unfforgettable - This cracked me up. Under the weather today and I needed that! Thanks!


Heā€™s quite concerned someone might ā€œdistributeā€ his nonsense.


Think heā€™s can afford an attorney? Iā€™ve got some time on my handsā€¦


What is there to distribute? :wink:


And two youtube channels.

If he were so confident in his skills and ability to attract clients, he would set up his own clinic. But then you would not be able to video it.


This is an excellent point. Anyone can rent an arena and organize a clinic with whoever they choose; there should be nothing stopping him from renting an arena and organizing a clinic himself if he wants to give a clinic so badly.


I think if anyone were to set up a clinic for him, there would be a very high risk of him bailing. He needs to set up his own clinic.

Years ago, someone did offer up a very nice place for him to give a free clinic with a variety of horses and riders at various levels. It all played out on Facebook. Ended up that Nick backed down.


One (of many) reasons Nick isnā€™t booked for clinics through 2037 is because he does not carry insurance.
Didnā€™t someone back out of the offer to host for that reason? IIRC, he wasnā€™t even aware he needed coverage.


However, it is a totally passive-aggressive technique to predicate something on someone else doing something. In this case, someone has to book him before he can demonstrate his maestroism

Off course, no has or has been successful in doing soā€¦thus the cyclical whining continues and hasnā€™t changed in yearsā€¦fundamentallyā€¦ā€I canā€™t cuz no one in swamp town has booked meā€¦ā€. Oh woeā€¦hence no picturesā€¦no nothingā€¦


How much is insurance and what does it cover?

Liability at a minimum is my guess. Which the host could do as an add-on to their own insurance policy but pass the cost along to the clinician (who should have his or her own). Itā€™s not like Nick would be a big draw to offset the cost.

Possibly event insurance in the event it is cancelled.

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