There is nothing stopping him from organizing his own clinic. If he could get his “loyal students” to pay in advance and bring a horse, since he doesn’t have one, he should be able to pay to rent an arena and get some insurance.
I really doubt that there are students, and I doubt that he could attract enough interest to cover the costs of a “clinic” given his bizarre behavior and complete lack of credentials. Thus, he has not put on a clinic, and no clinic will be in his future.
The whole “I want you to have me come to your barn so I can give a freeclinic” is a huge red flag to anyone that hosts clinicians.
Anyone who has no credentials and whose equitation is as lacking as Mr. Peronace’s is (see the tiny bits of the lower level riding videos that he is willing to share) yet believes they have knowledge worth paying for, needs to arrange their own clinic.
There won’t be any takers from the “swamp” and why would there to be? He has proved to the “swamp” that he is dishonest and unqualified .
Arrange your own “clinic” Mr. Peronace, since you claim to have so many “supporters”.
Yeah, he doesn’t get it. Pros aren’t usually asked to give clinics until they’ve proven themselves in the sport, through years of success.
No one signs up to clinic with someone who has almost no experience, terrible scores at the one show they did attend, no horses and no verifiable students. At the very least, he would need to have students currently showing and successfully moving up the levels for a few years.
He’s putting the cart before the horse but that’s Nick for you. Not willing to do the work to earn a spot as a clinician, wants it handed to him.
Another huge red flag for me about the “come to your barn and host a clinic” offer is then he would know where people lived.
Given his very recent boasting about how he’s happy to turn up with a mob of men on your doorstep to intimidate you (of course, only if you’re a woman) if you disagree with him, there is ZERO way he should ever have anyone’s address.
By his own admission, he is an armed, dangerous and vindictive man, and is happy to boast about being so - the thought of him actually knowing where people live is quite alarming.
Forewarned is forearmed. No one here would have him on their property, and I don’t think anyone here would have a problem getting him off of their property in two seconds flat, if he was dumb enough to show up uninvited.
It’s strange that he keeps banging on about wanting to come to people’s farms after he insults them, calls them “swamp people” that “live in basements” and “in their bathrobes” yet continues to beg to come to their farms. You can’t have it both ways buddy.
It would indeed be a pain in the bottom to have to deal with him, and most everyone would rather not have to. At this point though, since we know about his bizarre behavior, if he dared to show up without invitation I think he would meet his match. Bullies are cowards after all.
Thing is, he doesn’t bring his mob of guys to intimidate you. He does it because he’s afraid to confront anybody in person and all by himself, and feels the need for his gang to back him up. He only does it when he has an audience or can hide online or over the phone. He does it because he is a coward, as most bullies are.
Not that anyone wants to find themselves in any situation that puts Nick at their front door, with or without a posse, but methinks he underestimates the COTH Bathrobe Battalion.
I posted this link earlier in the thread. It is an example of Mr.Peronace’s desperate attempts to get people to give him their email address and photos. He begins posting at post # 464
I have finished this magnum opus.
Will the next eager reader PM me with an address so I can pass the wisdom along?
Maestro hooks up with a new barn.
The people are friendly and welcoming.
Maestro demonstrates his superior talent in dressage/training.
People are insanely jealous.
They conspire to make him look bad.
He is ordered to leave/he leaves because it is unbearable.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
… and his new website enables you to order an autographed copy of his book with a personalised message, sent to your address, for $19.95. I wonder what kind of personalised message he will pen inside the book? “Let me know if you want a free lesson, I’m the Maestro, thanks for your money.”
His own comments show just how ignorant he is about dressage. A sqare halt is expected at training level. Never mind first. Imagine calling judging unfair because they judged his unsqare halt as wanting at fourth level. His horse came above the bit and he was marked down. That’s what yhe judging is for! Horses aren’t supposed to come above the bit! And CERTAINLY not at third or fourth level! What does he think, it’s all about performing a movement? Doesn’t matter the quality? There’s some incredible stupidity on display. Imagine telling g on yourself for your inability to ride like that.