In reading that old thread I have to wonder…if someone did ride with him and still not like his methods are then allowed to say how much they do not like him or will some new thing be tossed out as a reason why he is right and they are wrong?
This is beautiful. It is almost a free-form octave.
The reason would then be that the rider didn’t fully commit to his methods and that Swamptown corrupted the rider into seeing/feeling something different than what the maestro was producing.
Definitely. He’d claim it was all a set-up. A Swamptown conspiracy!
I love how he claims that he’ll be able to ride any horse 10 times better, and that’s why no one asks him to come give a clinic.
Really? He persists in going there? He admits that he hasn’t been on a horse in years, so I’m guessing his ability to access his Reins of Silk (copyright pending) would elude him.
Has anyone ever seen a transcript of the judge’s remarks in his lawsuit?
How expensive are court transcripts, anyway?
Was there a lawsuit involving judges??
Well, that was a trip down memory lane. Had to make a wide detour around a banned poster or two, but it killed an afternoon.
He truly thinks the rules should apply to everyone but him, and is incapable of understanding that life does not generally work that way. Especially horse life. There’s nothing quite like a horse for showing a person’s true character to the world. They’ll tell on you every time.
I believe it was brought to light, by our legal people here, that transcripts are not usually kept in cases such as his suing COTH, so I suppose we’ll never know what was really said. I don’t believe for a minute Nick’s account.
No. Peronace sued COTH and lost. The post was in reference to that civil case.
Oh lol, I totally read that wrong. Was still thinking about the show conspiracy with influenced judges.
Easily done. All those judges.
I don’t think they’re kept unless the case is appealed. I know from doing historical research that unless a case was appealed, no records of the case will exist except the ‘jacket,’ which is just the bare bones of what happened. None of the good stuff.
Well, dearest Ghazzu, now that you’ve asked…
Several industrious residents of Swamptown cast off their bath robes and contacted the very court where said lawsuit was heard. Alas, since it was a magisterial court case, there are no written transcripts. So all we have is Mr. P’s ever-changing recounting of what the judge said.
And the judgement. Against him. Which cost him $.
Depends. I asked our court reporter once and she said the court reporter charges $7 a page (these are always double spaced) but that transcription services outside the court charge in the range of $15 - $25 a page.
While some court appearances still use a court reporter most, especially in lower courts, use recording devices. Every court case must be recorded somehow as all are subject to appeal and the higher court demands a transcript accompanies the appeal.
It may be possible (depending on the court) to purchase the transcript as civil cases are open to the public. Any interested party can examine the paperwork, filings and orders on civil cases.
Recordings or court reporters records are typically kept for years. The type of cases I’m citing her are civil cases such as Small Claims, civil cases up to $50,000 and Housing cases.
Oh, you’re such a hater! His horsey stopped in the square (well, the arena rectangle), so that was okay and obviously the judge was ignorant about that. Wait, what? That’s not what a square halt means? Who cares anyway, he got his horsey to trot around an arena with a person holding a flag in it, so that’s Olympic level RIGHT THERE. Gathering up my reins of silk so they don’t tangle in my bathrobe cord and leisurely trotting off …
Bawhahahahahaha!! Thanks for a great morning laugh!
I wonder if that really is part of the problem. If he doesn’t understand the concept of quality or correctness of a movement, and believes that it’s just a matter of checking a box (i.e. if the horse stopped, then he should score well for a halt, or if the horse went slightly sideways, he should score well for a half pass), then maybe he does wonder why everyone else is spending so much time at the lower levels developing correctness and truly believes he has some great skill because, in his mind, he was able to check those lower-level boxes with no effort.
Night_Flight, I think you may have hit on a reasonable guess here.
Ding ding, we have a winner! I think you might be right.
I bet that has been a problem for him throughout life. Possibly starting in kindergarten when someone told him to stop eating paste and continuing throughout when told to show his work, write more clearly, spelling and grammar DO matter, etc.