That was just a good in-the-moment soundbite. You didn’t actually think he was going to PAY for the shirt of shipping it, did you?
Something I’ve always thought curious about Nick’s proclamations about his ability to train horses and give clinics is the complete lack of videos of him riding movements or a test at the level he says he can ride at. He posted one warm-up of Carpathia that didn’t so any Fourth level movements or frame.
Seriously (seriously), how many “FEI” - level trainers scrub the internet of any videos of them riding horses from training level to FEI? Riding client horses in training sessions? Riding their horses in training sessions or shows? And only post a few “select” still shots of them riding?
It Nick wanted to “prove” himself as an upper level trainer/rider and offered to give free clinics on someone else’s dime to prove himself, he would have videos showing he knows what he’s talking about. He’d keep up the videos of Chevy, the only horse he “trained to GP” and he’d have posted videos of him actually riding Carpathia at Fourth level and schooling FEI. To show he knows what he’s doing to his greater audience. He thinks Swamp Town “corrupted” the judges at his shows at Fourth level? Simply post a video of you riding a Fourth level test. What trainer WOULDN’T do that if a cabal of bathrobe-wearing women were trying to ruin you online? And what trainer DOESN’T have many videos of them working horses at various levels in order to attract clients? Or post their show scores in order to attract clients? Or state who they do clinics with regularly as a sign that he’s learning things. I mean, all GP level riders I know/knew worked with people regularly (Olympians or international level judges) to keep their skills up and have expert eyes on the ground.
Nick seems to think people will PAY for him just based on his word. With no proof he can actually do anything he says he can do. He failed with Carpathia and failed with Chevy. Sorry Nick, the only teens I know who competently ride at FEI went successfully through the YR program on bonafide FEI level horses. They don’t just read books. Thus, the guy NEEDS some proof that he can give a lesson above training level and move a horse out of training level.
I mean seriously, does anyone here know of any actual FEI or GP level trainer who thinks they’re beyond doing clinics? Or is so afraid to post videos of them riding or showing at the level they claim to train at?
So Nick, this is why no dressage rider above beginner in the discipline will ride with you or invite you to give a clinic. You’ve never shown you can ride or train competently at any level. I can say I’ve trained my horse to I2 and go show in a few weeks with scores in the 40s. Should I blame YOU for contacting the judges to ruin my ride and claim that the cabal is working against me? Hmmmm, is it more likely that a cabal is trashing my scores… or that my horse and I can’t ride an I2 test. Hmmmmm. Can you see what I’m saying?
OK, I’m done. I have to contact @Unfforgettable about ski lessons.