The Maestro has written another book

Particularly as that was his first “book”. If you think this one is bad, rest assured his first will be exponentially worse.


“cold” being 40*F and less
I mean, come on! Baby!

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I read that first book when it was free on Kindle Unlimited. Or perhaps I should say I tried to read it…the guy is not a storyteller at all, and it was poorly written and hard to follow. Like he was telling bits and pieces of a story he already knew without giving the reader any sort of connections or background. Just random stuff, tossed any which way. Most of it made very little sense.
No way would I have paid for it. Of course it disappeared quickly from Kindle Unlimited.


If the book is written as badly as that description, no thanks!

No author should ever say their own book is impossible to put down.

But perhaps that means you will be unable to put it down because you have already thrown it across the room?


I figured he meant he put glue on the outside of the book so you COULDN’T put it down.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Also there were two words, “barf bags”, left off the very end of the description.

Too bad U2 can’t sue over the title. The song is a classic, unlike the book.


Wait. This is how you’re describing his first book? Well… if nothing else at least we now know he’s consistent in his writing style. :laughing:


But you’ll get a free t-shirt, surely that’ll help amortise the cost? :wink:


And 13. And 14…

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Well, it’s just because we don’t understand klassical riding and reins of silk that we think those photos show a horse not accepting the bit and not stretching forward into the contact.

If we were edumacated, we would understand that the horse is “light” instead of looking like a sub 60% Training Level test.


Oh yes. Read and reviewed on Kindle Unlimited. Only book I’ve ever deleted from my device completely. When I called it Minute Rice Risotto, I was being kind.


Third Level Test 1:

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Looks like In the Name of Love is out of stock on Amazon, and Behind the Bit has one copy left. I wonder if he’s trying to sell them only through his own site now in order to keep tabs on the buyers.


I am not a dressage maestro-ess :crown: yet nonetheless I’m gonna go out on the proverbial limb and say that none of those photos represent a third level horse. Even I, who has only competed in western dressage, know that the horse is not supposed to be engaging with the spectators at X.



To me, it looks like she’s seeking someone, anyone, to get her outta there.

I repeat, that horse is a Saint.


Even I, who has only competed in western dressage, know that the horse is not supposed to be engaging with the spectators at X.

:joy: I was to tempted to buy a photo of my mare from our last show where she is doing the exact same thing, because the photographer in the corner of the indoor was VERY SUSPICIOUS. But her halt was nicely square and she’s a youngster doing Intro, not 3rd :wink:


Do you show aside?
My first riding instr was the first lady to get her USDF Bronze aside, on her own trained ottb.


Yep! On my old OTTB mare I showed at Training and 1st aside (as well as doing the sidesaddle Ladies Hunter division, which is what the profile picture is from). It was great on a long-backed horse who was not built to move up the levels but who I still wanted to have a fun challenge competing :slight_smile:

A good example of knowing your skill set and your limits, which some have trouble with :wink:

New TB youngster is just freshly technically 5, and has lunged with the sidesaddle but hasn’t actually been ridden in it yet. Maybe a hunter flat aside by the end of this year and a try at Training next year, once she’s had a year at Training in a regular dressage saddle. Fingers crossed and weather cooperating, our first go at Training 1 will be next weekend!


And 17.