Me too! I haven’t been to Dressage Hub but I saw the posts posted here (scroll up). It makes sense that he believes conspiracy theories. They are all about why it’s not “your fault” in life but someone else’s fault. It makes sense that he believes “Democrats are moralizing pedos” because he supported Trump AND feels the need to demonize “the other” to explain why he’s a failure at so many things and a hate monger for so many years. It’s gay people. Transgendered. Democrats. Dressage judges. COTH. People on the COTH BB. If he’s not If he’s not hating on some group or not actively being a victim, he just doesn’t know how to exist in this world.
I would bet money that if I won Lotto (and wanted to prove a point) and offered to pay to send Nick to clinics with GP level clinicians, he’d refuse. I bet that if I wanted to send him an FEI horse trained by an Olympian and asked Nick to ride that show that FEI class in 6 months with quality scores, he’d refuse. I bet if I wanted to send him a bonafide second-level horse with the talent to go to FEI and ask him to show with quality scores at Fourth level in a year or two, he’d refuse. All of this would just call his bluff to need to blame someone else for his inability to meet these goals even with the best opportunities that Lotto money could buy.
ETA: He’d refuse or come up with a reason why the Olympian ruined the horse. Because he’s better than the Olympian.