The Maestro has written another book

Me too! I haven’t been to Dressage Hub but I saw the posts posted here (scroll up). It makes sense that he believes conspiracy theories. They are all about why it’s not “your fault” in life but someone else’s fault. It makes sense that he believes “Democrats are moralizing pedos” because he supported Trump AND feels the need to demonize “the other” to explain why he’s a failure at so many things and a hate monger for so many years. It’s gay people. Transgendered. Democrats. Dressage judges. COTH. People on the COTH BB. If he’s not If he’s not hating on some group or not actively being a victim, he just doesn’t know how to exist in this world.

I would bet money that if I won Lotto (and wanted to prove a point) and offered to pay to send Nick to clinics with GP level clinicians, he’d refuse. I bet that if I wanted to send him an FEI horse trained by an Olympian and asked Nick to ride that show that FEI class in 6 months with quality scores, he’d refuse. I bet if I wanted to send him a bonafide second-level horse with the talent to go to FEI and ask him to show with quality scores at Fourth level in a year or two, he’d refuse. All of this would just call his bluff to need to blame someone else for his inability to meet these goals even with the best opportunities that Lotto money could buy.

ETA: He’d refuse or come up with a reason why the Olympian ruined the horse. Because he’s better than the Olympian.


This is THE BOOK…

…that describes why he fails at so many levels.


My only comment - Carpathia is a saint.


Anybody know the real reason why he sold her?

Somebody posted this on their FB page, but it seems to apply here.

Dunning-Kruger effect, in psychology, a cognitive bias whereby people with limited knowledge or competence in a given intellectual or social domain greatly overestimate their own knowledge or competence in that domain relative to objective criteria or to the performance of their peers or of people in general.


I think his “sponsors” (aka BOMAD, Bank of Mom & Dad) were sick of him pissing away their retirement funds on her. That poor mare got moved about four times during the short time he had her, as everyone did him dirty (surprise!) and didn’t provide the care they said they would (what? no way!). Despite him asking around $25K for her, she was sold off to a nice family for about $1,500, which was less than BOMAD paid for her at the get go.


More likely, he was probably booted out of each place either because he was an annoyance or maybe didn’t keep current on board? Gotta make excuses rather than admitting what really went on.


How do you know what he sold her for? I’m amazed at what COTH can find out!

Wasn’t part of his agreement at one of the places to ride and train some horses but then he refused to ride if it was cold out?


He did comment that he doesn’t ride if it’s below 40 degrees. Now that is dedication to your sport! :wink:


I seem to recall that at one place, he was upset that they turned the horse out so much and he wanted her in her stall instead, because somehow he thinks that’s better for the horse.


@Night_Flight he says that in his book. In the chapter where he goes off on the tangent about horse care. To him a good boarding barn is one that keeps the horse safely snuggled into their stall.


I think he’d also talked about it in a blog post or Facebook post at the time it happened, too. It’s entirely possible that he was asked to leave and he reframed it as being about the stall vs. turnout situation, though (and I would certainly ask a boarder to leave if I had a barn and they wanted their horse in all the time).

I saw it one of these threads back when he sold her (eventually). He started advertising her over $20K, but then the ads kept dropping and dropping and dropping - she went as a happy hacker to a family, but he then started squawking that she (the mare) was training her new rider in dressage, which clearly proves what a great trainer he was. A few people on the board offered real money to actually buy her, she’s obviously a kind and patient horse, but he wasn’t having it.


Regardless of how he tried to spin his various tales, in every scenario he recounted he came across as the Boarder from Hell.


Oh I agree. He does boast about his willingness to ignore all rules that he feels do not apply to him.


I mean, those silly females running those barns should’ve seen that Nick knew more about how to properly care for horses and manage an equine business. Clearly they were just jealous!


In his blog dated May 2017 on boarding he refers to a barn manager as “he”.

So, who wants to buy the other book and review it? I don’t think I’ve seen this other book posted about but maybe missed it?

The description is interesting…

In The Name of Love

Oceans kept them apart, but love brought them together

In this amazing story inspired by actual events, the author draws the reader in by making it almost impossible to put this book down.The reader gets a unique perspective of what life was really like for Italian immigrants migrating to The United States in the 1920’s and the 1950’s. The story makes a shocking twist towards The Vietnam War, the draft, and details true life or death situations. While all this is happening, a love story evolves that will have the reader in tears, yearning for more.

I’m not throwing good money away after bad. I spent $20 on the first piece of junk. I cannot imagine the second book is better.