Always a “violence-first” kinda guy. Did we expect anything more?
Contrary to what he thinks, the world needs less of “shoot first and ask questions later.”
My 2 cents.
Always a “violence-first” kinda guy. Did we expect anything more?
Contrary to what he thinks, the world needs less of “shoot first and ask questions later.”
My 2 cents.
He’s the only horse “professional” I’ve ever encountered who refers to his “customers”. Everyone else calls them “clients” or sometimes “students”.
NP is just jealous that COTH has moved on to Michael Barisone and paying attention to MB and not himself.
yeah and that MB could actually, ya know, ride.
Yeah, Jealoushe. MB has not taught his horses to rear er the airs above the ground
Have you read the reviews on his new book?
Nick’s version is more aptly titled “Errors Above The Ground”.
And he doesn’t ride with “reins of silk,” either.
Teach me your ways
I’m gonna do a big circle pattern on my lawn mower as soon as I find a proper bath robe.
When I clicked on this, there was a banner ad for fly predators just above the thread title.
So it looked like this:
Anyone Who Has Large Animals Should Use This For Flies
The Maestro Has Written Another Book
Algorithms. Sometimes they get things so right.
Oh, he’s just like “Mike” (except he can’t ride or train in the same ballpark as Mike). Cue the tiny violins.
Nick’s previous post says th following. Ummmmm, who has ever ridden a push-button upper level/FEI dressage horse? Bolding is mine to highlight passages I will question:
Dressage works every time. REAL dressage. The training and the conditioning. Dressage is a slow methodical process that is designed to calm the horse and make him better. Dressage was invented by Xenophon to calm the difficult horse. The Spanish Riding school in Vienna, trains based on these classical principles.
An upper level FEI horse, should be calm and push button easy to ride. Today we see short cuts taken. We see training decline and horses pushed too fast too soon. Money & medals is the prime directive, not the proper training of the horse. So, when you see a blow up in the arena, it is the consequence of bad training. It is the consequence of taking shortcuts. It is the consequence of throwing the classical principles out the window in exchange for fame and sponsorship.
Proudly, I can say that I have always stayed true to the classical principles. REAL Dressage works! It’s how I was able to break in a 10-year-old stallion who intimidated every trainer who ever tried to work with him. It’s how I was able to accomplish the ECRDA high score award on a draft horse. It’s how I was able to retrain an Appaloosa quarter horse from the western style, to the highest levels of dressage and to be light in self carriage. It’s how I was able to take a former race horse, and end my ride with me standing right next to the beautiful American flag waving in the wind while my horse just stood there calmly.  It’s how I’m able to get so many great reviews from people praising me, saying how I’ve helped them where no other trainer could.
Am I a master? Do I know something nobody else does? Do I have some unique abilities? No, absolutely not! I haven’t invented anything and I’m no master! The only thing I do, is practice and put into place the principles of dressage laid out by the masters. You don’t need a PhD to train a horse, you only need to use the classical techniques.
It’s amazing how people are able to reveal just how much they don’t know while trying to sound like a guru!
My friend’s cow horse is the brokest creature I’ve ever thrown a leg over- he’s got “buttons” for daaaays, but it’s knowing how to press them that is the issue!
I’ve been flipped the horsey middle finger many times trying to figure out the right way to ask for things. It sure ain’t easy, lol
Yay, the truth will out.
Bless his heart. So says the man with no students, horses, trainer or clue. I swear he and the good Rev Buck are actually the same person, just in different countries.
AB and NP are different. AB is not nearly as toxic as NP.
I think AB is more dangerous though, he’s got a huge following and many of them believe he actually knows what he’s talking about. NP is more of a joke to the equestrian world and no-one really cares what he’s got to say.
His page has a huge following but not him personally as a trainer.
Honest confusion here. He writes this as though he is currently riding/training. I understood that he doesn’t currently have a horse and has not ridden/trained/showed in many years, is that not correct?