So now he thinks he’s Johnny Depp.
Is it possible for there to be news about a man who has been wronged without our friend thinking he’s been through the same thing?
So now he thinks he’s Johnny Depp.
Is it possible for there to be news about a man who has been wronged without our friend thinking he’s been through the same thing?
Of course he blindly supports the man and can’t even get the woman’s name right. What a guy.
… …
He’ll say he did it on purpose to see who was paying attention. Because he’s NEVER wrong.
Oh good grief, he is just insufferable.
So which one of you guys ruined the opportunity for some nominally skilled, over-horsed, naive equestrian to receive much-needed help from The Maestro?
That’s hidden in plan site.
He knows it’s not defamation if it’s true, right?
When has that stopped him?
I thought he flounced off Facebook?
Maybe he paid his internet bill?
Surprisingly, many people cannot grasp that concept.
“Amanda” is Amber’s bogus screen name, doncha know.
He keeps bringing up that he has offered “free” clinics and no one has taken him up on the offer.
Why wouldn’t one of his friends (like Dawn) or one of the previous clients who wrote the “great reviews” he posted on his website step up and sponsor a clinic. One would think they would do that for Nick.
Unless . . . he doesn’t have as many horsey friends as he thinks he does and maybe those reviews were either fake or given under duress.
Edited: You would have to accept that he will try to weasel out of any clinic after all the plans have been made, and he would laugh about it. Maybe make him put a substantial (to him) amount of money in escrow and sign a pretty ironclad contract.
You mean like “Maria Garcia” or whatever her name was that gave that wonderful Amazon review of his book? Or dear ol’ “Ed”?
Just how great must his clinics be if, even when offered (allegedly) for free, there aren’t any takers? Is that response, in and of itself, revealing? I mean, I don’t wanna eat a slice of spinach pie even if it’s free, thank you very much.
I think he absolutely seriously believes that he is a great rider and trainer. The thought that he is delusional has never come close to crossing his mind.
Maybe he wasn’t as welcomed as he’d anticipated over on Truth Social or wherever he went?
In his mind, the only reason he’s not being swarmed with clients is because an angry mob of bathrobe-clad harpies conspired against him out of jealousy.
Haha oh man, the only Neil Breen film I saw was “fateful findings” for the podcast “how did this get made?” It was a trip!
Difference here Mr Maestro, is that we have clear video evidence of your level of competence both when teaching and riding. We make our judgement that you are not all that and a big of chips, on evidence that you have shared.
More like very soggy, greasy, over salted fries cooked in rancid oil. Not only nothing special, but a waste of time & money. May make you ill if consumed.