The Maestro has written another book

In which The Maestro demonstrates he doesn’t know the difference between a curb and a snaffle, repeatedly …






Oh dear


Someone’s turned him on to spell check.


He’s actually correct when he says it’s the classical way of riding. The snaffle is used for directional control, riding off the curb only means the directional control must come from the rider’s seat. @ideayoda would be able to explain it better than I can, but I don’t think she posts here anymore.


The man does it right and is a master, the woman is terrible and incompetent and yanking despite being widely regarded as the best current dressage rider in the world.

How on brand for Nick :roll_eyes:


Nick: Get yourself a magnifying glass and take a look at the curb rein.

How embarrassing, but not surprising, for you to make that mistake.


I simply gobsmacked that he is running Charlotte down. This guy left the reseservation so long ago.

Or, more likely, he was never on it.


Wait. So dear ol’ Chevy was a “do everything schoolmaster”? At whose school? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Not only that, but a woman who rides like Charlotte Dujardin came to ride him and Nick had to kick her off the horse!


So, do I interpret this to mean that Nick was riding Chevy in a double bridle when he sold him?

Is there a picture of that…ummm…done correctly? Waiting but not holding my breath.


There are some pictures on “Nick Peronace Blog” of him riding Chevy and then Carpathia in a double bridle.

You will have to slog pass a lot of political stuff.


“The girl absolutely has no clue about real collection or the remote idea what self carriage is or how it’s accomplished” ???

:rofl: :rofl: :woman_facepalming:

I would pay money to watch Nick give Charlotte a lesson and then Charlotte give Nick a lesson on the same horse. Or vice versa. I would post the videos on Youtube with no comments/no names.


I guess Nuno never discussed how to properly run a curb chain through a halter or bridle in his books.

Nick, if you’re reading this, this is a huge safety issue should the horse get loose and get a foot caught in the chain.

Your pal Charlotte does it right.


Except he called her a girl, not a woman, which makes it even more diminishing and misogynistic.


I caught that too and thought yikes, this guy has four daughters?


Fair is fair. Riding on the curb alone is considered a proof that the horse is perfectly on the aids in the classical sense.

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I mentally freaked when I had a lesson on my mare and was told to tie the snaffle on the neck and use the curb. No that is wrong yada yada yada. I had contacted a great instructor and told him I was thinking of selling her, as I couldn’t ride her anymore.

The bit is only as severe as the hands at the other end of the rein.

O M G. I could ride her again, we could do everything. It was bliss. My right arm was weak. I had been lunging her in elasticised sidereins. The elasticised side reins taught her to lean. My arm was not up to her leaning. On the curb alone there was no leaning.

I did not sell her and I did not continue to ride only on the curb, but that lesson gave me my confidence back.


Yes, what NP is doing is dangerous. However, what you show is not the only way to run a chain through a halter. Or a bridle.

Why is he blabbing about Podhajsky? Podhajsky was a pragmatic rider who most commonly used direct contact with the snaffle and curb, especially in competition. Me thinks Nick has stared at the cover of L’Equitation too much and believes that all mounts are capable of operating on a dropped snaffle and limited curb.

And why is he talking about collection when Charlotte is performing the Spanish walk?

His ramblings are regurgitations of complaints made by many a sideline rider with very little world experience.

And I sure can’t see Charlotte, let alone any decent FEI rider, coming to ride Chevy and for what purpose? To buy the horse? To be educated by Nick?

This guy is so detached from reality it is legitimately scary.