The Maestro has written another book

Of course it isn’t. I just think it’s pretty hypocritical that he is critiquing one of the best riders in the world when he can’t even properly attach a lead to a bridle.

Edited clarity


Soto has given away the rein after a competition. Dujardin is asking for a performance movement (and clearly having a hoot in doing so). Can’t he tell the difference? Nevermind.


In a word?


He’s beyond delusional - and proudly ignorant.


The infamous “book” seems to be out of print now. :wink: There is one new unflattering review. :smiley:


A greater question. Why does he reference books and not his amazing experience as a trainer with real life examples from his students and substantiating testimonials??

Oh yeah…nvmd…


I can’t find the book or any of the reviews anymore, apparently he’s selling it direct to his supporters. :wink:

Yes - Soto is obviously acknowledging the crowd after a performance… and Charlotte is having fun with the Spanish walk. Big difference. Huuuuge difference. Different moments in time. But then, I am not the superb horseman and dressage expert that some others always profess to be…


If you go to Amazon, hit “books” in the dropdown menu to the left of the searchbar, and enter “behind the bit nick peronace” it should show up.


Thank you! That new review is magnificent. I particularly love the “mysterious cabal of bathrobe clad hussies who slam him out of jealousy” line. :rofl:


That review was so on point and full of the insight Nick lacks. I’d like to buy good ol’ “Penelope Pitstop” a drink. :wine_glass:

Or maybe a new fluffy bathrobe.


Anyone doubt that Maria Garcia is just ol’ Nick in drag? Trying to explain away the fact that not only is the book worthless, Grade School kids have better understanding of the English language…


Wow, he really didn’t take the judge’s comments to heart and improve between shows, did he? Different judge and same score. Gives a good idea how seriously he takes the idea of learning and improving. You would have thought he would have given the comments and scores serious thought, and worked on some aspect of his class. Even entered a better-suited class to work on some basics so clearly lacking, But no, what was his response? Oh, yeah - the judges are out to get me! People who hate me told the judges to score me low, and they bought the lies! Never mind that judges in the box don’t know who’s in front of them at any given moment. Idiot. Just amazing. I remember when kids in 5th and 6th grad would say something like that when they lost at some competiion in grade school, and how foolish they sounded like bad losers. I remember my mother told us she never wanted to hear us groaning that we lost. “you learn from your mistakes,” she told us, “I want to see you learn and improve for next time. You want to win, work to make that happen. Nothing is handed to you.” Imagine having the mindset of a bad loser blaming others for your poor performance, as an adult. IN fact, framing your entire philosophy of learning a sport on that kind of poor loser lack of ethics.


But he was RIGHT!! And those judges are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!

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Taking a stroll out of my basement, bloody hot in this here fluffy robe…

I was looking at these two pics again, ignoring the riders, which horse looks happier?

Who looks like they are carrying tension, and is ‘worried’ for want of a better word. Who looks like they might be having as much fun as their rider, with loose looking ears, and a relaxed face…

But that’s just me in my bath robe.

Oh and neither rider has their hands in their crotch, still have no idea how a person can be in any way effective with hunch back, toes down looking down, and crotch paws?


What’s the saying, “can’t fix stupid”


Well now, rules aren’t for him…


“Crotch paws” :grinning::grinning:


Just out of curiosity, what sort of mistakes and bad riding would earn 43%? I don’t show so I don’t see any lower level tests being performed.

He could always claim he was at an event. (No disrespect intended)

My ex racehorse didn’t have a right lead canter and I had just gotten him but I showed him anyway and got a 48%.