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The New Porch Annex

OK, with HSM, Kachoo, Jaded (TinCan), and the multi-named BossHoss (Epona, Wronglead, etc.), it’s time we started building a new Porch Annex over here, not to replace the original Porch, but in addition to it. It can be The Porch South (or East, or West, or North - dang, I can’t tell direction in cyberspace)

For those who don’t know, The Porch is a creation of the E-search H/J board posters, created long before I started posting there. The Porch belongs to Schoolmarm, one of the original posters there. It is a very large virtual porch with lots of rocking chairs and a cider still in the back. Only the older posters (at least 30 I think, with a few exceptions) are actually allowed to sit on the porch, but there is room for all. Older teens and twenties can sit on the stairs leading to the porch, while the kids are welcome on the lawn, where they take care of the ponies and sheep that roam the property. Becca and Kellybird are two of the original lawn kids, so we allow them to sit on the stairs occasionally.

The Porch also has arts and crafts and entertainment. There is lots of baling twine knitting and manure scupting. The Chippendales dancers stop by when someone has a birthday. And the still, of course.

So what do you say, gang, do we have enough baling twine to start building another Porch over here?

Broom??? Did you say broom? Sandstone? Kelsy? Erin? HELP!!!

Okay, okay…I’ll stop eyeing the tequila (how many times do I have to point out that what i REALLY want is the cidar, eh?) as long as you pass those fresh cookies over here. And will someone please getthose sheep away from the steps? Please? I don’t wanna get up


[This message has been edited by Regalmeans (edited 10-17-2000).]


happy to share that red with you - today we are trying a lovely willamette valley brand - Sokol Blosser - it is widely known as simply the BEST red to go with fudge, BTW

Whew, I noticed while the old farts were gone, the “step” children took over for a while… did anyone clean up the mess?

Oh my GAWD, Schoolie lives!!! Gosh, I am SOOO sorry I forgot to hose you off for a while, and you got all dried out and stuff. Forgive me??

clump, stomp, drag, ooomph - Hey, someone give me a hand here with this danged still! Drug this thing all around the horse show with me so I’d remember to bring it back. crash - ooops, sorry Portia, didn’t mean to drop it on your toes.

Jaded, since it was just your bday, you can have a SIP of the cider, no more. You ain’t legal yet here in the States missy! :wink:

C2, Suz, whoever else I missed - glad to see you here. This big ol’ porch is gonna be hard to keep up with!

Sorry Suz, but did you forget? The chippies haven’t been seen nor heard from since we had that big party on the porch for JOH’s birthday. Hmmmm…maybe we need to ask HER where they went…oh JOH!?!

Awesome idea, Portia - a porch annex(although I’m not sure how I feel about being referred to as one of the “older” posters ). I just hope that all the other COTH residents feel free to come on up 'n set a spell too!

Hey! Me too! I’ve been here for a while but don’t post as much.

Glad to see ALL of you here!!

I like it much better here already–much quieter-no kids getting in your face. Brought my pillow-Tin get outta my way, I need a rest. Please pass the cider.

Now look here, BobO, you can only build onto the addition if I design it first! Schoolie already has me redesigning her house, so after I get the jacuzzi/wild parties/orgy room design done, I’ll whip up some Porch addition drawings.

Schoolie - sorry about the manure sculpture on your rocker. We DID try to wake you up first!

Thanks, JB, for the smilie tips.

Hey Guys, as JR_Greener comes up on the porch tripping over all the coloured helmets. Pass the cider, its great to talk to all of you again.

saunters on up to porch and flops into well padded rocking chair
Well it’s been a while. Lots gone on. Had Ginny in a haunted barn, or was it maybe the drunk idiots who ran the place? You know, horses were acting severly freaked out, the place (including brand new arena) were literaly falling apart… that’s the work of ghosts, right, and not barn owners who sit around all afternoon drinking beer and wondering why their place isn’t flourishing, right? takes out large broom and swats all the stepkids across the head in one large sweep Learn a lesson anbout alcohol there kiddies?
Lady I ride for is getting rid of her alcoholic partner another whap to the step kids in case they didn’t learn it the first time and most of her horses.
TwoSox the 18 hh Han/TB has been dead and deadly lame the last three years but I gave him a ride Wednesday and will pick myself off the rocker long enough to ride him again today.
A certain vet who has raised most of Canada’s top dollar horses (or however that should be worded) is looking to buy the pink pony.
Big fluffy white Beauty the Samoyed is cuddled at my feet, Issy the Rotti pup at my back, and life is looking fine, except for Gin, who may have to “go”. Oh well, can’t save em all.
Now excuse me for another few weeks while I go find a new horse.

Louise and all other non-e-searchers – The Porch, Steps, and Lawn are for Everybody! We’ll put Snowbird in the rocker right next to Schoolmarm, where we can dust them both off conveniently. That is, if JOH and JB can be kept from turning Schoolie into a manure sculpture again.

As for BobO, he’s been around before, but hasn’t stuck his head in recently. I’ll have to give him a nudge. We need our token male, don’t we?

Ahh Sandstone! You come up here and rock next to me! As one of the original Porchers (actually I think it was something I was torturing Schoolmarm about that even made the darn Porch up…LOL)

Now as the local Southern California native of the Porch, it is MY job to give you the weather report here during the winter…(the Candians like umm JOH JOH will tell you how much I love doing this…LOL)

Todays weather: slight breeze, clear and 73 degrees outside~ Actually may have to wear a t-shirt tonight instead of a tank top, going to drop to at least 65 this evening …brrrrrrrrrr

So tell me JOH~ are your bays covered in frost yet??? LOLOL g

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sandstone:
[B]I am not legal but I will replace whatever I drink… I only go for the good stuff anyway.

I am now calling the second-from-the-top step for Kelsy, I think that she deserves a nice spot to be part of the adult conversation. She can sit on my side.[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks Marion babe! Good thing I’m sittin’ next to you… you can stop me from sayen totally inappropriate things! lolol.

Haha yeah and don’t worry, Marion & I will replace everything we drink

Tequila is definatly welcome, expecially the brands with those cool hulisinating (sp?) worms :wink: I bring my shot glass! Better drink fast before they stop supplying it.

Crazy story, I went to a bar the other night and someone ordered a shot of tequila and it cost $9.00!!! Ah!!! And it was a cheap brand, nothing special!
Moral of that story: Don’t drink under age (you just don’t have enough money for the good stuff LOL; opps shouldn’t have added that part…)

Hey OldMare!

Nice to ‘see’ you again! Wanna pair of knitting needles? We need some pony blankets right quick! My barn hose was froze this morning and there was a skin of ice on the pasture trough. C2 will be happy to hear of our frost, that is, if we can find her through all that smog BEG

Man I got caught . Thanks cugar2 for remembering me. you might want to pull out that real nice rocker of yours so that I can sit in it while I catch you up to date on my abduction by a UFO saucar. Glad to see two families come together. Sad to say it but this baby is not a baby anylonger. Ill be legal to drink in a fue months. Ah the horor of thinking I will be drinking nice fine wine on the poarch with all the ones who remember me when I was still in dypers crawling up the steps to only get kicked off when I would steel a drink not knowing what it was but only knowing it tasted good.

Hey, Portia - glad to see you revived the Porch over here. Missed you guys - I think you last saw me under the porch - sopping up the spilled cider with chocolate chip cookies. I guess I’ll come out now and bring the cookies with - I promise they don’t have too much hay or horsehair in them.

So thats where they went!!! I wondered where they were for my birthday, I bet JOH took off with them on the pink ponies…

Hey Clemson~ maybve the adulats can have their “lawn party” on the lawn and we can have ours out back…

Although I barely squeak in with enough birthdays to get onto the porch, I can rock with the best of you. Just make sure I have a rocker with expandable sides, since I’ve given up on my youthful svelte figure. Anyone ever taste homemade scrumpy? It’s related to cider, only more vile and intoxicating.