The New Porch Annex

Spiders and ghosts, huh? C2? BossHoss? Fess up, you two. You’ve been hitting the cider a bit hard since I’ve been gone, haven’t you?

Anyone care to clue me in as to what befell the old esearch bb? As someone mentioned, I haven’t been there in a couple of years. Just curious. Did the porch sitters finally take on the lawn kids in a teen-tossing contest and get ousted by the Powers That Be ( . . . or is that “That Were”?) for Cruel and Unusual Use of Duct Tape? Did BobO get rowdy and get you guys pitched off the porch? Inquiring Minds Want to Know!

Hey Portia – I turn 30 next month … does that mean I graduate from the steps to a rocking chair?

BTW – a friend of mine is naming her new horse Portia (if she vets) since (my old) her horse is Merchant of Venice!

Squirt sneaks on to the porch carrying some curevo gold under one arm and some spiked lemonade under the other Pulls up a cushion hugs the dogs and pours everyone a shot. Welcome to COTH everybody!

I hadn’t been to the e-search boards in about a year, but I used to sneak onto the porch occasionaly to get some cider and leave the baling twine in it’s place. But hey I’m old enough now to be at least on the top steps!
Can I stay on the porch, PLEASE? I promise I’ll bring everybody stuff from work, remeber it’s a BAR! I’ll make cookies? I can hold the ball of twine while you guys knit! PLEASE?
OK, I’ll stop sounding desparate.

Well, here I am gang! With the Patches man and the cute pilot in tow! glad to see much of the old gang in tact. I do finally have some pix of Patches, but have yet to figure out how to post them. Pass the cider please. It is a bit chilly up here in Canuck land today!


Did you find the bottle I hid out behind the shed? I put it there before C2 went through the shed with a can of Raid–be careful! It may contain toxins!!! Besides, the baby spiders may have crawled into the cork-holes to hide!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sandstone:
[B]Jaime~I am not legal but I will replace whatever I drink… I only go for the good stuff anyway.

I am now calling the second-from-the-top step for Kelsy, I think that she deserves a nice spot to be part of the adult conversation. She can sit on my side.

[This message has been edited by Sandstone (edited 10-16-2000).][/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I second Marion’s replacing the drink rule LOL. And I jsut wanted to point out that I already have a place on one of the top two steps both those things are wide and I’m happy to share.


Heelsdown, dogs are welcome, especially on the cold nights when we old folks with bad circulation need our feet warmed. Your black lab can sit with BossHoss’s dogs - let’s see, she has some kind of big fluffy dog and a rottweiller pup and I don’t know what else…

[This message has been edited by Portia (edited 10-16-2000).]

Well, I hate to admit it but I definately qualify for a place on the porch!
Just give me the quiet corner…near the still…and I am a wiz with baling twine.

Yes,we did take over but don’t worry, we threw away all of the empty bottles when we finished… Watch out, now 6 of us on the top 2 steps since Clemson is here!

Hey Schoolmarm! I have heard so much about you. It is great to finally meet you.

OK, with HSM, Kachoo, Jaded (TinCan), and the multi-named BossHoss (Epona, Wronglead, etc.), it’s time we started building a new Porch Annex over here, not to replace the original Porch, but in addition to it. It can be The Porch South (or East, or West, or North - dang, I can’t tell direction in cyberspace)

For those who don’t know, The Porch is a creation of the E-search H/J board posters, created long before I started posting there. The Porch belongs to Schoolmarm, one of the original posters there. It is a very large virtual porch with lots of rocking chairs and a cider still in the back. Only the older posters (at least 30 I think, with a few exceptions) are actually allowed to sit on the porch, but there is room for all. Older teens and twenties can sit on the stairs leading to the porch, while the kids are welcome on the lawn, where they take care of the ponies and sheep that roam the property. Becca and Kellybird are two of the original lawn kids, so we allow them to sit on the stairs occasionally.

The Porch also has arts and crafts and entertainment. There is lots of baling twine knitting and manure scupting. The Chippendales dancers stop by when someone has a birthday. And the still, of course.

So what do you say, gang, do we have enough baling twine to start building another Porch over here?

I’ll forgive JB for dropping the still on my foot, but only because I was wearing the custom boots with the steel toes.

Wow, we really do have most of the old gang here now!

CTT came over quite awhile ago, after the anti-dyslexia trolls at e-search got to her, but everyone of you e-searchers knows and remembers her. She’s doing some very good work out in the real world.

Do y’all remember Kim? Check out the thread on the great new horse book. I’m pretty sure it’s the same Kim from E-search long ago.

JB has been visiting regularly for awhile, as have JTurner and JenniferS. Becca and Jo and Kellybird have been here, all well representing the younger contingent. And now C-2, BossHoss, JOH, HSM, Kachoo, langshaw, HuntJumpSC, and the rest – even Schoolie!!! Too many to name.

Now, who else are we missing? Sebastian, of course (C-2, she’s your responsibility). And Tree, Dianna, Spotted Pony. BobO has been here before but we need to let him know where we all are. Geno, but nobody’s heard from him in a coon’s age. I think we drove him off by making him dance that day when the Chippies were missing. Who am I forgetting?

[This message has been edited by Portia (edited 10-17-2000).]

I call the second step! I will sit on same side as Jaded! Yeah! I wil bring my climing goat and lab puppy for the little kids to play with in the yard. lol

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ClemsonRider:
[B]Sarah . .Sandstone . . .Kelsy . . . . Erin . . . Becca (?) And uh I forget who else is on the step with us but anyhow we will all have to throw big birthday parties . . Anyone heard of a FIELD PARTY???

There are alot of us on the steps. Yes… I have heard of field parties… LOL!

hehe after all I imagine that the lawn is quite large . . . .[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I call a step . . I am against the torturous pressing of apples to make cider however . . .

JUST KIDDING!!! or am I??

But I will bring the apple butter . . .hmmm

sorry all I have been at a horse show since 5 am !! YIPEEE (translates to me being very loopy)

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schoolmarm:
[B] Anyone care to clue me in as to what befell the old esearch bb? As someone mentioned, I haven’t been there in a couple of years. Just curious. Did the porch sitters finally take on the lawn kids in a teen-tossing contest and get ousted by the Powers That Be ( . . . or is that “That Were”?) for Cruel and Unusual Use of Duct Tape? Did BobO get rowdy and get you guys pitched off the porch? Inquiring Minds Want to Know!


Well, Schoolie, there may have been some rowdiness, but you know that never stopped most of us porchers before!

The problem, I think, was that the esearch bb powers-to-be (henceforth known as “the PTB”) got a little too big for their britches and a little too confident that their patrons would stick with them no matter what. Sooo, they kept on making change after change in the format, for no apparent reason. People would plead with the PTB to please leave well enough alone, but the PTB never listened. They kept tweaking and changing, and each time posts got lost, names got changed, and the size of the advertising on each page grew.

With the most recent change, things were really a mess for a while - people couldn’t get on, names had to be changed AGAIN, etc. Then, even after the PTB changed a few things back, the bb remained sooooooo slow that it’s hardly worth the wait for each ad-laden page to open up. I mean, paint could dry and he** could freeze over while you wait for each page of a post to open.

So, everybody got bored and annoyed, and decided to re-group over here, where the PTB {1} have a name (Hi Erin! ){2} have a brain (a considerable one at that) {3} listen when their patrons talk & {4} know a good thing when they see one.

JMHO, of course.

(JOH drops her tack trunk on the porch floor, dusts off her rocker, digs out baling twine and knitting needles, settles in…) Oh yes, the Chippendale guys…(JOH motions to incoming horse trailer) Sorry guys, didn’t know you’d miss them so much - I sure enjoyed them!

Thanks for inviting me here!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Squirt:
[B]Squirt sneaks on to the porch carrying some curevo gold under one arm and some spiked lemonade under the other Pulls up a cushion hugs the dogs and pours everyone a shot. Welcome to COTH everybody!

I hadn’t been to the e-search boards in about a year, but I used to sneak onto the porch occasionaly to get some cider and leave the baling twine in it’s place. But hey I’m old enough now to be at least on the top steps!
Can I stay on the porch, PLEASE? I promise I’ll bring everybody stuff from work, remeber it’s a BAR! I’ll make cookies? I can hold the ball of twine while you guys knit! PLEASE?
OK, I’ll stop sounding desparate. [/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

(SM puts down the Chippie long enough to grab the bottle and boot Squirt off the porch. . .)

Sorry, kid! You can’t drink it till you learn to spell it!

C2, haven’t I taught you anything? You know darned well what a “hunker” is. If you get two handsome farm boys side by side, chances are one is “hunker” than the other. That’s the one you take home.

(*SM takes a swig of Cuervo. . . dissolves into lunatic laughter . . . *)

So tell me . . . is there any way to make the last posts come up first when I log on? I still don’t quite have the hang of this site.

Jamie Lynn, no problem on the Pinot, plenty for all…

BTW, does the porch come with a really nice heater, fireplace, or hot tub? Those of us in the south are somewhat fragile when it comes to cold…

Ok, now the porch is almost complete … welcome JOH! Glad you could find us here.

Portia, you’re right… we need to be on the lookout for BobO and Seb. And then there’s Bailey, right Suz? Who else am I forgetting?

And Snowbird, don’t get scared if that mysterious figure in the rocker next to you starts to move a bit…we may just wake up Schoolmarm yet.

So it is me and Jaded on the top step and one the second~ kelsy, on my side and Sarah across from her! We will have so much fun together! and scince it sounds like the four of us will be drinking so much, maybe we can make our own cooler to put beside us?!

And we will definatly be happy to share with all but the lawn children and the goats… drunk goats would be kinda funny though don’t you think?