The New Porch Annex

Jaded~It is awsome if Erin squeses (I butchered that spelling didn’t I!) in the middle of us. By the way is she good with a broom? I have a feeling we will need to be good at both ends of it… shoving the little ones off the stairs and defending the blows from HSM as we try to sneak the hard cider instead of the plain!

(Grumble, grumble, grumble . . .thud)

Okay. (SM picks herself up off the new porch step . . . throws a huge ball of twine at Portia) You wanted twine? You got twine! Now step aside and let me drag my rocker up here into the shade. . .

Well, guys, looks like I’m here to stay…been insulted one time too many by the ES Trolls~ so, here I is! Heard the Chippies have been found, bring 'em on! I’ll drag Bailey & Sox over here too~ but warning! Bailey’s allergic to Tequila~ she just found out the hard way, so it’s just a double shot of cider for her! As for me, I’m sending a big virtual loaf of homemade banana bread as a “porchwarming” gift~ dig in!! SUZ

I was a lawn-sitter on E-search, as hunteruler. I’ll be the first to say that I want us to keep the porch running at least until I’m admitted to the stairs!

Hi gang, I’ll take a rocker next to schooly and C2. It took me two days just to read the posts, its great that Portia got the porch going again.
Hey Portia, the new Springer spaniel is perfect for warm laps and the Dalmation is a toe warmer. However, when do you need either in Texas?

Hi Suz, HSM, C2 JB and schooly. As for dancing with you girls I never say No either alone or in groups. As we noted before I LIKE GIRLS . So far though, Portia is the only one here that I’ve kissed (in front of the Misses ).

I’m working on a Porch design coming soon.

[This message has been edited by BobO (edited 10-17-2000).]

Well, I for one would welcome the chance to set a spell, even if I never got a chance to do so on equisearch. May I join you? And, I’m old, so I was wondering if there was a rocker left for me?

Well, well, well. . . seems as if some things just never change! HSM, I was counting on you and Portia to keep me clean while I was . . uh . . . hibernating. And NOW look at me!

(SM picks a chunk of manure out of her left ear . . .)

C2, I didn’t know you could count to 42! Congratulations! Coming out in the spring? Hmmm. . . seems I’ve heard THAT one before. LOL I’ll saddle up a couple of horses just in case. Here in the twigs we’re big on horse-pitality. And manure.

As for the rest of the Porch Sitters, I’m glad to see you all. You’re gonna have to fill me in on all the shenanigans y’all have been at for the past two years.

Okay, I was never at the other board but I’ve been at COTH for along time…and I know you all love me… …so Portia - am I proclaimed step worthy?


HSM you’re right about all that. But you’re forgetting that little problem we had when BobO gambled the rent money away while he was in Vegas for the World Cup…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Becca:
[B]I am reclaiming my originol porch kid status. Though I think it requires a friendly reminder that when the cookies came out, i got to sneak into an actual porch corner and comeone would throw me one, refering to me as rufus, or other such “codenames”

And only if theres Long island Lemonade (or iced tea? darn- I forget!!)

I hereby reclaim my seat with that big dog on the lawn (dog, or was it Kelly?? its beena while…)

I’ll take a step, if there’s any room left. However, I must warn against the Long Island Iced Tea. In an effort to keep anyone from falling off the ol’ porch let’s stick to hard cider and lemonade!

(JOH rolls on Porch floor, being impaled on rusty nails, collecting straw and manure in her hair, laughing until her sides ache)
Oh, BossHoss…whap the step kids just ONE more time for me!

Love this place!
(JOH crawls back up onto rocker, adjusts support hose, snaps 18 hr. bra back into place and grabs at Schoolmarm’s Chippie) How come YOU always get the 'hunker’iest ones, SM? HMMMMMMMM?

I was going to, but us younguns get such a kick out of watching you "chippie-obsessed’ fogies trip over them, I decided to let it be for a while G Once you all start coordinating your shoes to the rest of your outfit, I’ll reconsider…(mind you, if your wearing your approved helmet (as the USPC book says, you should at any time near horses) then you’d be fine, so whats the fuss about?)

Now now, juniors, we follow strict rules on the drinking age for alcoholic beverages – don’t want the Porch being raided, now do we? HSM (which, in case you don’t know, stands for Horse Show MOM), will get after you with her broom if she catches you breaking into the hard stuff.

You should also know that step-sitters are required to help the lawn kids with the sheep and ponies, including mucking up after them. (Nope, no grooms here!)

However, we have been known to make the occasional exception and let a step-sitter have a sip of something from the still on her/his birthday or other special occasions. And we always have the plain cider and lemonade, and we share the cookies whenever anyone gets around to baking them.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sandstone:
Jaded~It is awsome if Erin squeses (I butchered that spelling didn’t I!) in the middle of us. By the way is she good with a broom? I have a feeling we will need to be good at both ends of it… shoving the little ones off the stairs and defending the blows from HSM as we try to sneak the hard cider instead of the plain!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sandstone I’m with you BTW what country is the porch in…b/c if it’s like say Canada some of us are pratically legal LOL. We’ll all fit on the steps…don’t worry. As long as my horse doesn’t decide he wants as step there’s plenty of room…but darn that cooler was good idea!!


NO tequila for RodeoGrl!!! And Lets make sure that I am up there with you guys, (sandstone, regal, erin) so I can beat away Rodeo as she fights to get to the good stuff!!

So does this mean in April I will get a huge 21st party??? OOH I can’t wait . . .

Long live the Peeps

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cougar2:
[B] Hey there Missy? Not even gonna say “HI” after all it was ME who adored torturing you on a daily basis…How the heck are ya???

Funny thing we’ve been torturing you without you even being around for the past two years! No lie…

So shall we begin darling Marmie? Point score perhaps? I have had no one to spar with in such a very long time~ Not since your friend Bonnie was posting… So c’mon baby been waiting for this for a loooooong time

Missed ya lots!


(*YAWN . . . *)

Okay, C2, have at me. I’m armed and dangerous . . . and PMS-ing like crazy! LOL Missed you, too! Now get the heck out of my space before I rock right over your custom-made boots.

Great idea!!! I’ll bring the duct tape and round up the dancers… here Chippendales, Chippendales, Chippendales! Darn the ponies got into the cider again, start up a new batch… oh and I call first dibs on the top stair! STAY OFF MY TOP STAIR!!!

[This message has been edited by Jaded (edited 10-15-2000).]

BobO! Yea! Yes, gang, get jealous now – I have in fact been kissed on the cheek by BobO (even if it was in front of Mrs. Bob.)

Now Bob, you know how hot it was when you and Mrs. Bob visited the barn in August. (Yep, Jo, Langshaw, CTT and the other Texans, Bob and the missus dared visit Houston in August.) We get so used to the heat that when it drops below 70 we start breaking out the winter woolies.

Well count me in, out of the rain and snow, I’ll be the first to admit anything can be built and roofed with a bit of ducttape and manure patching, but someone musta taken too many pink pills when they did that repair, cos I think the annex is cozier, dryer, and has a better view to the lawn, not to mention closer to the bathtub still, and a railing (best to knock them lawnkids off the annex rail with a broom, easier than sweeping em off the porch once in a while).

Hello all, Do have any room for an over 30 on that there porch. I badly need a rocker and a foot rest and maybe a nice back rub from a chippie. After a wild ride from a greenie who hasnst quite figured out he has 4 legs not 8.