The New Porch Annex

An open air porch will naturally accomodate smokers downwind of the prevailing breezes (seem to dwell there generally anyway ), won’t it?

“Puffin’ a Winston, sippin’ a cider-- It’s Bennett’s mom, and she’s right beside ya…”

Do members of the O/F Clique automatically get cushions or what?

Aaaaah . . . now I get it. HSM, what you’re saying is that without me to ride herd on you-all, the PTB felt it necessary to up the advertising revenue to fund the pending defamation of character lawsuits you guys were racking up. Is that about it? :wink:

I can’t say I’m sorry I missed the festivities. My long ride into the sunset was probably a lot calmer and less annoying, and my horse doesn’t throw me nearly as often as that dratted rocking chair did! Then again, there’s nothing like a good shot of “'shine” and one of C2’s rants to get the old blood flowing. And that old hunk, Geno, gave those Chippies a run for their money! Speaking of Chippies . . .

(*SM reaches for her specs, adjusts her girdle, launches herself off the porch after a suspected Chip . . . *)

Bad JOH! BAD! quickly unloads the Chippies from the trailer

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schoolmarm:
(SM puts down the Chippie long enough to grab the bottle and boot Squirt off the porch. . .)

Sorry, kid! You can’t drink it till you learn to spell it!

C2, haven’t I taught you anything? You know darned well what a “hunker” is. If you get two handsome farm boys side by side, chances are one is “hunker” than the other. That’s the one you take home.

(*SM takes a swig of Cuervo. . . dissolves into lunatic laughter . . . *)

So tell me . . . is there any way to make the last posts come up first when I log on? I still don’t quite have the hang of this site.[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Who’re you kidding Schoolie? You’ve got this place figured inside and out!!!

(PS - the most recently-acted-on thread will always be at the top of the main page. When I open a thread, I hit “end” right away on my keyboard to get to the bottom, or if it’s a multi-page thread, click on the last page # right away, at the top of the main page, then hit “end”. That’s the best you can do, I think )

(HSM grabs a quilt, “hunkers” down in her rocker, & settles in for the night)

“hunkers”? YOU be the judge!! LOL!

DMK~I am sure you could find a Chipie to keep you warm. I know what you mean about us being fragilein the cold… school is cancelled if there is a small chance of snow…it never does so I go ride in what usually turns out to be 65 degree wether!

Well, I hapen to like hard cider or lemonade or anything else. Pass me some. I still have a bitter taste in my mouth from the little Biltmore grapes… Kendall Jackson anyone?

[This message has been edited by Sandstone (edited 10-16-2000).]

Wow! I guess everyone hates the new E-search format as much as me. The Junior forum is practically non-existant, and I just hate that orange! I’ve been a lurker here for about a year, and I think I’m gonna stay here and leave E-Search.

Before you finish the porch, you should probably set off a bug bomb to get rid of those nasty black widows, or C2 will be scared to go in the corners (or look through a tack trunk)!

And while you’re building stuff, could you pleeease build a shed for us on the lawn (the West Lawn?) because every time it snows or rains we get cold and wet because we get shoved off the porch with brooms. You can even make it out of some of Schoolie’s old baling twine sweaters.

I’m 20 (just turned it on sunday! Come here Chippies) I’m legal!!! Pass the cider, and I’ll keep the kiddies away down kiddies, down! My cider

Sandstone> Erin’s gonna squeeze between us on the top step, that way NO ONE can get to the cider without a fight! evil laugh

Good plan: set Quebec laws, drinking age is 18! (guess where we all headed once we were 18 or had a fake I.D…uh-oh I’m mean no never fake I.D… um, … DO AS I SAY, NOT WHAT I DO!!!)

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Portia:
Now now, juniors, we follow strict rules on the drinking age for alcoholic beverages – don’t want the Porch being raided, now do we? HSM (which, in case you don’t know, stands for Horse Show MOM), will get after you with her broom if she catches you breaking into the hard stuff.

Hmm…since we were talking about saving the carrots and all shouldn’t horseshowmom be ashamed of all the wood and straw that was killed to make her broom??? hm…the rights of wood group = ROW…??? LOL Never mind!

And Sandstone’s right - we’ll stay in line…really if only we didn’t have such um… interesting<?> role models… (bring on the cidar…um…please?)


Hi there … make room for my rocker please and DMK … can I have some of that nice red? I will bring fudge … chocolate mixes well with everything, right?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schoolmarm:
[B] (*YAWN . . . *)

Okay, C2, have at me. I’m armed and dangerous . . . and PMS-ing like crazy!

**PMS’ING eh? So what you are telling is that you are still the same ol Schoolie? LOL

Missed you, too!
thanks {{{{{ HUGS}}}}}

Now get the heck out of my space before I rock right over your custom-made boots.[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

** Now now sweetie don’t be jealous, I know you are still trying to find a company to custom make you pair in 42 in calf width…

BTW~ I’m coming to your neck of the woods in the Spring~ perhaps we can go for a real ride??? And gallop around the woods behind yer little Ozarky shack?

Oh my goodness, you’re right - how could I forget about the duct tape.

Just a warning to the uninitiated, if we start talking about “the pink pills” it doesn’t mean anything!

Yippee, Schoolmarm is here! JOH, we did it - we woke her up!!! Thank goodness you’re here, Schoolie - Portia’s been telling everybody that I’m in charge of keeping the young 'uns in line. Don’t know quite where THAT came from since I’ve been pretty quiet here on COTH most of the time. Anyhow, make sure you stick around, ok?

Oh, and look there…it’s BobO too - hey Bob! Wow, this is getting to be quite the gang. JB, maybe if C2 can get Seb to join us, JOH can send out a lifeline to Geno.

Anyone else still out there in the black hole that used to be esearch?? Maybe we should let some of the “porch newcomers” over there in on this?

I’m old…would like the rocker over there by the cider keg if it’s not taken.

Hello all, got any room for an over 30, on that there porch? I could use a rocker, foot rest and a back rub from a chippie (not necessaryily in that order hehe).

Fortunately or unfortunately, as the case may be Nancey, this member of the O/F clique comes with her own, built in cushion. Gotta be careful of what that cider can do to you!

Ah, 'marmie, I’ve missed this SO much!
(JOH slouches down into rocker with mug of hot cider, watches SM wrestling with teens on lawn for posession of Chippies)

Hey, everybody! It’s me - Abby - aka Rosie - I was looking for you, Suz!

Okay, okay . . . I get it. There ISN’T an easier way. I can live with that.

(*SM flips the Chippie over her hip . . . he lands in the dust next to HSM . . .SM rises from her rocker, puts a foot on his rump . . . *)

So, JOH, you haven’t figured out yet why I get the “hunker” ones, huh? Why, I’d’ve thunk by now you’d have noticed my incredible charisma . . .
my femme fatale quality . . .
my gun pointed at his head . . .

DMK, there is a hot tub at the old Porch, I’m sure we could rig one up here with enough duct tape. The problem is keeping JOH and BossHoss and JB from giving the dogs their baths in it.

[This message has been edited by Portia (edited 10-16-2000).]

Ther IS a shed, but it’s only for storing well aged grape juice. I started stocking once C2 fumigated it with Raid (it’s OK to go in now C2–I even swept it out–crunch,crunch)–keep out unless you’re legal–some of that stuff is expensive, by the way, did JB bring the still back from her horse show? Maybe you could get the Chippies to help with the kiddie-shed construction. I’m sure we have a spare roll of duct tape around here…