The New Porch Annex

Portia~sorry! I guess us junoirs need to be kept in line at times. We promise to help keep the lawn kids and animals in line…

No gurentees that we will never sneak out behind the barn… or across state lines with our fake IDs Jaded is such a bad role model!(How did that word fake make it’s way into that sentance?)

[This message has been edited by Sandstone (edited 10-16-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Sandstone (edited 10-16-2000).]

I thought that we really ahd it made for a minute there… But I am sure that because the porch is in no particular state, we can asume that it is in one with a drinking age of 18. And we are practically legal…

But htis won’t efect me, my 21 Birthday is tommarow… can i have a chippie of my own? Just kidding but 4 years, 7 months and counting…

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ClemsonRider:
[B]NO tequila for RodeoGrl!!! And Lets make sure that I am up there with you guys, (sandstone, regal, erin) so I can beat away Rodeo as she fights to get to the good stuff!!

So does this mean in April I will get a huge 21st party??? OOH I can’t wait . . .

Long live the Peeps[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Of course you get a party - as long as I get one for my 18th But please, let’s not get any blood on the steps And don’t be to loud or the adults come after us with the broom. But it’s all good. Peeps forever!

Ag! This isaddicting- I’m supposed to be researching my vietnam paper here! gotta wonder what my teacher would say if he saw this LOL


DMK, are you still on the porch?! Thought I’d cruise by on my turbo powered holiday inspired broomstick and see what was cooking - glad to see everyone is still fairly sober!

Just curious, where’s Duffy & Inverness? I was sure once the hard cider was mulling, they’d come round the corner anxious to claim their spots on the porch.

Vroom, vroom…I’m kick starting my broomstick and riding off into lurking land!! Ya’ll behave now, ya’ hear!!!

Portia NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! How could you forget about the duct tape…I’m oh so worried about you Take another pink pill LMAO

Where do we mid 30’s type fit in??
Does anyone get to ride the ponies if we fit them???

This would be umm, let’s see–Mandy/Sabra/now Jaime Lynn. Where’s BobO? Thought he said he might be over here–has he been changing identities as well, or just lurking? JB found some new purple pills that I like better than the pink especially for the migranes es has been giving me. Hey, I was told that here, I could bring in some KJ Chard, or is that only allowed out behind the shed??? JB better not bring those nasty hamsters over here, or everyone had better get updated on their rabies shots! Hope the Annex is a success!!! I’m terrible with a hammer, but can I make some cookies? Or Zucchini bread even!!!LOLOL ROTFL

Lori, I believe the official age for Porch sitting is 30, so you’d fit right in. Yes, 30 is pretty young, but “it ain’t the years. it’s the mileage.”

And it’s a VERY big Porch, with lots of steps and a big lawn. We can always count on BobO to build on when necessary.

Schoolie, you’ll have to ask C-2 about the spiders, and ask BossHoss (Epona from way back when) about the ghost.

If we sit just so, we can not only block the unworthy porchers, but maybe save the second step for our feet and cup of (hard!?!) cider.

Don’t worry about the brooms, I am pretty good at either end of those. I have little brothers and they like to hit me with what ever is near by…

(SM dusts off a Chippie, drags him kicking and screaming onto the porch . . .)

That’s better now! Think me and this Chip will just hunker down over here in the corner and . . .uhhhh . . . talk politics.

So (*grunt . . .scuffle . . .hold still you sucker! . . . *), you guys ever talk about horses anymore? Still have 'em, or have you shot 'em all and moved on to bigger and better things. . . like buffalo, maybe.

(*Chippie escapes into the crowd . . . SM straightens her wig and picks up a cattle prod . . . *)

Wow, JOH, how on earth did you manage to wrestle those Chippies from Wendi? She took them to Barcelona with her (along with the remaining contents of the still). What? You say you wrestled Wendi for them? Hmm, what a sight that must have been!!!

Jaded, hurry and get those guys outta there before they get dirty! We’ll have to hose them off if they do - oh, wait, that’s the whole idea, right? Good one!

Becca, I thought you were in charge of organizing all those helmets so we don’t trip over them getting to our rockers.

Regalmeans - you are welcome to the steps, but you have to help keep the ponies and sheep in line. Those lawn kids get disracted at time. You may even have to step in and round them back up when the kids let them wander.

Jaime Lynn (mandy, sabra, you’re giving me almost the headache wronglead was) - I am saving the hampsters for the right moment, so watch yourself! However, glad you liked the purple pills - I’ll remember that next time you get all migrainy!

Portia - thanks for whipping together this annex - all these new folks will certainly add character to the porch.

Can Snappy sit on the Lawn by the proch? He really wants to be a Golden Retriever Lap puppy.

[This message has been edited by BobO (edited 10-22-2000).]

[This message has been edited by BobO (edited 10-22-2000).]

Duck tape will save the world someday…that and a good long drink of hard cider to keep us all sane…

Well,the porch roof extends over the steps…right? And besides it doesn’t rain much anyway. So pass the hard cider (or lemonade or whatever it is) and the cookes, I’m settling in! And JB sure I’ll help keep the ponies and sheep inline - or else I’ll have my minions do it.


Hey Ladies,

I just “found” a case of KJ, it fell off the truck, nothing broken though. Do y’all have enough ice (to chill) and glasses? The same truck also dumped tequila, should I bring it too? My black Lab insists on tagging along, I don’t why, he isn’t really a wine drinker, more of a beer hound.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sandstone:
[B]I thought that we really ahd it made for a minute there… But I am sure that because the porch is in no particular state, we can asume that it is in one with a drinking age of 18. And we are practically legal…

But htis won’t efect me, my 21 Birthday is tommarow… can i have a chippie of my own? Just kidding but 4 years, 7 months and counting…[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I like the way you think.

OH MY GAWD it’s Schoolmarm!

Schoolie, your rocker is the real big one with the softest cushion, right there in the middle.

Now you kids really need to behave yourselves, because Schoolie lives up to her name. She’s the owner of the original porch and she’s even quicker with the broom than HSM!

hang on Finz… I drank too much Pinot Noir, and stuffed myself on fudge… guess Imust have fallen off the back and snoozed fer a spell… you KNOW how us Southerners are prone to that type of behavior!!

Quit that Lurking Behavior!!! What do we have to do to drag you back? Discuss Chain Nosebands?

SUZ pulls up her chair, plunks down and props her muck covered Ariats up on the porch rail I’m here, guys, pass the cider! Just one teenie question, how much for a virtual lap dance from one of the Chippies??? I need a thrill! LOL SUZ

[This message has been edited by HuntJumpSC (edited 10-15-2000).]

Sarah . .Sandstone . . .Kelsy . . . . Erin . . . Becca (?) And uh I forget who else is on the step with us but anyhow we will all have to throw big birthday parties . . Anyone heard of a FIELD PARTY???

hehe after all I imagine that the lawn is quite large . . . .