The New Porch Annex

purple pills??? Pass them over, quit hogging!

Sandstone> I personally invite you to share my top stair with me, hey if we sprawl out enough we’ll block the Porchers from getting onto the porch then maybe the 20 year olds can sneak into a rocking chair Good plan as long as BossHoss doesn’t chase us off with the broom, and believe me a broom is a weapon in her hands!!! lol

I brought my flotation device…uhh…I mean seat cushion…so I hope there’s a rocking chair up there for me! I won’t be able to stay awake for all the festivities, but I’ll give it a try! Sooo…where’s the cider?

I am reclaiming my originol porch kid status. Though I think it requires a friendly reminder that when the cookies came out, i got to sneak into an actual porch corner and comeone would throw me one, refering to me as rufus, or other such “codenames”

And only if theres Long island Lemonade (or iced tea? darn- I forget!!)

I hereby reclaim my seat with that big dog on the lawn (dog, or was it Kelly?? its beena while…)

Can’t let the Porch get lost on the back pages, now can we? Hey Portia! (JOH shoves Chippie off Portia’s lap) Think you could lasso Schoolie off the lawn and get her back up here on the porch? I mean, she’s scaring the Chippies - look at her hobbling after them: Dentures sitting in a cup on the porch rail, wig half off, bloomers torn and grass-stained, bifocals held together with duct tape! Not to mention that the lawn sitters STILL haven’t hosed all that manure off of her. Besides, I haven’t had MY turn with the Chippies yet!

Do y’all mind if I come on up and rock a spell? I’ll bring some pinot noir, if’n y’all don’t mind - not particularly fond of hard cider (or should I say, it’s not particularly fond of me?) I could certainly use a good rocker, since I’ve been the lone barn person for the last 3 days, and I have mowed (grass AND bramble, no less), drug the ring, set up combinations and jumped said combinations, until my middle aged bones feel like dreadfully old bones… and we won’t even talk about my back…

Becca, I thought you were going to move those helmets?

Bring on the Chippies!

PS - the one in chaps is mine…

Mmmmm, OK Bob. But if he starts climbing into Schoolies’ lap, you’re the one who has to pull him off!

Duct tape is like the force, it has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together.

words of wisdom for the porch…

I am sure that a shed can be fashioned with ease out of duck tape and bailing twine sweaters!

Wow I am haveing so much fun! Great idea Portia, this board needs to have some fun again after everything that has come about in the past weeks…

Heidi~no we won’t have to widen the drive way for my fleet of beamers…

Heelsdown~can the juniors havea bottle to stash in their “secret” hiding place out back or would we be beaten swiftly about the head with a broom by HSM?!? On second thought maybe we will just ask nicely on our birthdays (or maybe present to you a real ID fashioned from bailing twine, ducktape, and one of those fading black markers that seem to pile up in tops of trunks?)

The porch is getting pretty rowdy!! Tequilla shots??? Things will be LOUD soon!! (I’ll bring the salt and the lime!)

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schoolmarm:
[B](Grumble, grumble, grumble . . .thud)

Okay. (SM picks herself up off the new porch step . . . throws a huge ball of twine at Portia) You wanted twine? You got twine! Now step aside and let me drag my rocker up here into the shade. . .[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey there Missy? Not even gonna say “HI” after all it was ME who adored torturing you on a daily basis…How the heck are ya???

Funny thing we’ve been torturing you without you even being around for the past two years! No lie…

So shall we begin darling Marmie? Point score perhaps? I have had no one to spar with in such a very long time~ Not since your friend Bonnie was posting… So c’mon baby been waiting for this for a loooooong time

Missed ya lots!

No Tequilla for you Finzean!! I knew you would be back once you heard about the good time being had by all on the porch!! Grab a spot near the steps…we have some catching up to do.

For you SUZ? It’s on the house, as soon as we can find them…here chippie!, chippie!, chippie! O.k who unlocked their cage…oh, I mean luxory room, we don’t keep our chippies in cages…no, we like to let them roam free, you know free range chipps

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ClemsonRider:
[B]Sarah . .Sandstone . . .Kelsy . . . . Erin . . . Becca (?) And uh I forget who else is on the step with us but anyhow we will all have to throw big birthday parties . . Anyone heard of a FIELD PARTY???

hehe after all I imagine that the lawn is quite large . . . .[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I wonder if those who are actually rocking on the porch would appreciate a good bonfire…don’t worry we’ll keep the dogs and llamas away.

Anyone have marshallows?

Since I’m the oldest by far I get the center rocking chair!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Portia:

And it’s a VERY big Porch, with lots of steps and a big lawn. We can always count on BobO to build on when necessary.

Yes, there are lots and lots of steps And lots and lots of fun and the steps…
and I think I’m here wayyyy to often!


Louise, you know I don’t foment or ferment…

I will be more careful of how my questions are phrased from now on!

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schoolmarm:
[B](SM dusts off a Chippie, drags him kicking and screaming onto the porch . . .)

That’s better now! Think me and this Chip will just hunker down over here in the corner and . . .uhhhh . . . talk politics.

So (*grunt . . .scuffle . . .hold still you sucker! . . . *), you guys ever talk about horses anymore? Still have 'em, or have you shot 'em all and moved on to bigger and better things. . . like buffalo, maybe.

(*Chippie escapes into the crowd . . . SM straightens her wig and picks up a cattle prod . . . *)

Hunker??? What the heck is hunker??

If you don’t mind, can we share the Pinot? The cider makes me have to go out behind the shed for long periods of time, and I can’t appreciate the view very much!!!LOL

He just wants his ear scratched.
(it did get the trhead back to page one).