The New Porch Annex

DMK, don’t drink all the pinot noir and save a rocker for me!!!

Jaime~I am not legal but I will replace whatever I drink… I only go for the good stuff anyway.

I am now calling the second-from-the-top step for Kelsy, I think that she deserves a nice spot to be part of the adult conversation. She can sit on my side.

[This message has been edited by Sandstone (edited 10-16-2000).]

Tequila is definatly welcome, expecially the brands with those cool hulisinating (sp?) worms :wink: I bring my shot glass! Better drink fast before they stop supplying it.

Crazy story, I went to a bar the other night and someone ordered a shot of tequila and it cost $9.00!!! Ah!!! And it was a cheap brand, nothing special!
Moral of that story: Don’t drink under age (you just don’t have enough money for the good stuff LOL; opps should have added that part…)

I’m here, got the tequila and the KJ. I’ll start pouring… someone keep an eye on my Lab, if gets near the pond he’s liable to jump in after those ducks and then we’ll all have a wet and muddy labrador on our laps.

HSM get the broom ready, I can see those darn juniors eyeing the tequila already.

Ahhhh, time to rest my weary bones. Yikes! what was that I just sat on? As if my butt wasn’t sore enough, silly OTTB dumped me yesterday and it still hurts! Alright, which one of you jrs. left your spurs on the my rocker? Portia, I thought you had them under control! Where is that broom? What does my Labrador have in his mouth? Oh no! It’s a Jack Russel…