The Pentosan price thread: what are you currently paying?

So this brings up an interesting question…those of you that use Pentosan regularly, how do you dose it.

  1. 6ml 1x a week for 4 weeks, then 1x a month?

  2. 6ml every 4 days for 7 injections, then 1x a month?

  3. 6ml every 4 days for 7 injections, then as needed?

  4. 6ml every day for 7 days and then as needed?

I have tried it a few ways…2,3, and 4 to be exact…I’m on #4 now (just finished dosing a week ago). This was the new way my vet wanted me to do the injection. He felt like it was similar to an IA injection in that you got LOTS of the medication into the system to calm down the inflammation.

Style #3 lasted for 3 1/2 to 4 months…although this was during our less stressful time of riding, so I’m not sure if it is a very good experiment.:winkgrin:

If Style #4 lasts longer…it will be more cost effective in the long run. If the product doesn’t last very long in larger bottles, then I think Style #3 is more cost effective than #2.

Just me over here counting my pennies![/QUOTE]

I would be a little concerned over Pentosan injections every day for 7 days. Is that too much of a good thing? Curious where your vet came up with that protocol and if it’s been tried before.

I’ve done #1 on my two and found that to be effective. Except this summer, my vet is having me do the same loading dose then go with every 3 week injections for my horse with neck arthritis and stifle issues. I do think it has helped him, and I’ll probably keep following this schedule, or maybe move out to once a month in the winter when he’ll be out of work due to the weather.

I’ve been buying the HorsePreRace stuff. I had problems with reactions with the Wedgewood stuff, involving three different horses and different batches. Some minor, some more worrisome, and since using the HPR stuff, I’ve not had any problems at all (knock on wood!). And I have noticed a definite improvement in my horses’ comfort level and mobility, so I do think it is working as well, just minus the bad reactions. Price is as posted by others, or available on their website.

I’ve also done 10ccs once a month instead of 6 per my vet. I didn’t notice any difference with that.

I don’t think I’d do a daily dose of this stuff, given the blood thinning issues. I try not to use it when I know the farrier is coming or we’re trailering somewhere (even though my vet told me that should not be a concern).

I did the recommended 1x/week for 4 weeks, monthly thereafter, dose calculated by weight.

[QUOTE=TWH Girl;8280699]
I would be a little concerned over Pentosan injections every day for 7 days. Is that too much of a good thing? Curious where your vet came up with that protocol and if it’s been tried before.[/QUOTE]

It’s not every 7 days indefinitely. That’s like a “loading dose” so to speak, and then the doses are spaced out after, like once a month, or once every three weeks.

[QUOTE=Tiffani B;8280903]
I’ve also done 10ccs once a month instead of 6 per my vet. I didn’t notice any difference with that.

I don’t think I’d do a daily dose of this stuff, given the blood thinning issues. I try not to use it when I know the farrier is coming or we’re trailering somewhere (even though my vet told me that should not be a concern).[/QUOTE]

Yes, this would concern me as well. I’ve done a lot of reading on Pentosan and I have never seen it suggested to be used daily especially if you have an active, athletic horse. I realize it would only be for 7 days, but that’s 7, 6cc doses in 7 days…that’s a lot of medicine and if it hasn’t been tried or shown to be safe…I would err on the side of caution.

It’s not every 7 days indefinitely. That’s like a “loading dose” so to speak, and then the doses are spaced out after, like once a month, or once every three weeks.[/QUOTE]

Disregard my post above. I was reading wrong TWH.

I agree. Every day for 7 days is not something I would do either. Every 7 days sure, but not every day for 7 days.

I do 6 cc twice monthly. The first month, I did loading dose (as recommended by vet) once weekly for 3 weeks. I do notice around the last couple of days before the next dose, I can feel a difference in how my horse goes.

My vet’s mark up on meds is really high - I was paying $200 for a 30cc bottle of compounded Pentosan. I better talk to her about a scrip! I try to support the local vets as much as possible, but I have found their med markups to be quite high.

A year ago, I was getting PentAussie through a different vet (a specialist who I go to for certain things) at $240 for a 50cc bottle. I will say the PentAussie is way better, but it is off the market, darn it!

My vet instructed me to do #2 so that is what I did.

I just emailed my vet to ask her about the shelf life. Curious to see what she says.

Going back to cost, I paid $135 inc shipping for a 50ml bottle of the 250mg/mL, but that was with employee discount at the clinic I work for. I believe the cost from Wedgewood was $109 + shipping

my vet has me giving 6ml once a week for 10 weeks then off for 5 weeks then on again for 10, off for 5.

Bumping this back up to keep it current.

My vet just charged me $244.99 for a 50ml bottle from Wedgewood. This seems like a pretty steep, recent increase. For those that purchase directly from Wedgewood, what are you currently paying?

I haven’t ordered recently, but in September I paid $161 for 100ml (so twice as much for a lot less $) – can’t imagine it went up that much but maybe someone who has purchased more recently will post.

Edited to Add - I just logged in to my Wedgewood account to check and if I were ordering a refill today, it would still be $161 for 100 ml. So price hasn’t changed. I’m so glad my vet will do an rx and let me order direct!

$163.66 (this includes shipping) for Pentosan Platinum. It was 4 18ml bottles. Ordered from

100 ml for $161, but I last ordered in June of 2017, from Wedgewood.

What’s the difference between Platinum and the other?

And, could I ask, did you try Adequan at any point? I’m trying to decide which way to go, when I see my vet.

Thanks for checking! Last time I asked the vet to write me a prescription so I could get it from Wedgewood directly, they refused. I just found out they are required to do so per CA state law, so it’s time for a call to the vet’s office!

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I stopped using pentosan (Wedgewood) last year because it was causing hair loss and and discoloration on my horse’s hamstrings. It’s been at least 10 months since the last injection and there is still one small bald spot, but the hair is finally starting to fill in. Besides that, it wasn’t helping him.

I started him on Adequan last June and it’s been very effective, and no bald spots. I buy the multi-dose bottles for $400 so each dose is $40.

My mare started having small reactions to her Pentosan, but those have gone away with a 1 1/2 inch needle. Adequan did NOTHING for my mare, who does well on Pentosan. She also showed no change on Previcox, so she is just odd.

My vet advised using a longer needle to avoid the adverse reactions. He also recommended to not give the shot prior to strenuous work. He had an owner give the shot and then do a hard work out. The horse ended up with hives. The horse had not had a previous issue with pentosan and after the he advised the owner to give the shot after riding not before, the horse had no other reactions. So just and FYI.