The Tale of Gary Stu -

…The show organiser approached Gary Stu.

“Gary Stu, Maestro, oh what are we to do, seeing your marks and comments half the judges have resigned, including all the bathrobe wearing ones, and the rest are demanding further training so that they can meet your standard of judging. We’ve had to give them all copies of your book, The Art Of Judging Klassical Dressage”.

Just then there was a tap on Gary Stu’s shoulder, he turned to find the Chef D’Equipe of the national team gazing at him with an embarrassed look on his face.

“Err, Gary Stu, Maestro”, the Chef said, “as well as the judge resignations, both of our team riders from the Bogville stables have withdrawn, it appears that they’ve donned their bathrobes and done a strategic flounce, they say they won’t come back until you are dismissed and the other judges reinstated. We did wonder about some of the high scores they were getting, and we now know you were correct in your statement that they had corrupted some of the judges.

“I’ve spoken to the FEI, and due to the unusual circumstances, they’ve agreed we can field our substitute rider. They’ve also said that in recognition of your outstanding abilities they are prepared to forgo all the qualification requirements, the need to prove your competence at recognised shows through all the levels, the proof that you can actually ride an FEI test etc, so that you, Gary Stu, Maestro, may also compete Tortillas for the national team.

Gary Stu smiled, “well if the corrupt judges are no longer judging, and my reins of silk have been made, I certainly will ride for the national team, and you can be assured that with my abilities supporting the team, the team gold medal will be well within our reach and very probably the individual world championship as well.

So it was that Gary Stu, after a 10 minute warm-up, entered the arena on Tortillas to the wild applause of the audience. As he rode around the arena he gave the crowd the thrill of seeing Tortillas perform a levade and capriole, and as the bell rang he picked up the canter and entered at A….


And that’s my last chapter in the tale of Gary Stu. I will leave it to those of you who have stuck with the tale thus far to decide on the ending. Was Gary Stu the first rider to score 100% in a test? Did he bring home the gold medals? Or did the majikal silk reins disappear in the middle of the test?


applauds wildly


Apparently, the gold medal was insufficient for Gary Stu’s performance. Instead, he earned a platinum and jewel encrusted medal for his fantastic performance of Tortillas.


Fittingly, the competition organizers asked Gary Stu if he would permit them to use, in place of a ribbon, one of the reins of silk to secure his special medal around his neck.

Gary Stu humbly agreed, knowing that once at least 300 people found out about his achievements, there would be many discarded bathrobes from which he could craft new reins of silk.



Thank you, @Nous, for the entertainment. You are quite talented! I’m confident that you wear your bathrobe with an air of elegance. (In other words, you keep those used Kleenex stuffed down way deep in the pockets).


A most excellent tale. Thanks to the author(s)


Bumping this, because it’s Christmas, there may be newbies who didn’t read it originally and for some silly reason I still have the occasional chuckle over “CassandraVonTRoosakkerZsMom“.

If anyone has any new tales of Gary Stu please feel free to add.


You have given me a most wondrous gift with this thread, I will be entertained for quite a while. :heart::kissing_closed_eyes:


How on EARTH did I miss this??? I lost it at Tortillas. This was brilliant. One day we need a sequel. Or maybe even a prequel :joy: