Well I’m 17, so do I get some leeway?
When tracking right, I cannot pick up the correct diagonal except from a canter-trot transition…yet I can pick up the correct diagonal (without looking) going the other way at anytime anyplace anywhere.
I couldn’t see my leads until 1 year ago.
I don’t understand the finer points of feeding. I know that sugar/starch = bad and fat/fiber = good, and maybe a bit more than that, but then you’ve lost me. I’d like to know the correct ratios for supplementation as well.
I can give IV and IM injections, but I shake badly when doing IV injections and I still need help in finding the “triangle” for the IM.
I’m a stall nazi, so no help needed there. :lol:
I don’t understand what wormers kill what and where the different worms reside in the horse.
I can never remember the horse’s respiration and pulse, but can easily remember temperature.
I have a very hard time determining how much contact is too much, or too little. Although I’ve just recently switched from western to dressage, so maybe that explains my hesitancy to take up contact with the mouth.
I don’t know how to use a surcingle and side reins.
I don’t know how to jump (jump well, that is :lol: ).
I don’t know how to drive a truck and trailer, but again…I’m seventeen so that doesn’t really count yet, does it?