I own Best Friend Bareback Pad (Western- the one you are thinking about) and I like it for weekly self-induced “seat” lessons (approximately 30 min. ride, all gaits) or short rides around the property.
It is grippy and will help you to stay on, if your horse spooks.
I use it on the top of 1 inch wool pad, because of my skinny bony behind and my horse’s withers. We would not be happy campers truly bareback or even with just the bareback pad.
I used to ride in it a lot, but stopped, once I finally found a well fitting saddle.
Our horse has higher withers and the way the pad fits- it does not provide sufficient relief. Therefore, I ride with a looser cinch, which is OK, but not particularly safe.
Wither relief is something you should consider, when choosing a bareback pad, especially, if your horse has higher withers and you plan to ride longer distances.
I also used to own Christ Bareback Pad, which was very nice, but I bought the one with “knee blocks” (silly me) and they made the pad unusable, because of my conformation, so I sold it to someone more properly built for it.
If you plan serious riding in a bareback pad, I would recommend the one Skito makes. It has panels in pockets (you can customize depending of how much cushion you need), channel down the spine, and good wither relief (they have normal and high wither version).
It is more expensive than Best Friend, but, IMO, better product for extensive riding.