Thoughts on "The Traveling Horse Witch?"

Oh look, more still photos with arbitrary lines and arrows drawn on them :roll_eyes:

Yes, horses that are in leaner body condition like that event horse shown in front of the Land Rover sign, will tend to have narrower necks and more prominent withers. This doesn’t mean they are ridden or trained incorrectly, or that their thoracic sling is in need of witchcraft.

A human marathon runner is unlikely to build like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but that doesn’t mean he’s running incorrectly or is in pain.

It baffles me how these Dunning-Kruger types think they can know everything there is to know about a horse and its way of going from a single photo with lines drawn on it, but then I also don’t get how Celeste sharing photos of conformation flaws from different angles where they’re more or less prominent somehow means her program “fixed” them, either.


Uhh… I can get these two pictures in less than 3 minutes with my mare. The second one involves something crinkly.

Done and done.



Well said. When you hang your laundry out on the line for all to see, you cannot be upset when someone points at your polka dot knickers.

I am in the general area of THW and had heard of her a few times… but in a GaWaNi Pony Boy (Kevin Morrell’s “performance” name) kind of way/reference. As in, airy-fairy “mystical” horse whispery stuff.


There’s a name I hadn’t heard in a while. Talk about selling an aesthetic to the middle-aged amateurs.


I see she’s removed the Chronicle of the Horse from her “Featured on” section on her website - first one is from earlier this month, second from this morning.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


So she was never Featured On the actual COTH magazine, was she? I don’t equate being a topic on the COTH forums with getting a sunny positive professionally written profile in the magazine, which is quite selective about who it features.

I mean, Nick Peronace and Lauren Kanarek and Susan Wackowich and the British dude who runs a complicated scam pretending to buy horse properties, and any number of regional rip off hay dealers, sleazy sales barns, rescuers who hoard and starve and Ali Express tack shops all get regularly outed on the Forums but none of them were “Featured On COTH” magazine. So another bit of misleading bumpf


One small step towards honesty? LoL!


I’d be curious if she voluntarily removed it, or if CoTH sent her a cease and desist :rofl: the cynical side of me thinks she probably took it down to try to limit people on her website finding this thread, but who knows. Unless of course we get another manifesto from her!


Oh I can’t imagine COTH would care. She’s not doing them any harm driving traffic to their site. I expect she just finally realized that in total, her fabrications were catching up with her and her minions or alters weren’t able to shame us into wanting, you know the truth. Not all publicity is good publicity! Not all controversy is good controversy!

It’s telling that no one has come in with clarity on the credentials and licencing front.

As far as having a hard life, it might have made you a better person or it might just prove you are a drama magnet; I can’t tell without knowing you IRL. But one thing a a hard life doesn’t do is make you inherently a better horse person unless that hard life also included a lot of hard horses. Finding personal healing through your heart horse or whatever does not make you a horse professional. If it did, every one of us would have been pros at age 17.


Returning to this post for a minute … if this accurately reflects what Celeste is teaching, I’d suggest that maybe she needs to revisit her neuropsychology training. A horse in a “parasympathetic state” would be ready for a nap, not mentally engaged and ready to learn to properly engage his thoracic sling. Unless the program is 100% passive exercises done by the handler without any active participation from the horse himself, you don’t want him in “nap mode” for your sessions… some degree of arousal/mental alertness (and therefore increased sympathetic outflow) is needed for optimal performance and engagement (Yerkes-Dodson Law, for psychology nerds).

More isn’t better, of course. A horse that is anxious and stressed will also have impaired learning and performance compared to one that is quietly alert.

But once again, this indicates that Celeste is someone who has a little knowledge and then dresses it in a heaping load of pseudoscience to sell to the public. I’m all for meeting the horse where his mental state is at, but you don’t need to incorrectly use fancy science words that inadvertently show your lack of knowledge in order to demonstrate that.

Additionally, saying that she could “make a lot more money” by making more videos of her method available publicly, but she chooses not to because she only cares about helping horses and not money, well … that makes no sense. If the method works, making it more widely available to help more horses (while simultaneously making more money) would benefit all, including the horses, right? Unless she’s concerned that people will start realizing that the emperor is, in fact, naked.


If there are no step by step instructions or useful tutorial videos… you are forever beholden to the creator and it creates an automatic explanation for why the system didn’t work for your horse.

a - you aren’t doing it right, so it didn’t work.
b - therefore you need a special one on one to learn how to do these “special” exercises $$$$


Also, the halter is an ATROCIOUS fit in the top picture. No wonder the horse is so pissed off.


What’s really amazing to me is that the Celeste crew is clearly monitoring this thread and they still won’t give Karen her $150 back.

3000 members ($450,000) later, it’s more important to you to keep that $150 than to smooth it over and put an end to this disaster?

Guys, we’ve seen the screen shots. It’s obvious that Karen questioned some of the educational claims, which seem at this point to have been considerably exaggerated. So, ok you can double down on that and kick her out of the group and not give her her money back but just imagine if you said instead: “We apologize for any confusion regarding Celeste’s credentials. We never intended to convey the impression that Celeste has obtained a Neuropsychology degree and will endeavor to be more clear in the future. Thank you, Karen, for bringing this to our attention.” Is that so hard? Imagine where you would be today if someone had tried that one on for size instead of kicking Karen out of the group.

Which brings me to, once again, ladies, we’ve seen the screen shots. Karen asked you about 50 times for screen shots of where she broke the rules and you wouldn’t provide bupkis. This FB group is a text based lifeform: for Karen to have been argumentative or breaking rules, it would have had to have happened in screenshottable form. How on earth did she manage to commit an infraction serious enough to get kicked out without having left a screenshottable trail of the offending behavior? Let’s stop tapdancing around and just recognize that it’s obvious that she was kicked out for questioning Celeste’s exaggerated credentials. Which is suboptimal, but did we really have to compound the issue by refusing to give her $150 back? $450,000 later you couldn’t just give this lady her $150 back when you couldn’t find (kof “couldn’t find” kof) a single screenshot of her offending behavior in a text based forum?

It was hang on, let me review the last 50 posts on this thread …THIS important to you to keep Karen’s $150? With 3000 happy members you can’t give one person who isn’t vibing their $150 back just to keep the peace?

Instead of just focusing your energies in the 2999 people who think you walk on water and clearly don’t give a shit whether or not you actually have a neuropsychology degree, we just HAD to keep that $150. Look at the length of your responses to her - you were willing to invest that amount of time and bandwidth in keeping an unhappy customer’s $150 and going round and round with her, rather than just giving it back and being done? I make a LOT less than $450k and pay my house cleaner around $300 a month because I’d rather be out $300 than spend time and bandwidth cleaning the kitchen, and here you guys are going ten rounds with Karen over a buck fifty rather than just giving the money back and focusing that energy on the 2999 other clients who love you instead??

And now here we are. 3000 members and $450,000 later, a disagreement with one member over $150 has landed some fairly damning screenshots (it being a text based forum, and all) out on the internet. Your $150 conversation with Karen is now being viewed by thousands, if not tens of thousands of people. Certainly by a few multipliers more people than even exist in your group. And rather than just giving her the money back, you’re sending houseguests in to COTH to double down and write us paragraphs and paragraphs about the Karen disagreement?? So now you’re spending you energy telling an audience of several times more than your actual group all about your disagreement with one customer and remaining firmly entrenched in the custerfluck, which I don’t know if you have noticed has started to snowball, rather than just spending this same amount of energy on the people who already like you and are already or potentially willing to give you their money???

Omffffggggg guys…

What if, (hear me out) instead of all that, you tried something like this:
“Hi folks, this is Celeste. This thread has taken on quite a life of its own and I wanted to come here in person to address some of the concerns and questions that have been raised.
First, I do not have a Neuropsychology degree. I’ve taken some classes in the field but I do not have a degree and never meant to lead anyone to believe that I did. I apologize for any confusion and will endeavor to be more clear on that in the future.
Secondly, with a group of over 3000 members, the occasional misunderstanding is bound to happen. I have addressed the situation with our concerned member directly and have refunded her money as a gesture of good will.
Thirdly, now that several thousand people have read about me on COTH, I’d love to invite you in to come see what I’m really about - which is helping the horses we all love. As such, for the next three days, I’d like to offer everyone a 30% discount to join the masterclass - just use the code COTH and come join the conversation!
Doing this will enable me to shift the conversation away from how unhappy one Karen is and allow me to market -for free!- my already created digital content to several thousand more people who already have disposable income and engage with horse topics online. Normally I’d have to pay Facebook about $900 to run such a targeted ad but if I just did this, I could do it for free! And when you think about it, a one time $105 really isn’t all that much when compared to your average horse expense (people spend more than that just not doing their own dishes!), so if I get 50 people out of the thousands here to give me a go at the discounted rate, that would be $5,250 more in my pocket for reselling the same content I have already created.”

Would that really be so hard?

But by all means, keep doubling down and doing what you’re doing.


Actually the $150 is squat. What has me absolutely roiled is the principle of the thing. The fact that she can remove people at her whim, depriving people of goods or services that were paid for all because someone asked a question that ripped off her mask. That. That is the rub. She ABSOLUTELY meant to deceive people by saying she had a “neuropsychology” degree. A person that blatantly lies about their credentials is not normal. And not normal people do not act in a way that would be expected or welcomed by other normal people. Now. Mind you. I simple asked where she got her degrees. I did not say you lyin. This speaks volumes. Run. Run. Run. From people who act like that.


What was the context of this discussion? It appears that Celeste was throwing her own “credentials” around to argue semantics with someone that has a doctorate in something-or-other?


That is exactly what happened. PhD in animal behavior was told by Celeste that she was wrong on many levels. Celeste made up some credentials.


Yes, on this public post if you’d like the complete context, I just didn’t feel like dragging that person into this discussion necessarily:


That’s a really interesting thread apart from Celeste being caught out in lies.



So, I have read through this several times since it was initially posted and I really did not want to comment on it because I tend to never disagree with someone on their own personal posts because we are all entitled to our own opinions and beliefs, but I do feel like this can be incredibly damaging on the industry that is trying to very hard to lean in to a more mindful way of doing things…
So for that, I would like to offer some thoughts / perspectives on perhaps a way to broaden the scope of what you’re referring to, as it really is not as black and white as this post is making it out to be.

Firstly, I fully agree with you that a horse standing calmly to be saddled or pushing a start button or any of the many things you’ve mentioned does not mean by definition that they are consenting to work or what we are doing with them.
Consent is commonly misinterpreted and I would agree that there are many times I watch people interacting with their horses thinking that they are on board, meanwhile completely bypassing several signals of stress of submission.
This, I believe is more so what you are referring to.

Most horse training, is absolutely manipulative in nature, coercive or persuasive.
Fear based for most, at the very least with negative reinforcement, and then even over into the positive reinforcement realm where treats are used to reward behaviors.
I’ve personally seen some of the worst bypassing of a horses autonomy within that realm because they can be so incredibly food motivated.
So here are these wonderful people trying so hard to show up and be nothing but kind to their horses with only positive interactions, all while unintentionally using coercion to bulldoze them pass their emotional and physical limitations.

So yes, in those categories I absolutely agree with you.
But to say that it is not possible to have a horses consent for something is not only incorrect, but it encourages people to not try to continue to be mindful to their equine partners thoughts and opinions.

You say yourself that we might gain acceptance, which by it’s very definition is the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered.

Sure, if you’re speaking to it in terms of if they are legally able to consent, the answer is no, but that does not mean they are incapable of it.

If they were not capable of consent, they would not interact within their own herd dynamic with boundaries such as allowing the stallions to breed them, how far they will push a herd member away during a time of learning and when they allow them to come back. The way they interact and teach their foals.
All of it is communication that includes moments of consent.

While children are not “legally allowed” to give consent until a certain age, I still incorporate practicing autonomy and consent with my own children wherever it is safe to do so.
They are allowed to give their consent on physical tough and other boundaries that I believe are important for healthy relationship dynamics as they get older.

Now, that does not mean that there are not times where I have to parent (as you say, advocate for them) for their better health and wellness versus what they would prefer to do of course, but we are constantly communicating the differences.

In my experience with both children, horses and abuse survivors, practicing consent as much as possible, wherever possible is what establishes a dynamic to allow them to trust in those difficult moments where I have to step up and into more of that advocate role.
It’s truly not a black and white situation, as most things in life are not.

So, while I do understand what you’re saying from a literal standpoint and honestly to call out those that are saying it while obviously using coercion instead, I felt it necessary to speak my experience on here and to let it be known that there are those of us who dedicate our lives to speaking Equus and truly do practice it.

If I’m being honest, it makes me feel truly sad for those people that have never experienced a connection with their horse that is deep enough to believe that they are capable of consent. It is one of the most beautiful experiences I have had the pleasure of having and it is one that I have dedicated my life to trying to honor as much as possible.

And just for context, I say all of this thoughtfully and respectfully as a licensed trauma-informed health care provider specializing in sexual and domestic violence abuse with a degree in neuropsychology as well as an equine behaviorist with many many years of both working with mustangs in the wild and their abused complex domesticated counter parts.


Celeste-Leilani Lazaris

  1. Acceptance is not consent. It can be part of consent, but consent is a very special type of voluntary permission.
  2. Instinct is not consent. You can’t frame all behaviour as consent. Consent is a very specific concept.
  3. It is good you are teaching your own children about consent and practicing situations, the decision making and actions associated with it. It’s a human thing so that is good parenting.
  4. So you understand and agree with me a lot but you speak Equus…so you can get consent? I am very good with horses myself. I am very good at teaching them things, putting them at ease…and I am very good at detecting their level of “okayness” with situations and moments. I am very good at anchoring their thoughts and reducing their levels of alarm. And I make decisions for them at all times knowing the power imbalance between us. When they understand and are ok and providing me an indication they are not experiencing any alarm with what I am asking them to do - I do not stand their and proclaim - look at my horse consenting to this. They are not consenting. They are doing what I have influenced them to do and they are being okay with it.
  5. Finally, you think my post is “damaging” because the industry is trying hard to lean in a more mindful way of doing things”…when the point of my post is to shift false beliefs that an animal’s behaviour to do something YOU trained and influenced is not indicative it has given consent….to us being responsible to make the decisions for them the uphold their welfare as number 1……so this is damaging? Seriously? How?
    I get very surprised that you have experience with sexual assault and abuse survivors and can say what you just said. One of the things that sexual abuse survivors struggle with is their participation in the abuse….they feel a degree of responsibility for what happened to them and great shame….and they have to learn and accept they were GROOMED. We GROOM horses. Labelling their behaviour consent is just not fair. Doesn’t mean you can’t do good training and form great spiritual Equus connections…it just means - be fair and drop the word consent. It isn’t consent…the same way the child sexual abuse survivor didn’t consent either.


DSA I will private message you, I don’t want to hijack your post but I am interested in continuing this discussion.


CLL I believe in transparency of conversations between professionals. I have no problem with my posts being hijacked by debate as long as it is respectful. If you can do that, then post your response here. Or you can give me your consent to post what you have private messaged me here.


The D in DSA stands for Doctor.