Thoughts on "The Traveling Horse Witch?"

I posted the above so it doesn’t become lost to the Facebook ether, and I think it’s very telling that one’s first response to being politely corrected is to say, “I’ll PM you!”

MLM huns do the same thing.


It’s an interesting discussion, and I do tend to agree with the OP of that Facebook post that it’s become trendy to anthropomorphize horses in the misguided belief that it’s kinder and more respectful to treat them like people.

It’s reasonable for Celeste to have a different opinion, but it’s telling that she immediately took the conversation to DMs when the concept of credentials came up after she talked about all her work as a “healthcare provider specializing in sexual and domestic violence”.


Healthcare provider is one of those terms that sound like you must have credentials but health care is such a broad term, it could mean a surgeon or it could mean a self taught “energy worker” with a collection of crystals and oils, or anything in between.


The whole traveling horse witch schtick has given me MLM vibes from the very beginning. It makes my skin crawl.

Edited to fix typo


She has done an MLM before.


Really? Oh of course she has. What better school to learn emotional manipulation and the power of the Internet to sell fake products? I’ve watched some of the ex hun videos. That world is scary.


$10 says it was essential oils


I would like you to know: I am a real live person. I have feelings. I asked you four times for a screenshot of the “rule” I broke, but obviously I am not real live enough to get that. I deserve to know why I was removed from the group I paid for. I deserve an apology from Celeste for implying I am the “lonely woman” digging into her life. (Frankly I was disgusted and put off by all of her PUBLIC photographic detailing of her life including posting photos of her water birth. And sexual photos with her husband. It’s gross and inappropriate, and my opinion I saw all this when I was her FB friend but it was ALL posted publically). She is the one who laid her life bare for OTHERS to suss it out and I had NOTHING to do with that. Reading the comments on her “manifesto” showed me people who were calling for her to get a restraining order! And to doxx me!! Wtf. I am over the top angry. It was utterly unnecessary for this entire fiasco to go that far. I am certain she is snickering merrily away. I will repeat: I am a nearly 66 year old woman. I do not “look into people” or “threaten their family”. Those are lies that put ME at risk of harm. You and your employer should take careful note of what you are attempting to do to me. I bought into that class. I questioned Celeste’s statement of being a neuropsychologist. I neither argued nor fought nor did anything unkind. The reaction she had, blocking me immediately and removing me from a group I’d paid to be in is reprehensible, an abuse of “power,” and just mean and small and absolutely smacks of her disingenuousness. Shame. Shame on her. Shame on you for following her so blindly. Shame. Finally. Post the screenshot of the “rule I broke.” Otherwise Celeste. And you. Are at fault. You broke the trust of a member of that group. And I know there are others.


This is fairly standard behavior in MLM and how huns are coached.


It was nutritional supplements or diet shakes, from what I recall. She was part of a “team” selling whatever it was. EO has faded out of the MLM marketplace for the most part. These days, it’s makeup, nutritionals, and fashions, primarily sold by and to women, with an emphasis on “Moms who want to work from home” and “women who want to be their own boss and taste success” to expand the business.


It’s great - anyone who does this stuff on my Facebook feed gets blocked. I don’t have patience for it, at all.


Hoo boy.

Someone recently recommended that I look into the Balance Through Movement stuff for my [backed-for-two-months-and-probably-needs-to-carry-herself-better] 4-year old because strengthening her thoracic sling would apparently help said 4-year old. Horse is base narrow at the moment, and the issue was her landing on the outer edge of her front feet more than the inside edge and causing an uneven wear pattern. I’m sure strengthening everywhere would help her, but anyway! Farrier thinks that will improve as she matures and the base narrowness is just a young horse thing. Looking at her parents, who are nice, solid, wide chested PREs, I believe he is right. I digress…

I have been scrolling past this trainwreck of a thread, but sat down last night and read it. Can’t say I’ve been sold on Celeste.

There are too many damn trainers who espouse methods to utterly transform your connection with your horse, allegedly, but they hide everything they do behind a paywall. Some of them may be very good, but I don’t want to cough up the dough for an expensive subscription unless I have a sense of how they are training the horses. What are their magical techniques? How are they more transformative than anything during the last 5000 years of equine domestication? You saying, “This horse was a complete psycho nutbar, and after I worked with him, he’s now the calmest, bravest horse ever” is not enough.

I contacted another trainer, regarding my quirky ex-feral gelding, because he had written some interesting things and had some experience with feral horses. He offered free 30 minute zoom consultations, so I went for that. Free stuff. Why not? He said some nice things and seemed like a lovely chap, but they were actually just a lot of platitudes. He said I needed to subscribe to his online course, where he shows you his unique method of groundwork. I said, okay, can you give me a sense of what that it is. He said I needed to subscribe to see it, and it was sort of like join-up but actually not at all like it. Right.

There are many trainers who produce free content on YouTube, and many more who write books (remember those things?). I will happily take a punt on someone and spend £15 on a book but less keen to spend £180 on an online course.


Her pricing seems to have left her website, but the last time I checked I noticed that I was able to take an in person private lesson (i.e. a clinic ride) with the former coach of the US Dressage team (who is also btw an FEI 5* judge and therefore can judge at the Olympics), and audit everyone else who rode the rest of the day, for less money than I would have had to pay for one zoom session with Celeste.


There are soo many that have featured on COTH isn’t there?
We shouldn’t forget to include the Crayola Crayon Trainer of years gone by. I am sure COTH features prominently on her website.


This is the result of Celeste posting her “manifesto,” accusing me of digging up stuff on her and “threatening her children. She has posted my name, my farm, along with screenshots of my farm page, exposing me to her “followers.” I NEVER asked anyone to “dig up info on her.” Nor have I ever threatened anyone’s children. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what I am now dealing with. That is just ONE of the responses to her “hey loves” letter. She refuses to take it down. I can’t report her because I am blocked. A friend reported the above comment and FB did not remove it. She is exhibiting sociopathic behavior. I have had to deactivate my personal and business page. Cancel upcoming clinics with other clinicians. All to protect myself and my farm. This. Is reprehensible. I have sent countless emails requesting she stop this madness to no avail. I am sorry I ever came on this page.


I’m so sorry. Is there any way you can file a restraining order or something? I don’t know if that would help at all or not…


So Celeste [edit] honed her skills in the cyber bully world of MLM (go check some MLM expose videos to see what I mean).

Anyone doing business with her should proceed with extreme caution because a person like this will turn on anyone and she has all your client information obviously. Maybe even credit card numbers.

A typical narcissist is sweetness and light while you are in their bubble bonded to their POV and then throws you under the bus when you do something that violates their sense of ownership of you. Eventually they work through everyone in their inner circle because this is a pattern. Meanwhile they enlist other people who are in their bubble to do their dirty work and these are called “flying monkeys.” Once the narcissist turns against a flying monkey they are equally vicious. They don’t feel indebted or loyal for past support.

A narcissist works on the logic that people are either loyal (bonded at the hip) or have betrayed them and must be destroyed.

Obviously as a life long strategy this requires a lot of charm, as they constantly have to find new victims. It’s purpose built for MLM. Downstream are flying monkeys essentially.

If they don’t have charm they just sit home and grumble.

Anyhow I am not diagnosing [edit] but I offer these thoughts to those in her network to consider.

Do you want to do business with a person who will dox you using client information to their other clients and ask them to attack? Run far away.


I totally agree and according to the other private messages I received from others, this is exactly what happens. She will turn on anybody pretty quickly.


I don’t know. I’ve never had to deal with someone like this. I think I can file a police report.


If it helped, I had something similar happen when I spoke out in support of a trainer a FB page did not like. It was a fairly harmless response or so I thought. The page owner posted my personal information on FB and asked her followers to “ruin me.” Luckily they have less power than they thought and no ruining happened.