Thoughts on "The Traveling Horse Witch?"

What! Omg :flushed:

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Amazing how fast her acolytes are flagging things in this thread, I was only 13 minutes late to see scribblers post and it already appears to be edited by the mods.


So this is why I cherish the anonymity of COTH. It would be nice to be more open about my life but regular like clockwork we get threads by and about bsc people, who have been known to dig through ten years of posts to find an identifying detail to hoot about.

I feel strongly about fraud trainers and bad behaviour and bullying, the kind of trifecta we see in this thread. I want to be able to comment on things like this without getting DMs threatening to sue you and take your farm, which happened in the Lauren Kanarek threads.

It’s awful to have joined what looks like a legitimate online educational group of some kind and then find out the instructor will dox you with your registration information.


Was this post edited by the mods and if so why?


Yes. I was surprised too and thought someone must be monitoring and flagging. The things that were flagged were I guess egregious, you can’t make a rhyming play on someone’s name. But the content of what I said still stands.


I asked for an explanation, but I wouldn’t take a mod edit as proof that someone’s followers are involved. There are dozens of posts about a very famous case that often get edited or not edited despite some people’s protests.

Ah yes. But posts rarely get caught this fast. Usually the mods rely on things being flagged. I doubt they have an algorithm to immediately find bad words and I doubt they have these threads open 24/7. Very often on the other contentious threads the edits come in the morning after a loopy night of back and forth arguing

It took them 17 minutes to edit out my unacceptable words and notify me :slight_smile:

I’m not upset, I crossed a line I guess and the content remains fine.


When it happens that quickly, it’s generally because of flagging I would assume. I could be wrong :woman_shrugging:

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More twisting of stories and lies from you Karen…

Throughout all of this Celeste has not mentioned your name, farm or any other pieces of your personal information. Not in the post you’re referring to or anywhere else.

The only person who has outed you, attached you to her post or this is situation is you. You did it yourself in your own public posts on your Facebook and in this forum…. I have posted screenshots below

Furthermore if she had released your personal information no one would be commenting to dox you being as that is what doxxing is

I really hope that with this example the people in here start to see through this woman’s lies and stop pandering to her

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FWIW, in this case, we saw that post on our own.


Still going to put this individual or witch in the “not with a 10 foot pole” category.


You posted my farm. I did not. It contains my address, my email and my phone number. You “doxxed” me. Again. Who are you? Hiding. Shame.


Mea culpa then!

(But as we can see from recent posts, THW groupies are still monitoring closely :upside_down_face:)


The irony :rofl:


Oh, we’ve definitely seen clear through Celeste’s lies and your shenanigans and have no intention of pandering to you or her. Thanks for looking out for us though!


Oh yes. It’s instructive how people or their followers choose to defend themselves. And the core questions about qualifications and licenses still go unanswered, meaning I have to assume they don’t exist. And it’s easier to generate FB drama than answer these questions.

This is how MLM cyber bullying works. When someone starts asking questions about fake diet supplements etc.


FYI everyone, this thread is now the #1 hit for a “travelling horse witch” search on Google.

THW crew nnnoooott exaccttllyyyy painting themselves in a flattering light, here. :woman_shrugging:t3:


… and the more they protest and post, the more it gets bumped up and the more attention it gets. I have never understood why people do not get this.

It reminds me of the extreme Parelli groupies about 10 years ago who went BSC if anyone said anything negative about old Pat. Negative = anything less than gushing adoration.


Man, I hate that approach. I can’t know what all was said in private between Karen and Celeste so I won’t comment on it.

But if you’re a professional, and you have what you feel to be a “problem customer” when all of your other clients are happy, you address your problem with that person. Hell, if they won’t give it up and you truly believe they’re in the wrong and are damaging your business, get a lawyer.

What a legitimate professional shouldn’t do: take to social media crying to your adoring fans about “I’m being bullied and stalked because a bunch of big ol’ meanies on a horse forum are questioning my training methods and looked through my public social media!!! :pleading_face::broken_heart:

That type of attention-seeking post is clearly intended not to clear up any misunderstandings, but to rile her clique of supporters to her defense. It’s obnoxious.

Imagine, say, Charlotte Dujardin taking to Facebook and saying “Hey loves, some person was mean to me on the internet, and commented negative stuff about some of my old posts. I feel like I’m being bullied :pleading_face::broken_heart:


This is the ONLY conversation I ever had with TTW. As I came to understand whenever things got uncomfortable for her she would move or try to move conversations to DM. This was about her taking the woman’s video without asking.