Thoughts on "The Traveling Horse Witch?"

I’m wildly uninterested in the personal life stuff (although the MLM past does explain some of the current weirdness), just trying to verify some of her lofty claims about her education and credentials that justify the exorbitant prices she charges and the veil of secrecy and her mAjIkAl processes.


It’s noting new. She just figured out a very simple, gentile, & effective way of accessing it & improving it. Frankly, it’s annoying that it’s not been more of a focus.As a dressage person I’m already familiar, but with all the western folks I know it’s a new discovery. The proper development of the TS is a big deal when it comes to making a riding horse & it can’t be developed well without VERY precise/proper movements. When you see a fuggky horse develop under a talented rider into a stunning creature you would not even recognize as the same horse… the thoracic sling as been accessed correctly. It SHOULD be all over FB & all horse people should have a baseline understanding, not just a handful of dressage folks.

I went to one of her lectures & despite my general distrust/aversion to “the new cool thing” she’s spot on. It honestly took me a while because of my bias against “the new coolest thing” but it was undeniably good work. The results I’ve seen in horses I know as well as folks posting before & after pics really is just undeniable. She’s also truly trauma informed (it’s a certain education about the nervous system & how to work with it in the healthiest way) & sees work with the horses thru that lense. This makes a massive difference.


Your comments definitely feel derogatory. This isn’t a carrot stick. In fact, anyone can buy a carrot stick & just beat their horse with it.

Her work is very expensive. I’ve been accessing the info in lesser expensive ways than personal consults just because it goes above my budget for this kind of thing. I also don’t learn easily virtually.

All that being said, IT’S OK FIR HORSE PROFESSIONALS TO MAKE A GOOD LIVING!! Why fo people act like it’s bad info or some kind d of scam when a horse person is actually making a comfortable living??

I can see the logic. Didn’t work on me, though. Perhaps others have the same reaction. Well, clearly, reading this thread!

When the free consultation gave me absolutely zero information - really, bupkes - and the trainer said I would have to subscribe to his course to actually learn anything at all about his techniques/methods, I balked and then backed up the way my old horse used to not load in trailers.

I’d contacted him initially and read his social media, because his philosophy appealed to me, but none of his free online material gave you any sense of what actually happens when he works with a horse.

I get that people are trying to make a living with virtual horse training, but they might pick up more clients if they were less culty and secretive. Or maybe they wouldn’t. I don’t know. I’m off to watch a free video of a Carl Hester masterclass now, lol.


YES!!! I wholeheartedly agree!!!

but it’s not all over FB is it? It’s behind a paywall. Pictures are easy, where are there video showing the miraculous changes?


It may also be a matter of practice. I don’t know how many pitches the pro has given, but I bet it takes a few, to several hundred, to get any good at it.

The business folks also talk about “Avatar” clients. They encourage you to focus on developing your idea of your perfect client. I have no idea if this is a good idea…. But it is something the consultants are telling horse pros to do.

After some beginning practice at this, I can say I am starting to see the idea. And it is possible THW is very good at connecting with those folks.

Which backs up something I learned many years ago. Successful trainers are successful with the PEOPLE, what goes on with the horse is somewhat down the road. I know plenty of folks who just want a baby sitter in the arena with them. They are not looking to learn or improve. They want some light entertainment and guidance. That’s it.

And that is what business is about.

I am mystified by people who don’t want to LEARN in their lessons. I love discovery, but plenty of clients see their horse time as rest time. Not stretch and strive time.

It is every ounce possible THW is giving her clients exactly what they want. Just like WWF does.

Just because others find it to be not their cup of tea, does not make it nefarious. Some folks like it, obviously.

I can’t speak to her program, but I can speak to people who like a ‘horsey lifestyle.’ Or who want to work with people who respect their preferred playing field, so to speak. Western pleasure isn’t nefarious because it is ‘less real’ than fox hunting. It’s just a very different playing field.

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She sure shares a lot of photos of that one ride on the Iberian-looking grey horse, and almost no other pictures of her riding aside from a few on her Instagram of jumping small fences on one training horse.

Interesting that she wasn’t planning to ride, but managed to have boots and breeches on, just no helmet. I feel like it would’ve been easier to say “it’s an old picture, I’m much more careful about always wearing one now” and leave it at that.

Also … someone enlighten me about how a tuning fork makes a horse sounder. In 2-legged-medicine-land they’re used as a diagnostic tool, but I doubt if most horses are able to tell you they feel a vibration or hear a tone.


As I said upthread, I didn’t necessarily have a problem with someone reinventing the wheel in a closed paid online training group, and I was only moderately interested in what she did and whether it was effective because it sounded like stuff I already know and do.

However what changed for me was the revelation of her lying about her credentials, having toxic explosions when people asked legitimate questions, and doxxing a client to her group. The dumbass gun photo is just the icing on the cake. And the MLM hun background explains it all IMHO.

Even if she were both super qualified and extremely affordable this kind of behavior is a huge red flag and not someone you want to do business with.


It is by definition “nefarious” when anyone lies about their CV, especially in a venture designed to take money from people in exchange for their supposedly expert services.


Tuning forks are used for healing with humans too - its the sound vibration thing :woman_shrugging::notes::woman_shrugging::notes: i could see it being a crunchy horse thing too.

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Very disappointing.

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What are we up to, four houseguests or three?


Blockquote Yes the head is lower which is a gripe I have about the comparisons. I wish they would try and recreate the exact same posture to show changes better. But I still do see clear changing in the top line. The question is would the horse have changed but just regular dressage work as well?

Lol’ing over here about the comments about my horse. But to answer the questions, no he isn’t young and growing. No he wasn’t in regular dressage work. Sure is head was lower because he’s learned a healthier posture after BTMM. Is it hard to get the horse in the exact pose. Yup sure is. You try it. I wanna see you get a half tamed mustang to stand square. You want videos? You wanna see his transformation? Well then go IG stalk him. He’s cute as hell and that comparison photo posted in this thread was the pure result of BTMM exercises in the first 90 days I had him. And if you’re still gonna claim hIs hEaD iS lOwer, then here. Is his head high enough here to prove a downhill horse can in fact be rehabbed into a neutral spine?

And with that said, maybe go play with your horses instead of bullying people you’ve never met.


Also… Planters do make a barn look pretty and if they helped a topline then hell yeah I’d buy more. And nah I don’t brush him. I’ma lazy person. Lastly, do I need to spend money on hoof care? No, but to whomever made that comment you should know you can’t judge a hoof without a straight on view from the ground. Thanks for the toxic comment though :slight_smile:


Most of us can easily see the difference between questioning what seems to be blatant CV fraud, and your weak response to that, a claim of “bullying”.

Not Born Yesterday.

Lying about your qualifications is not OK, never has been, never will be, and calling out someone who is blatantly lying about their qualifications, while taking money from people who are trusting, is certainly not “bullying” the liar.


Unless the internet trolls fabricate the lies about you. But hey at least you know my horse isn’t photoshopped like the claims about other photos :roll_eyes:

I’m sure had I not called out the toxicity of this thread, people would still have negative things to say about my not square clearly different pose mane on the wrong side horse.


I haven’t noticed nor have I had an opinion about photoshopping on this thread, so your gripe doesn’t apply to me.

Changing the subject does not erase the dishonesty that this “Traveling Horse Witch” person has exhibited when advertising her “neuropsychology” CV and services.

Adults who are dishonest can expect to be called out, especially when they are taking money from people who believe their lies.


The level of hostility and refusal to provide evidence of credentials is next level. Crying bully appears to be merely a distraction tactic here? Maybe I am wrong.


That horse looks hollow and a bit braced to me…definitely not through his back or in a nice balance. So I’m not impressed with her ability to see how a horse is moving. And also not surprised the horse blew up.