Thoughts on "The Traveling Horse Witch?"

We are up to five houseguests. Is this a record?

Good thing I have five avocados in the fridge… :avocado: :avocado: :avocado: :avocado: :avocado:


This! I have lurked here, just out of curiosity. I have no interest in the program and I find the before/after photos to be completely uninformative. But the description of the gray being in happy dressage movement, yada yada, seems completely incongruous with what I see. I see a hollow back and no true connection. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit to hear that the horse is behind the leg. He is a lovely animal to look at.


Actually the two photos are taken at two slightly different angles. If you have a look at your groundline, the bottom photo is taken with the groundline at a greater angle upwards than the top “before” photo, so of course the horse will look more uphill. Common photography trick in the gaited horse photos.

Horse yoga :joy:


I don’t understand what “rehabbed into a neutral spine” means?


Gotta pay up one-hunjie-n-fitty to get the Secret Spine Decorder ring.


Translation: I paid my one-hunjie-n-fitty so I’ma use this meaningless phrase to make myself feel better about my investment in the non-majik of the charlatan.

Thank you for that :rofl:


Remember my story about the horse that nearly creamed me? I just discovered that the trainer of that horse is an avid follower of the witch.

Explains a lot.

Essentially these folks believe that fixing the horse’s body through a series of exercises on the ground changes both their minds and their conformation. There’s a LOT of talk about various body parts and how they are using energy, holding energy, pain, or emotionality.

They talk a lot of woo. I’d say it was mostly harmless except that it seems to give people excuses for their horses’ bad behavior and it doesn’t really result in much progress that I can see. I have not seen many of these folks really riding much.


I’m not sure. But if the door keeps swinging open I’m going to need some more popcorn. :popcorn:

I do, however, want to know more about the rehabbing (reshaping? realigning?) of a horse’s spine. That’s a fantastical claim, and like most of these foo-foo ideas, I say, “Prove it.” Give me before and after xrays or a bone scan. Provide empirical evidence, not anecdotes or subjective interpretations of a horse’s demeanor or physical appearance which may change over time simply due to nutrition and consistent training. Prove it.


If it’s going to be anything like some of the various Facebook groups that have been infiltrated, We are going to get a whole lot more house guests.

Truly this thread has not gone the way I had imagined when I started it. It’s crazy! Little did I know…


Social media has created these overnight “gurus;” people who talk a good game and make bank off that. BUT

  1. If there is any reason to hide: you have no business selling to anyone.
  2. The truth will always come out.
  3. Liars should never win
  4. TTW is a liar: her LLC is not active, her “trademarks” have no paper trail. Her licenses are not active in her name. Her claims to academic achievements are wildly varied and have no paper trail.
  5. She is “certifying” competency in others after minimal training with no licensed “school” to back up the certificates. She does not require ANY knowledge of equine anatomy to attend her certifying clinics or become certified in NERVE release.
  6. Anyone who fakes a CV does not deserve attention or belief.
  7. Anyone claiming knowledge or competency is not afraid of honest questions. They answer them to the best of their ability. TTW simply gets rid of the questioner and if they “stick around” they get threatened and the followers get called into action to further threaten.
    The sheer simplicity of being able to discount her claims is astonishing and yet. Here we are. She is still a functioning (albeit maladjusted)person on social media, posting photos with guns at the ready to take down any naysayers. And here I am, still deactivated and my farm closed to clinics because I AM afraid of what her and her “monkeys” will do to me. If all this forum does is shine lights on her disingenuous nature and business practices it is serving the horse community.

Pardon my ignorance, but isn’t nerve release something surgical or injectable? It is in humans. Surely she isn’t doing that…


Genuine question, how or why does a horse need to b rehabbed into a neutral spine? What does this mean? What does it mean when a horse is out of neutral in their spine? Pictures, video, symptoms?


I expect she means lifting the abs and developing topline, like everyone else knows about and does


Possibly. I’m just hoping that one of the followers coming here can explain some of what they’re doing in depth. I don’t understand what rehabbed into a neutral spine means, why it needs to happen, and what it means to be before or after.


Ok, I agree with all the points about internet gurus.

But I think you are over reacting by shutting down your farm. Run a clinic. Have everyone pre-register and send you a bio. Pre-register audits. Have some barn staff around to monitor attendee behavior, always a good idea if there are strangers on property. Discuss in advance an action plan to frog march out any crazy people and be proactive in calling 911.

But honestly online trolls rarely get up and arrive in person. THW is not going to turn up with her guns. She’s a keyboard MLM hun. They work by emotionally manipulating other women.

You may get toxic comments on online advertising for your clinic. Feel free to block anyone you want. Once they are blocked your FB activity is mutually invisible. You cant see THW and she can’t see you in any forum.

I agree the behavior here is highly problematic but once you let a tiny group like this prevent you in your own mind from doing things IRL, then you are giving them way too much power.


It’s likely trademarked and you need to pay entry fee :slight_smile:


Or she’ll say it’s trademarked, but not do the paperwork and hope nobody figures it out :rofl:


This is very good advice.

I appreciate the clarity this particular thread provides regarding a deeply complex situation, a far cry from what is being witnessed from THW group…


No kidding about the internet…across my feed today. You too can teach your cat NOSE WORK for 29 dollars.

I am intrigued though and it is advertised as an enrichment activity and not a way to get your cat employed by the local police department!


What is a “neutral spine”? I wasn’t aware exercises could make a functionally downhill horse uphill.

In this photo this horse’s hooves are not level. He’s still downhill, the camera angle is just better suited to disguise that. :smiley: