Thoughts on "The Traveling Horse Witch?"

If you took the time to read you would see that people have commented that have been in her master class, one on ones, clinics, etc. I am one. I was in the Masterclass. I hosted two clinics here at my farm with Katherine Lowry who developed the Pillars with Celeste. I questioned Celeste when she claimed to have a “degree in neuropsychology” and within seconds was blocked and booted for the Masterclass that I paid for. She refused to provide a screen shot of the “rule” she said I broke (when I hadn’t posted in the class since June 22). I refused to back down from asking for a refund. She then posted a manifesto claiming to be targeted by a “lonely bored woman” and invited her followers to target me as well. Her admin assistant then outed my farm with screenshots here (including my address and phone number which was on that public page.) I cancelled all upcoming clinics and deactivated my FB, both personal and private. I left the private rider pillar group I paid for with Katherine Lowry after she attacked me on my private page. Celeste posted a photos with pistols on her belt and said “they will see and leave my family alone”. People who are normal do not do things like that. All of the evidence of what I am saying is above including a private conversation I had with TTW. You don’t have to read it, but if you don’t read it do NOT call people liars here. I am not lying. I am 65 year old well situated woman in a 46 year (real, legal) marriage with a beautiful farm and horses. I purpose built an indoor and barn to host clinics. So. Go blow your smoke and tilt your mirrors at someone else. I will not hide. I will not back down. I will not stop calling a spade a spade.


I am just curious is she a very charismatic person like all of the western gurus are?
Or is she more of the annoying MLM type?



1 of 2


gen·​tile ˈjen-ˌtī(-ə)l

plural gentiles

Synonyms of gentile


often capitalized : a person of a non-Jewish nation or of non-Jewish faith

especially : a Christian as distinguished from a Jew


Wow, you sure took that personally. There are a lot of derogatory comments posted by people who have said they have not had personal experiences with her. If you’ve had personal experiences with her then by design my comment wasn’t about you at all. Your responses don’t come off as being how a “normal” person would react either quite frankly. You’re super hostile & defensive & Ive done nothing but relay my first hand experiences (which have been different than yours) and ask questions about what some are claiming because I’m honestly wondering about these things. So far I’m not seeing or hearing anything that proves she’s this horrible person some of you are making her out to be. I don’t know her so I don’t know anything for sure except that I think what I have integrated & people I know have integrated of hers has been beneficial- that’s it. That’s really the important thing to me too, what benefits the horses. I don’t care at all if she let her LLC lapse. It would bother me if she lied about her resume… and I’d still use the work if it helped my horses. I may not participate in a clinic if that were the case but I would use what I have learned & find others to teach me if it turned out she’s this horrible unethical human you claim she is. I just have t seen anything at this point to tell me that’s the truth. Think about it from my perspective- I’ve got some information about a process that seems to be working on some horses on one side, then a couple anonomous people on a forum jumping all over me because I answered the OP’s question about my experiences with Celeste & her work. What would you think? My direct experiences with Celeste is she’s a little fragmented but passionate about her work & that work has shown my horses/horses I know some benefit. On the other side I have direct experiences with you & a couple others here consisting of pretty wild accusations I haven’t been able to sus out & some pretty aggressive & even nasty comments directed at me just for answering the Op’s question & responding to comments directed toward me, as you do in a forum. I was honestly asking because I was interested in knowing what the fuel behind this fire was all about. I’ve been scrolling thru comments trying to find these screenshots but I’m using my phone & doing it when I have time between clients, meetings, extra work with the horses (it’s snowing here & that’s not common where I live) and getting ready for company. I believe you that there are screenshots posted, I just haven’t found them yet because I’m doing other things. The super sensitized replies give me pause, just like I said I had first going into Celeste’s lecture I attended. I’m interested in her work but not super familiar with it. So far others I know, trust, & respect have learned from her & are using her process on my horses & horses I know. Ive seen positive results. That’s all I know. The over the top responses to me sharing the little experiences I’ve had with her are bizarre to me. I’ve said from the start I’ve had limited experiences, that I was dubious, and that what I’ve seen aligned with the knowledge I already have (from the L program, judges I’ve spent many hours with, and other body workers) & has worked. That’s all. It’s easier to make big accusations here I suppose where everyone is anonymous. I haven’t been on the COTH forums for years… and I’m remembering why now.

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I know nothing about this person (the traveling horse witch), and I did not even bother to read this thread (all of it) until yesterday.

But having read what @Kduplantis posted has happened to her I would not consider their reaction as being unusual or hostile.
Just my opinion.

And not be petty, but can you please add some hard returns so your long post is more easily readable? Pretty please.


I am very hurt, confused, afraid of her and her minions and she is highly unethical, a liar and is threatening me. Worst of all? She is telling people her family is being threatened when I am the one being threatened. I use my real name. I have nothing to hide. I tell the truth. If you think I am “hostile and defensive,” that’s fine. I know you are a follower, now, and I can ignore anything else you say. Why would you defend someone that lies about who they are? Because you must be sucked in, that’s all I can say. Good luck. As for the “work”, it is nothing new. I will follow ethical humans from now on.


Direct experience over here. :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: Choosing to be careful not to share any easily identifiable information due to not wishing the same attack on myself that @Kduplantis has so brutally received.


Well, since you are dismissing what @Kduplantis has been writing as overreaction and bizarrely hostile without reading it, i don’t know what would pass as truthiness for you.


You are anonymous. I am not. What is your name? Why are you hiding?


I second this.

I imagine it is extremely difficult to keep a cool head when it feels like the entire internet is raining down on you over blatant lies. To the point of fearing for ones own safety. It’s not easy to put oneself in another’s shoes, but had I experienced what @kduplantis went through, I’m sure I would have lost my temper as well.


That’s kind of the whole point of why all of these events unfolded the way they have. CLL HAS lied about her credentials and was caught red handed by @kduplantis

Resulting in a vulnerability porn (aka weaponized vulnerability) response on CLLs part while instigating a witch hunt to silence @Kduplantis

The facts are simple, what muddles everything up are the side discussions which have little to do with the matter at hand, and it is these side discussions that appear to be distractions.

Case in point, no one has attacked or threatened CLLs family or children. That was a lie fabricated by CLL to gain sympathy. But, had you read the history on this thread prior to responding by pure assumption on your part, you would have been quite aware of these facts.


Well, we may never see any evidence that that this Method has worked even one single time, I did learn the term for one of the most annoying influencer tactics, one I’ve been seeing for years but never had a name for: Performative Vulnerability.

Thank you @NerdyHorseLady


I’m so fed up with people tearing other people down, especially others in the horse world.

I have seen nothing to substantiate your claims that she’s done anything wrong to you or anyone else. I don’t believe what you are saying after reading the screenshots I saw of you asking for a refund. You clearly have an axe to grind with her. It honestly just looks like you’re mad that you didn’t get your way with getting a refund & you’ve started to obsess about it. If I missed something & I’m wrong I apologize but that’s what it looks like from the outside. Your responses don’t seem normal to me.

Like I said, I saw one lecture, signed up for the FB group (which wasn’t worth it to me but others seem to enjoy it) and I’ve liked what I’ve seen her process do for the horses I’ve seen it used on. That’s it. Just because the FB group isn’t for me doesn’t mean I expect a refund when it was very clear refunds weren’t given when I signed up. It’s digital information & this is a pretty standard thing nowadays. Just because I find your claims suspect doesn’t mean I’m a “follower” of Celeste’s. It seems in fact that what you expect is for people to just blindly believe you, which is what you’re griping about directed towards Celeste. You’re already being hostile towards me & you don’t know me- I’ve only been honest & straightforward about my experiences & asking questions. If you’re already being weird with me, it seems like you might be the one who’s not being truthful about who is aggressive, weird, threatening etc… I don’t KNOW this, but you’ve been really strange towards me & others in this thread & that’s all I have to go on. It’s fine to dismiss me by trying to say I’m a “follower” of someone I’ve seen once but that’s not reality here. If it makes you feel better fine then.

I’m just SO tired of seeing people tearing others down based on nothing but just being shitty & this is really starting to look like that. I still haven’t seen any proof that this woman has done anything wrong. When I said I couldn’t find what y’all are referencing in the 600+ posts nobody would help me- just nasty weird hostility. I spent another hour looking thru this mess of a witch hunt (pun intended… it had to happen :laughing:) and have not found anything of substance. Now you’re starting to make veiled claims against me. I’m not just falling in line & blindly believing you so getting nasty with me is ok? Isn’t that what you’ve been claiming Celeste is doing? You’re the one on here flaming her- I don’t see her flaming anyone… so who’s attacking who? It just looks like a massive stitch & bitch.

From what I’ve seen, it seems you are mad that you got kicked off a paid FB group & that the people running it wouldn’t fold & give you a refund. From the screenshots you posted, the person you were communicating with (not even Celeste) who would not give you a refund just looked like a professional person with strong healthy boundaries to me. I’ve organized a lot of shows & clinics… after reading that exchange Im suspecting I know your type. I actually took some professional trainings focused on treating people who were suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder to learn how to manage folks who were excessively difficult. It was very helpful with the few folks I had to deal with who would lash out if they didn’t get their way- if I/we didn’t break rules to accommodate their special needs.

I was curious reading this thread if there were any truths to your claims because I am co side ring further classes in her work, but I’m not seeing anything of substance with regards to your claims- I AM seeing your behavior & it’s not making Celeste look bad. It’s making me feel bad for her that there is this small group of horse people here who are believing what seem to be unsubstantiated claims & attacking her like the excitable mob on Shrek. That’s just one persons take here, but I think my concerns have been squelched tho so thank you for that. I’m feeling confident that there’s nothing wrong with attending a clinic or activity with her sometime in the future, in fact I have a desire to support her in the face of her having this group of nasty people attacking her with nothing substantial backing their claims. It’s fine to say, “the work isn’t for me.” But that’s not what you have done. You’re really going after her & trying to smear her publicly & affect her reputation & ability to make s living. I’m not seeing that she’s done anything to you.


Thank you :pray:t2:

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You don’t see evidence that it doesn’t work either. Do you publicly attack everyone you don’t agree with or understand?

How would one prove a negative, exactly?

If someone is saying their system fixes these certain things, nothing showing it fixes those things is basically proving that it doesn’t work.


So. You ARE a houseguest. You showed your bottom. Blocking and removing a paid member for asking a simple question is egregious. Period. Especially when that question revealed her as a blatant liar. Ciao. Run back to TTW.


I sincerely looked but flat out don’t have any more hours to dedicate to this. I saw one interaction where KDuplantis seemed really mad she wasn’t issued a refund for something that is clearly advertised as digital information & not eligible for a refund. Then KDuplantis started getting aggressive & weird towards me… I’ve just explained my personal experiences & responded to questions. Her strange sensitized responses give me pause, and make it hard to see how she wasn’t the instigator in this conflict. I’m just not seeing anything to the contrary. Sorry if this offends you, it’s just what I’m seeing & experiencing. I’m just one person tho so nbd.

I’m seeing it work. That doesn’t mean it’s right fit everyone but it also doesn’t mean it’s fraudulent. I’m not a naive noob either. I find value in it. There is no magic pill that fixes everything that’s for sure, but I am seeing very positive results from it.

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From what I’ve seen, you are rude, maybe not very honest when you want something, and you don’t listen well. I’m honestly sorry to say I just don’t believe that’s why you were kicked out of that group. You just keep proving to me that this feeling is correct by the way you are communicating. I think you’re mad because you wanted a refund & you’re obsessing about not getting your way. If I’m wrong, I sincerely apologize, I just don’t believe I’m wrong here.