Thoughts on "The Traveling Horse Witch?"

Again, none of us are responsible for doing homework for you, houseguest. Just because you’re too lazy to read doesn’t mean the proof isn’t there. We are not responsible for spoon feeding it to you.


Let’s say Pfizer invented a new drug. They say that it cures breast cancer that has failed treatment with chemo. To prove it works, they say, “trust us, it works really well and a lot of doctors use it!” and show a picture of a patient before treatment, who is frowning, and the same patient smiling after receiving the drug.

Are you convinced it’s safe and cures cancer?

Because that’s all we’ve got from Celeste.


@Its_Not_About_the_Horses :woman_shrugging:


If there were a COTH BB award for Gaslighting of the year I think we have our first nominee🤣

You have to be willfully obtuse not to see that this Emporess has no clothes.

I have no skin in this game other than the entertainment value of the thread and its pretty damn obvious to me what’s up.


Nailed it!


I additionally have zero skin in this game. I’m just annoyed by the proliferation of woo and charlatanism in the horse world (Celeste may be guilty of it, but she’s in very good company) … and this thread has become pretty entertaining so I keep participating.


This. Exactly.

Meanwhile, I had fajitas with guacamole for dinner. Wondering if I should make more. :thinking: :avocado:


You’re being rather [edit] here, so it’s ironic that you’ve said that about others. You’re also rude and dishonest when you want something because you say “From what I’ve seen…” but you’re only seeing what you want to see and how you want to see it. So of course you’re not going to understand anyone else’s perspective or experiences. I’m not sure why the OP would lie, using her real name, as to why she got kicked out of the group. You’re free to not believe her, but it’s bizarre how staunch you are with this view.

I think you’re wrong here, in some respects. It’s also odd to chastise people for the same things that you’re doing (their communication style, being shitty, anonymity, etc.). I mean, you do you, I guess.


Linda ks Kohanov “sells”. Um… what??? Spiritual connection with the horse plane? I forget. Tao of Equus was a wild ride. But the Lady’s got (I believe……) clients paying her $ to do, um whatever…. And who exactly is certifying people to communicate with the horsey spirit world??

Masterson certified himself, then set up to certify others. I watch some of it online, and I gotta tell you, “egg yolk touch on the bladder meridian” sounds like complete bollox to me. Has anyone done any real scientific research on his yolky meridian cureative?

It is no small feat to set up and online program. And if THW is making $ then why go thru the trouble of making an online curriculum.

Marijke de Jong and her husband are both working full time + to run her online program. I doubt anyone has an online curriculum that is 1/2 as extensive has hers, and she has to work at it more than full time.

If THW or anyone else is raking in the $, then the credentials are somewhat beside the point.

I wonder if COTHers have a bit of collective PTSD from the Italian homuncili ???

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This trainer has zero credentials other than what she has made up. I don’t know her or her program. She has shown nothing so how could anyone know?

Trainers such as Hilda Gurney and Warrick Schiller have decades of making successful riders and horses.

The traveling witch needs a new broom. Hers ain’t flyin’.


I’ve watched the same video; I believe he is trying to describe the pressure used. How much pressure to indent an egg yolk without breaking it. I thought it was a good description of pressure. As someone who cooks eggs sunny-side up, it “resonates” :joy::fried_egg:


Glad it works for you.

Likewise, if THW makes her clients happy, then she can rock on.

Sue Dyson lied about some paperwork and no one really cares.

As far as the farm owner poster who had to ‘close her farm’ well…. I’ve known my share of nut job farm owners. And, my share of situations that got overheated when people were not up to the fight, and things get overblown. That farm owner carries 50% of the credit for the dramatics is highly likely.

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Here is my horse before the Itinerant Equine Hag’s lessons.



Here she is after $1300 of mystical treatment.


In case anyone was wondering what’s behind the pay wall, it’s this right here: the Grocery Bag On The Halter Method ™. You have to buy the grocery bag from the Itinerant Equine Hag, or it simply won’t work.

I have a PhD in grocery-baggery, with a specialty in bullhockery. Don’t question my methods.


Thank you! It is wrong that she posted inaccurate credentials. That’s a fact. I’m not going to join the mob for this mistake tho. I just don’t think this was something to be canceled over. I believe she does have a psychology degree, & I understand she studied neuropsychology. (I looked up her background last night after trying to sus things out here & not having any luck.) So how & why this happened I don’t know.

My goal was to find out what the issue was then investigate but I’m truly so yucked out by this whole thread at this point… I care that she misrepresented something but not as much as I think I would have before feeling what she must feel like. There are some whoppers in here. After all this, there is no way I believe KD was kicked out of that Fb group without a valid reason & it truly looks as tho she has an axe to grind with Celeste over that. That’s what I’ve gotten from this.

I do appreciate you showing me these screenshots! I really couldn’t find these posts & people got so nasty… I was getting nasty in reaction & that is weak of me. This isn’t worth feeling this way or letting myself get sucked into this kind of behavior. I do apologize for where I was being nasty. Thanks again for pointing me to the info. I’m going to get outta here… there is apparently an ownership of this forum since I was here last & my input is clearly not of interest.

Such a transformation! Take my money!


For a cool $300, I’ll expose which brand of grocery bag is necessary for the lifting of the anterior hammock.

PayPal is thx.


Oh dear. Another houseguest. What drama did I bring: I questioned her as to where she got her “neuropsychology” degree. Within seconds I was blocked and banned. It is the principle that has me angered. I paid , I was in the class. I chose to host Katherine Lowry instead of TTW because she seemed more stable and there were too many :triangular_flag_on_post: for CCL. Katherine and two participants stayed in my home. Katherine and her husband and her baby were cared for very well as were all of the participants. I had her here twice, once with her assistant. The clinics were well advertised and full. Everyone was happy. I stopped participating in the Masterclass in June 2022 for reasons stated in this thread. I was happy with Katherine and told her no, I would not host Celeste at the next clinic in June 2023 because of my unease with her. She was fine with that. We were planning a five day retreat here. I cancelled it when Celeste posted her “manifesto” clearly implicating me and inciting her followers. So. She blocked and banned me and I emailed her repeatedly. Posted in this thread. I was removed for breaking a “rule,” obviously outside of the group since I hadn’t posted since last June. To this day I do not know what “group rule” I broke.
Drama? I won’t let it go. It’s wrong. It’s hateful. It’s egoistic for her to monitor people outside her “group” and punish people for questioning her. It’s simply. Wrong and I won’t stand for it. Again. I am an adult, successful, educated woman with a beautiful, safe space I have built and cultivated for clinics. My husband and I are in our 60s. I am absolutely disgusted by the behavior of TTW and her minions. It is utterly unconscionable. I have not hidden behind a pseudonym. I have done nothing illegal, mean, wrong or whatnot. But. She has. Because I am standing up for myself and all the others who are terrified to come forward, it is causing her followers to come on this thread and perform great acrobatics to call me names, call me mentally ill, call me a liar, etc. I have put up documentation to back up every single thing I have said. What bothers me? Her banning me from the group for no other reason than I said “where’d ya get that degree”. Why? Because she was lying and made the mistake of saying it on a page belonging to a legit PhD that I follow. And I called her out. She is the mentally compromised individual. People who lie about their credentials instead of actually working to get them? Lowlife in my book. I busted my butt at 43-47 years old to get a degree in Psychology. Summa. #1 graduate. So I have no truck with fakers. So you can go tell her that.


And where, pray tell, did you look up her background? Through an independent source, or via her unverified claims online that vary wildly depending on who she is addressing?


You don’t know because you don’t want to know :woman_shrugging:t3: and also, you believe that she has those credentials or does she actually have them?


I have no clue who any of these people are, but charlatans are rife in the horse world, and fitness and all those other spaces where people feel Insecure. Just as there are insecure people, there are folks who will monetize on that insecurity.

Living here in woo central, it’s fine as long as the buyers-in know they are buying hope and likely not results. Hope is a good thing, we all need some in our lives.

It’s certainly not illegal to be a prophet of specialness, look how that turned out for dr.kellogg, and that diantics guy.

But there’s also always going to be skeptics, too.