Thoughts on "The Traveling Horse Witch?"

ok - now this is funny.

Will you be starting an Itinerate Hag trainer’s web site?


Only if it’s sooper speshul and sekrit. :smiley:


Ooh, can I get a sekrit decoder pin?


Wait, i thought you were the Hag?

Cute girl you have there! A snoot that needs booping!

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Shhhhhh… I don’t want anyone looking up my PhD in Grocery-Baggery, lest I get busted.

Total aside, as someone who deals with pH in my job, capitalizing the P and lowercasing the h for PhD took 4 tries before I convinced my fingers to do it…


Doesn’t that stand for “Piled higher and Deeper?”

My phone has a new keyboard, v and I’m learning Navajo, so prediction is out the window…


I love this updated post, LOL!!!

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You are my COTH hero for the day. :trophy:Thanks for making me laugh. You rock! :laughing:

P.S. Your horse is freakin’ adorable.


Do you feel Linda Kohanov needs a Take down ? Animal communicators ? Masterson method ?

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To be clear.

There is something called the professional/client or Teacher/ student or Service provider/ customer relationship. In this situation it is important that the professional remain professional no matter the provocation.

You can quietly fire a client. You can take legal action behind the scenes. Etc.

What you cannot do is descend to a level of MLM Hun crazy stuff. That includes lying about your credentials, doxxing your clients to your client base, engaging in online bullying, and bragging about your guns. Once you’ve done that even once, you’ve shown the world who you are and that you are not a professional.

This is quite separate from what you actually do, teach, or provide. Like I said upthread I had no particular problem with some online nobody giving herself a cute name and running seminars that recycle common knowledge to newbies.

But I have a problem with the behaviour that’s been documented here.

Let’s take a very different hypothetical situation. Imagine Susie is a lifelong horsewoman who qualified for the Pan Am or something in the 1990s. But repeated concussion and aging and perhaps alcohol has brought on symptoms and she is wierd and unpredictable and flips out on people. She can still ride and teach better than anyone in her area but she’s losing the plot and ranting about her demons on social media. I would give similar advice to stay clear.

I am skeptical of the whole new age psychotherapy world whether human or equine because they work by taking snippets of real experience and exaggerating them out of context for people who want instant magic to heal their problems. They are intellectually and emotionally lazy at heart. But enough people find them useful at some points in their lives. So I’m not really going to bother taking their logic apart because mostly they are not doing harm.

However teachers that use these techniques to get a grip on their students and then turn interpersonally toxic and implicate their students in the bad behaviour should be called out.



Nearly 12000 for the online course

Also, there’s nothing wrong with alerting others to a potential issue with a business. I sure those businesses have had their detractors, most businesses have a few negative reviews.

If the business is professional they take the criticism and incorporate the critique or not, but engaging in an online battle with a dissatisfied customer is something that a prospective client might want to know.


Sneak peak at Level 2, and Level 3. The last photos are of Level 3 Advanced, aka “Balloon Theory”, which is another five hundo. (It’s her birthday!).


? It looks like the course costs between $3,000-$5,000 depending on whether someone pays up front vs payment plan and if they want individual lessons with Celeste added.

She bills it as a three month course, with the first course running April 1st through June 1st. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that two months?

I don’t know Linda Kohanov or Masterson method, so I can’t speak to them.

Animal communicators … yeah, that’s bs and they’re either delusional or charlatans. I’m happy to call it out.


That’s insane. At $100 a lesson I could afford 30 to 50 lessons with the best instructors iRL. At $50 a lesson, that’s 60 to 100 lessons. I could afford to take my horse across country to a trainers barn and work intensively with them for a month.


I wonder if Celeste specifically requested that her followers come to her defense, or if the houseguests chose to come on their own after the “hey loves, people are questioning my methods and self-reported-but-unverifiable credentials, therefore I’m a victim of bullying” post based on their parasocial relationships they have with her, as her influencees.


Here is a small analysis. Celeste is offering online “education” in her “trademarked” nerve release methods. Her students are not required to have any knowledge of equine anatomy, no prior training in any modality of body work. Just “come as you are.” They will be issued a “certificate of completion” upon “completion of payment.” Not an actual “certification” because she is not certified to issue any by any accredited school. What are the possible ramifications? People will be putting their hands on horses, many without ANY prior knowledge, and manipulating peripheral nerves based on TTW’s own knowledge, however limited that might be. (Has she ever done equine dissection? Has she apprenticed under a veterinarian?) people will be offering services to others after getting a “Certification of Completion” which. Is like graduation from preschool. Possibly practicing veterinary medicine without a license. Where are the fail safes? Where are the checks and balances? Who is overseeing this malarkey? What will this “academy” foist on the unsuspecting equine community? ANYONE can pay their money, “complete” this “course” made up by TTW and then “practice” on the unsuspecting public. There is so so much wrong with this. Not the least of which are novices manipulating peripheral nerves they have never seen under the skin. It just gives me chills. I fear for the poor horses. JUST as much as body work helps, it can harm. And this is not being offered to JUST people with prior anatomical knowledge. It is offered to ANYONE with the green to slap down. Because that is TTW’s goal. Bank.


I’m sorry, but as someone upthread alreadye said, why would any business person making what Celeste is making NOT refund the money and say no more about this?

Making it a public feud, SMH