Threads reloading every ten seconds

When I open a thread to read it, it loads up. I start to read the first post, if I read fast I might get to the second post before the darned thread disappears and reloads itself… over and over and over again. I can’t read more than the first few posts on any thread because I can’t scroll down fast enough to read a post before the darn thing reloads, taking me back to the top… This started out happening occassionally, and would usually stop after a few reloads, but now it does it ALL the time… Is anyone else having this problem or is it just me? How do I make it stop?

I haven’t heard from anyone else experiencing this issue, so let’s see if we get any feedback from the community, so we have a better idea of what might be going on.

In the meantime, you might want to try clearing your cookies/cache to see if that helps. Sometimes, that’s a good first step for addressing random “mystery issues” that don’t appear to be site-wide. :slight_smile:

Sorry for the trouble–please give a status report either way after you try the cookie clearing.

Thanks ~
Mod 1

I tried logging out of COTH and logging back in. I’ve cleared my cookies… It doesn’t happen on every site. Sometimes it reloads several times and stops, sometimes it just keeps happening… I have dial up, so I wonder if that makes a difference?

When I open a thread to read it, it loads up. I start to read the first post, if I read fast I might get to the second post before the darned thread disappears and reloads itself…

I’ve had this happen intermittently - when it’s “on”, it will happen with every thread BUT the reload of a given thread/page only occurs once: I’ve assumed it’s advertising related.

Iam also on dial up. It happens every now and then, usually when I start with the “last page” for a thread.

I have also had this problem. Not with every thread, and not all the time. I first noticed it when we were on dial-up. Assumed that was it. We have since switched to broadband (the slowest there is), and we have wiped our hard drive for a completely unrelated issue. It still happens…again, not always and not on all threads. Usually after 2-6 reloads, it stops and I can read as usual.

Oh good, it’s not just me. I was beginning to wonder…

Thanks for the additional feedback folks. I’ll forward a link to this thread to our tech support to see if they can provide any information.

Mod 1

Actually, since they’ll probably ask, what Internet browser are you all using to view the site?

Thanks again!
Mod 1


You could try tapping on the F5 key a few times to see if if it’s sticking. (The F5 key is the shortcut to reload your window in Windows.) Might help; won’t hurt. (Though you might not want to do it in the middle of a credit card transaction or something ;).)

Explorer here too… and it’s really bad tonight.

have you tried chrome or FF? I find that most of my browsing issues i’ve ever had, were resolved by switching to Chrome. FWIW, i used to work for the cable company in tech support, and we only supported if people used IE… but all the PCs in the building for us, used FF lol.

Happens to me intermittently also. I’m using Explorer, with a Verizon BB connection.


Sorry, I should have specified in my earlier post–what version of the Explorer are you using too?

I don’t know. How do I tell which version I have?.. I’d have responded sooner but this thread has been doing the relaod thing to me the last several days.

Explorer provided by Dell? I tried MSN Explorer but it was so slow I only opened a couple threads before I gave up. Those threads did not do the reload thing… (or it was so slow I didn’t notice.)

I’ll send an email to you directly since you’re having trouble actually reading this thread, but to check which version of Explorer you’re using, just click on “Help” from the Internet Explorer toolbar at the top of the page, then select “About Internet Explorer.” It should list the version number there.

Thanks so much!
Mod 1

I think it might be the ads at the top of the page. When it reloads, there’s a new ad.

I’m sorry, but the tech guys have not been able to duplicate this problem, so we kind of have our hands tied in terms of helping…

Though there’s been a little response on this thread from other folks experiencing some form of the reloading issue, it doesn’t appear to be something system-wide. Not saying it’s not a real, and really annoying, problem for you, of course!

We’re going to be upgrading the system software probably by mid-November, so that might effectively “re-boot” things for you. I’d suggest trying to clear you cache and cookies again and/or trying to use another browser in the interim. I’m sorry we can’t be of more help this time!

Mod 1