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Time to order Chronicle caps!


We have 150 hats available in this first batch. Please be considerate of your fellow BBers who aren’t online all day, and just order one hat to start with. We have more hats on the way, and since shipping is included, it won’t cost any more to place two orders.

I have not seen the hats, and I don’t know what they look like. If you want to see a picture before you order, don’t order yet. We’ll have pictures, and more hats, soon.

If you are outside the U.S.… I’m sorry, but I’m going to suggest that you not order a hat right away. I was not able to get a definitive answer yesterday about shipping costs to Canada and overseas, and the Chronicle doesn’t want to take your order without being able to give you an accurate total cost.

If you Canadians/foreigners are desperate for a hat right away, I’d suggest calling the office and speaking to Theresa, the receptionist, who can probably work something out for you. (Call 540-687-6341.) You can also take your chances and fill out the online form – I’m sure the shipping cost will be reasonable, but I stress again that we have not decided what it will be.

Again, here are your hat choices:

A) A stonewashed hunter green hat with a tan suede bill for those who enjoy a two-tone look.

B) A solid-colored khaki hat of cotton twill, for those who want a traditional, cooler summer hat.

The Chronicle logo is embroidered on the front. The green hats have tan embroidery, and the khaki hats have green embroidery, from what I understand.

Cost is $15 apiece, and shipping is included within the U.S.

And now, without further ado, is the URL to order your hats


Enjoy, and please say a big THANK YOU to the Chronicle and to Gofer for doing this.

If you encounter any problems with the form, let me know. You should receive a confirmation email when your order has been placed.

[This message was edited by Erin on Apr. 27, 2001 at 12:33 PM.]

I’m sorry Silly Mommy! I didn’t mean that it wouldn’t let me order more than one, I meant that somewhere along the line it was asked that we only order one, and I always obey reasonable requests.

Sigh, I am always the “good” one.

Well, I figure that since dad gave me the Visa to register for the Chem SAT online, and that registration is taking FOREVER…maybe I’ll just mosey on over and buy myself a cap…he did ask if I wanted one Now for the tough fashion decisions…green or khaki?

heidi…if I send you a cap can I come watch the Olympics with ETBW? I promise to entertain the sumo-toddler and clean up the table after meals? I do my own laundry [and others’ laundry when asked]? Please? Please please please?

KBird…reiner-in of the JR Clique. It’s a thankless job.

Thank you for the hat! I will wear it to the Hampton Classic, if I can bum a ride, and a promise of a seat in the shade!

nobody has a size 4 foot

pleeez check your e-mail.

Hey, we have your credit card numbers… you can beg all you want, we’re already on the way to the bank!

Just kidding… will see what can be done about pictures.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> photo of cap worn in most unusual place or circumstance <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That could be a very, very bad thing!


Hat form went online Friday at noon.

By Monday, around 70 or 80 orders had been placed… had to be printed out, credit card numbers run through, etc.

Tuesday, hats are being packed into mailing envelopes by the Chronicle’s lovely intern.

Wednesday, hats go in the mail at the Middleburg Post Office.

I think that’s pretty darn good service!

If anyone wants Gofer to deliver a hat, it’ll take an extra year or so… he’ll get around to it in his own sweet time.

If you know someone in the states, have them order it and they can ship it on up to u?

I requested two over the telephone and two from the on-line form. Only ONE is for ME! Because I am such a nice person I ordered an additional Cap for Heidi,Jair and my SO (be it Mr. Wings or the Winglet, whoever is non-annoying)

Will I get all four caps (two of each color) or do I need to reorder? Oh the pain. I have outsmarted myself once again. :sad:

Drat the lack of that smilie!

I love you Wingsy - and certainly more than Jair. You want the master bedroom when you venture down?

But wait, I don’t have to wait until 2008 do I?


I’m wearing my new COTH hat at Rolex! It is tan with green lettering. ALSO - the hats have www.chronofhorse.com embroidered on the back - so they are very cool indeed!

I’ll get Beth to take a picture so we can post it!

[This message was edited by Melinda on Apr. 27, 2001 at 01:52 PM.]


I totally forgot I have some picture from Hawaii in my COTH cap.

Where’s that scanner? Soon, I promise…

but I probably have 10 different styles of GrandPrix hats and I don’t even have a pair of paddocks by them anymore. I do have 2 Bevals though…

Unfortunately I can no longer hack in them - evil trainers insist on velveteen covered item of apparal at the bare minimum…

Always the “good one” Louise?

I know differently, don’t I?


(oh Heidi, will you cut it with the bribes? I’m sure Maz really needed that orange, raw silk knitted touque with matching thong and sports bra. I mean, as if she could get it on with a broken arm )

Do you clean tack? Chem SAT? Oh reiner in of the JR clique, Do you have any influence over the Winglet?

Thank you, Erin! I just ordered my hat!

Except for heidi

[This message was edited by Erin on Apr. 30, 2001 at 10:51 AM.]