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Time to order Chronicle caps!

Thank you!!! Can’t wait to see pics of everyone wearing their new caps:)

“There are times when you can trust a horse, time when you can’t, and times when you have to.”

Hey Erin:

Any news for the poor northern neighbours?

Once again we Canadians are persecuted dammit!

Not only must we suffer through an exchange rate which prices the caps at $22 CDN, we now must sit and wait idly while the American BBers hog all the hats.

Oh…I’m in love with Gofer

Maybe we should both venture down to the dollar store Jair, buy ourselves a straw sombrero and plaster on a sticker which reads, COTHLESS.

I think they’re just jealous of our universal health care, subsidized universities, and superior charm. Who wants hat head, anyway!

There is no Chronicle Hat Hog Enforcer, ETBW. I only asked that people not order more than one hat out of courtesy, to be sure they didn’t all disappear immediately. I should have said one hat PER PERSON… that’s what I meant. Anyway, we have plenty of hats to go around, so it’s all good.

(I actually find it funny that so many people have emailed me and apologized for ordering more than one, explaining in detail who the extras were for. You all are very sweet! )

oh she does, does she Wings?

But then, its not like Heidikins has any fashion sense, so I’m bound to get the nicer one anyways

pictures yet?

“Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, Darling!” JD;Heathers

Nice, Heidi and Jair are hogging the only 2 Canadian caps for themselves. I think I will join the Sea Urchin fan club after all.
This Canadian thing is starting to bum me out. Exchange rates and postage. No wonder we Canadians have a national inferiority complex!

I was not a hat hog though I just ordered one!See I have manners !!I own a hat for very nice show I ever went to !! I collect them !!!I can’t wait til it comes!!!

Hmmm, who agreed to send me a certain Hannoverian mare in return for an orange, raw silk knit thong and athletic strap. Could his name possibly have been, oh, let me see, JAIR?!?!?!

How many silk worms toiled harder than Diana Ross’s hairdresser to spin the ten bolts of raw silk for the strap alone! Have you no compassion, no mercy, no feeling for the silk worms who laboured endlessly just so that you could be properly supported?

Yes, the extraordinary, kind and motherly Canadian-Patriot-At-Large, Everythingbutwings has come to Heidi and mine’s rescue and bought us our COTH hats!

Wings Rules!

(and we didn’t even have to bribe her!!! )

A cap for Jair! A cap for Jair and Heidi!! tra la la lalala … I’m so happy!

When I arrived at Rolex on Thursday afternoon, I went to the COTH booth in the Trade Fair. No caps. And the Two COTH women staffers there had no idea about any caps, and looked at me strangely when I said “Gofer was supposed to have them,” undoubtedly wondering why Tricia’s dog should have responsibility for COTH caps. They said in that semi-puzzled, semi-pitying way, “this must have something to do with the web site,” and turned to Rob, the publisher. Thankfully, he did know about the caps, so I was not reported to security as a potential nut case.

Sure enough, when I came back an hour later after scouting the trade fair further, the caps were there, $15 each, and I got my green and tan one. So you see, while I already have my cap, you all save money because shipping is included in your $15.

I wore my cap the next day, and Robby Johnson recognized me because of it. So I have the honor (or honour for our Canadian friends) of being the first BBer found by another BBer through wearing the COTH cap.

[This message was edited by Portia on May. 01, 2001 at 01:03 PM.]

Muhahahaha, I bolted to my car to get my credit card. Muhahahahaha.

Thanks COTH!

Hey Erin - don’t think you are getting too far on MY credit card - that was the “horse show” one… it lives close to the “danger zone”

In tribute to some of the more imaginative (and inventive!) screen personalties on this board, I’m ROFLMAO just thinking about the possibilities…!

[This message was edited by A Splash of Color on Apr. 27, 2001 at 12:55 PM.]

Could he possibly have a thyroid problem? I mean, no offense, but he kind of looks like Barbara Bush with those eyes.

Not that Gofer isn’t a wonderful little JRT, and holds a striking resemblence to my sister’s wanton terrorist, Maori Jones, aka “Devil Dog”.

usually i get everything in a snarl when i try to order things online but this was easy.

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Beezer, you trying to wrest away DMK’s COTH BB Nobel Peace Prize with this feigned patience and understanding? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thank you Heidi… snif… someone needs to keep the riff raff away from my award.

DMK putters off into the shrine and mutters “here Nobel sweetikins, let mommikins dust and shine you again…”