Time to order Chronicle caps!

Hah! SoEasy has the wussiest firewall known to mankind!!!

havaklu, didn’t I TELL you to bring your laptop to work? But I think we can work out a contingency plan if necessary

DMK is safely ordered and taken care of. Now I can add it to the 800 other ballcaps I own and try to give equal time to (don’t want to show favoritism, you know)

havaklu, maybe I was the only one that got that reference, but I believe it is “bueller” (as in Ferris, for the rest of you folks )

800 you say? I would estimate my collection at over 50 - but I’m NOT exagerating either…

I just ordered mine too-can’t wait for it now! Which one did you guys choose? I went for the green and tan combo


Its obvious to everyone that you have a very intimate knowledge about me. For how else you could know that I required the XXXXXXXXXXL size?

Really, I’d appreciate it if you kept our torrid, erotic and downright exotic affair off the BB.

Alice doens’t like you anymore either She wants to go live at ETBW’s new barn.

I fell to their combined Canuck guilt trip sorrow. Now Grizzles is looking at me “Can I wear MY cap in the RV this weekend?”

Poor Grizzles, no cap for sweet doggy, no weekend trip in the RV. WHAT? GGRRRR!!!

That can’t be my sweet Grizzles!

I can’t believe it… almost 47 years old and a groupie for the very first time…

and was there a monogrammer at the trade fair so that you could have your screen-name added? great big letters “PORTIA”

Hats off to you, Erin!

As soon as Erin finishes her epic on swimming with dolphins (which should have been finished, erm, about 4 hours ago), she will try to track down a hat status report. Patience, please.

yep! As long as i get it before then I’ll be wearing it…can’t wait till next weekend, should be fun. I am carrying one of the flags in the opening ceremonies and was practicing last night…needless to say it was quite interesting. Sad thing was the three year w,t,c with the flag no problem but the eighteen yr old thought it would kill her…so now who do i take…the old “steady” mount or the one who could care less about the flag but is guarenteed to throw a few(or more) rodeo bucks for the hell of it? i’ll see you there!

“There are times when you can trust a horse, time when you can’t, and times when you have to.”

How much does Gofer cost?! I wanna order him!


Princess Kelsey

let her order a cap

It won’t let her play internet radio stations anymore, but it doesn’t know the Chronicle site is equivalent to the evil empire … shhhhhh DO NOT TELL!!!

DMK, I learned my lesson in my battle with Heidi over Merry’s crown … I do not try to wrest anything away from anyone anymore… except Merry. But sigh … I DO so want some kinda prize.

Beezer stalks her mailbox, restless in her anticipation of the COTH hat delivery. She peers into the deep recesses … DANG, NO HAT. She wanders away … only to circle immediately back, thinking, maybe I missed it? Maybe the mail hasn’t come yet?? DANG! NO HAT! She walks away, dejected. But then she brightens. For she realizes that tomorrow is another day!

800 caps DMK?

What, do they have their own closet?

I am bumping this back up.

Those of you who are only now getting around to ordering a cap must know of the agony we suffered to be in the first batch!

BTW: Mr.Wings and ETBW’s caps are embroidered on the NEAR side! The vendors at Upperville put up a fuss but Mr. Wings gave them what for

Especially since this topic only came up a short time ago. Ordering process was easy and painless. First time on-line ordering - had to wait for a great item, ya know!!! Ok, so I’m really showing my age and computer illiteracy!

Now to get the upstate NY group together for a meeting of the greatest minds on the board. Ha Ha. Remember we have Dru!!!


Green & tan, too Smart Alec. My only other cap, my UVA cap is all khaki (with the required blue & orange), so I need some variety in my cap collection. Can’t wait.

I just ordered mine, but notice the post had been viewed over 800 times. Oh, well, I’ll still love it when it arrives!

Better you as babysitter for my precious Sumo than LearningtoLevitateJumpTheMaggotOolaBoola.

Though, let me do some mental math - in 2008, assuming we get the Olympics, Sumo will be 10, hopefully out of diapers, and thus should be a breeze. I will, of course, only reach my 28th birthday that year.

Shall have to buy a new mansion for the occassion with a wing per person; and a washing machine in Kellybird’s.

Wings I do hope you drive on down for a visit before 2008, though.