Time to order Chronicle caps!

Let us know when you do polo shirts!!!

We Want Pictures!
We Want Pictures!!!

Would you buy a horse sight unseen? Those of us who willingly bought these caps, would like to know what to expect in the mail.

Thank you all!!

Now, how about a contest:

-photo of cap farthest from Middleburg, VA?

-photo of cap worn in most unusual place or circumstance?

-photo of cap bearing most screen names?

-photo of youngest/oldest wearer?

How about some more suggestions??

First prize could be a cap!!

Beezer, you trying to wrest away DMK’s COTH BB Nobel Peace Prize with this feigned patience and understanding?

There will be none left for us Heidi! I just know it!

No hat for Jair

Yep, Quinn, I got the go-ahead to do order forms for Canadian/overseas orders… I just have to find time to do it! (Tuesday is deadline day and I’ve been slaving over my swimming-with-dolphins epic. )

Since I guess shipping costs will depend on where exactly you live, what we’re going to do is take your orders and give you the option to be emailed with the actual shipping cost before your credit card is charged. (It will just be the shipping cost – no handling fee or anything.)

I don’t think I’ll have time to do the forms tonight, but hopefully tomorrow. You can expect to be able to order by Friday.

And for anyone who missed my post yesterday, if you wanted more hats than you ordered the first time around, you’re welcome to go ahead and order to your heart’s desire! They brought lots of hats back from Rolex, and if those run out, they’ll just order more.

Heidi and Jair get caps. Heidi lives closest to the equestrian venue so HEIDI gets to pick which cap!

The near side is nice…

One for Wicky, and one for the stepchild.

The “Near” side is the left side of the horse. That is the side that everyone sees as you drive by wearing your wonderful Cap!

Hay, first time ordering online for me, too
Is Ebay next? Now, to find the horse…


Aww, poor Jair, you’re only getting one measly cap from MAZZY? She’s getting me 47.