Time to order Chronicle caps!

Of course they have their own closet, Jair!! Silly boy!!

OK, havaklu - 800 is perhaps a wee exaggeration, but how many people do you know with 5 - count 'em - 5 DIFFERENT Hadfields hats?

Thank you thank you thank you Gopher and Erin. I can feel my arm fixing so much faster now!!

I’m feeling so Sonny and Cher, so Steve and Edie, and a tad Tom and Nicole before the break-up; but mostly, I’m feeling like Fonzie and Pinky Trocadero.

What most distinguishes Jair and I, though, from all of these famed couples is…COTH caps (!!), ordered for us by ETBW who cares most about her friends who live near the 2008 Olympic Games’ equestrian venue, but otherwise overlooked by Erin.

Oh yes, now that the order form is safely online, I can share the story of ETBW’s deviousness… she’s been taking lessons from those tricky Canadians, methinks.

Bright little Ms. ETBW calls up the Chronicle yesterday, and asks for Gofer. Now, the real Gofer is Tricia’s JRT, so sweet Theresa the receptionist was rightfully a bit confused. “He’s not here today,” she replied politely, probably wondering what kook was calling for a dog.

So ETBW proceeded to try to wrest the cap information from Theresa, who, like a good secret agent, was able to feign ignorance and keep the hat info under her hat.

(Okay, in reality, Theresa had no idea what ETBW was talking about… the hats hadn’t arrived yet, and she didn’t know they existed!)

But being the nice lady that she is, Theresa dutifully took down ETBW’s credit card number and shipping information, and promised to send a hat off as soon as they were unpacked.

So, thanks to her quick thinking and investigative skills, Ms. ETBW was the very first orderer of a COTH Cap! For your award, you get… well, a COTH cap. Imagine that.

Oh! And did I mention she tried to bribe Gofer to have her hat sent first, and NOT to the Winglet!

Those Virginians sure are tricky…

[This message was edited by Erin on Apr. 27, 2001 at 10:42 PM.]

Well i’ll bring her breakfast (ie: whatever the hell she wants at that given moment) in bed, lunch in the back-massaging arm chair I buy her and dinner wherever she pleases, I pay for most of my showing and some of my barn stuff, and since i’m just a tiny bit taller and younger than she is, ill buy her all new clothes/shows/accessories and whatever she wishes since mine won’t fit her. Actually no…this is to the mom who adopts me. Heidi already had her chance but she blew it. I’m not good enough apparantly.

Thank you Erin, Thank you Gofer, Thank you COTH

well - long ago = 4 days ago

seems like a long time though

thanks E

Now if I could just get hold of Cookie and Custers FIRST book.

Big hug from me. I LOVE green hats!

Maybe Gofer could deliver our hats!!

Notice how I am not moaning about the delay between the ordering and the sending of the hats. I know the COTH folks had a busy, busy, busy few days. No, not moaning. No moaning here.

I about burst into tears when the dreaded “error” message appeared -

My Fax has been sent - hopefully there is paper in the COTH fax machine.

How’s that for developing a contingency plan on short notice? DMK?

Any news yet on Canadian shipping costs etc? Not meaning to be pushy but just to let you know, our credit cards work equally well!!!

Silly Mommy, my hat-saviour! I’m sure beast child would be only too happy to forfeit her hat for her MIL. I’m gonna email you my address, you email me yours and I’ll get a check to ya.

Though, must admit, I feel kinda bad taking a hat from a child…though, not badly enough.

BB’ers should embroider above the COTH logo on the back?

Or could it be done on the “near” side?

preferences? anyone? buehler?

Beezer was bad. Beezer admits it. She ordered two! But she has a gallant excuse: One is for my and Merry’s cousin, Katey, who posts here when she can get a break from her two kids and the, ahem, “upheavals” of her pregnancy. So is Beezer forgiven? It was a noble double-dipping!

And a big, hearty THANKS to Erin, Gofer, the COTH, the people who made the caps and everyone else who fulfilled our wildest dreams of getting our cool caps!

Awww, thanks for posting the link to my “how long did it take” thread.

Ok – stupid question of the day. What do you mean the NEAR side of the cap? Heaven forbid I should get it embroidered on the wrong place should I ever find my cap.

My gosh, I thought I was bad. I have about 50. Have to coordinate with the golf shorts, you know. And then there are the ones for horse shows, bumming around the lake, etc. Whenever I go on a trip, I pick up a new hat, like some people do with t-shirts. Mine do have their own closet, BTW. But 800!!! They’d have to have their own house!

Good to hear that Mazzy! But where is my free hat? Hope you ordered it already

Just because I was bright enough to call ahead and place an advance order for one of each for ME and (Hmmm, Mr. Wings or Winglet? - Winglet is annoying but Mr. Wings took it upon himself to incorrectly measure out MADDIE’S FEED! )

Following up with the Mom trick of silencing the pitiful, heart wrenching cries of Heidi and Jair by ordering another two caps on line (you know I was dying to use the “specially made for us by Erin” form).

Please, oh, please, Cap vendors, send me ALL four caps, I daren’t disapoint those whose favors I am pandering and will be EXTREMELY unhappy to find myself explaining to Miss Maddie if I fail to appear properly adorned for her next photo opp!

ROTFLMAO! Wingsy, you are my new hero, you crafty thing you!

Darling Kellybird, it has been my observation that the vertically-challenged cannot wear Armani. Thusly, I have invested in Montana, Romeo Gigli, Issey Miake, and Price Roman, a local T.O. designer. As for Manolos, darling I have a size four foot.