Time to order Chronicle caps!


Hat form went online Friday at noon.

By Monday, around 70 or 80 orders had been placed… had to be printed out, credit card numbers run through, etc.

Tuesday, hats are being packed into mailing envelopes by the Chronicle’s lovely intern.

Wednesday, hats go in the mail at the Middleburg Post Office.


better than many commercial sales entities

  • and now we are at the mercy of the post office

{now for myself, it is a good thing that they are coming via US mail - delivery services tend to like to drop packages inside the second gate, which to my puppy means that they are delivering a chew toy for him - better that my cap is left in the mailbox}

25 orders so far… see, they may not sell out instantaneously. There will still be caps left for Jair and Heidi!

I will try very hard to get information on Canadian shipping ASAP!

I’ll have mine in time for KY - AND the first stop will be Personalized Products so I can have my SN embroidered on it.

Where shoudl the embroidery go - I thought somewhere it said the back was already taken with www.chronofhorse.com

Actually, we don’t get enough sunshine in NY to give a lab rat skin cancer!


I would like to report that I ordered my hat a few weeks ago and it came very quickly. Of course I don’t wear it much as I have naturally curly, short hair and we are talking serious hat hair!!!

But I will have a photo to share when I get my film developed.

“The older I get, the better I used to be.”

Ohhhhhh, thank you Erin! Can’t wait to get it!!!

Thank you so much for making these hats - I can’t wait to get it!!

you never know, we might like that Erin

I do clean tack…very well I might add. I spitshine field boots–even do the tongues under the laces and can get the scurf out of the split between upper and sole…I am quite all-purpose. And actually, I have spoken with the Winglet via instant messenger–shall I instruct him as to how to wash his own clothes?

And unfortunately, yes, the Chem SAT. I’m only in 10th grade–I’m too young to die! This is what I get for taking honors and AP classes. Oh well, some college somewhere had better appreciate what I’m doing. Stanford, Stanford, are you listening?

heidi–might I possibly get a washer and 2 dryers in my wing of the castle…makes everything go sooo much quicker, and well, who likes horse hair in their [mashine washable] toques and/or thongs?
<and you may want to readjust your math calculations…if you would turn 28 in ten years…well, let’s just say you would’ve had your child before I get my driving permit. Just doing a little too much mental math here. >

KBird…reiner-in of the JR Clique. It’s a thankless job.

Who wants breakfast in bed…when I bring heidi large bowls of Cherry Garcia/Phish Food/flavor of the moment to her TV chair…vaccuum, clear and set tables, set fences for out-of-lesson lessons-lol, pay for 1/2 of all my riding gear [aside from show things], provide hints on the Sunday NY Times crossword puzzles–or whatever the Canadian equivalent might be, I can adjust my spelling to suit the northern tongue–theatre, labour…and well, I’m about heidi’s size, so I will share my Armani and Blahniks etc.

I am just special, what can I say?

Thank you!!

Hey, go bug Melinda… she not only was able to go to Rolex, but already has her COTH cap! (Of course, if all my beasties weren’t puncturing themselves on things and coughing up gobs of stuff, I’d have been there too, but that’s a whole 'nother thread…)

Melinda had to drive back from Ky., but maybe she managed to snap some good pix. If nothing else, I’ll get Gofer to take some photos of the hats so everyone can see what they ordered.

My order isn’t going through.

Jreventer, does that mean I can look for you in your hat at Brookhill?

He’s cute, put him on the payroll!

Can’t wait, I’ll bring a camera. Maybe we’ll be the first with pics.

And now that my cap’s ordered, I’m off to lunch.

Now if darling Gofer (the real one) had been at the COTH booth at Rolex, they would have gotten much more traffic than they did just by showing those videos and having a nice couch to sit on.

I did order 2, but the beast needs to be identified as well. I will give it up to the highest bidder.

Just Kidding!!! If anyone can’t get one, and is bent about it, just email me, and I’ll gladly send you hers–she and I can share for awhile…

As I sit here, hat in hand, the back does have the COTH addy embroidered in an arc over the pony tail opening. However, there should be room for board names above that.

One of each. BUT - one is a GIFT, so I will pick the one I like best and give the other as said gift.

Cap pics from Mr. Wings

Several BBers have posted them,too.

Other fun cap related threads:

How long did it take you to get your cap?

Dublin’s cap

Jair and his handsome COTH cap

The race out west