Stella, my lease mare, has become progressively more aggressive to handle, and her owner is considering euthanizing her - but I feel like we’re missing something.
To preface: Saddle Fit - checked, Ulcers - treated (twice), X-rayed - everywhere (no notable findings), Bloodwork - all of the tests & again, no notable findings…
We have TRIED to try: chiro, Magna wave, massage… etc., but she will not tolerate these people coming near her, even drugged, and I’m not going to ask anyone to put themselves at risk for her.
She is on regumate & vitamin e.
History: Stella is a 14 year old grade mare (most likely tb/wb x)… was once a jumper schoolmaster with miles of ribbons and a record to back it up, was sold to the wrong people & then purchased by her current owner as a project, but she found out she was pregnant shortly after, so has been feed leasing her to me.
On crossties & in her stall, she is intimidating at best & dangerous at worst. She will aggressively - intentionally & with purpose - bite, kick & move into your space. Tacking her up is stressful for anyone involved. Ears pinned if you even look at her.
On the ground otherwise, she is fairly pleasant. Not the kind of mare you can cuddle or dote on, but will stand/walk with you in a pleasant way, with ears forward.
Under saddle, she is the schoolmaster her owner wanted, until she’s not… she is one of those really talented, crafty mares that will roll all the punches - kick, spin, buck combo? rear & spin, then takeoff combo?
Rear, launching buck, rear combo?
I mean… she’s incredibly athletic… I’ll give her that.
Sometimes (key word) you can get her through her “not wanting to work” patches by changing pace (ride in a different ring, get off and get back on, jump a little x and then go back to flatting…etc).
The mare LOVES to jump & is extremely adjustable & pleasant to jump around. Sometimes though, if you walk too long between courses, she’ll call it quits and insert one of her famous combos into the lesson.
I really do love this mare, and I have been so grateful to have such a cool teacher. But man are there difficulties in between. Of a 7 day week, I am lucky to get 1 or 2 rideable days.